Value-Added Products (VAP)

Many of the scientific needs of the ARM Climate Research Facility are met through the analysis and processing of existing data products into "value-added" products, or VAPs. Despite extensive instrumentation deployed at the ARM sites, there will always be quantities of interest that are either impractical or impossible to measure directly or routinely. Physical models using ARM instrument data as inputs are implemented as VAPs and can help fill some of the unmet measurement needs of the ARM Facility or improve the quality of existing measurements. In addition, when more than one measurement is available, ARM also produces "best-estimate" VAPs.

All VAPs produce c1 level output files, while newer VAPs, which have been updated to the ARM quality control standards, produce both c1 and s1 output files (see ARM file naming conventions). The s1 files are summary files that contain a subset of the c1 file variables (generally the primary variables), have simplified quality control flags, and have known 'bad' values set to missing data. When available, s1 files are the recommended file for the general user.

VAPFull NameSite(s)StartEnd
aerinfAERI Noise FilteredNSA, PGH, SGP, TWP2004.01.122012.09.06
aeriprofAERI Profiles of Water Vapor and TemperatureSGP1996.06.142012.04.30
aerosolbeAerosol Best EstimateSGP2001.01.012011.12.31
aipAerosol Intensive PropertiesFKB, GRW, HFE, NIM, NSA, PGH, PYE, SGP1990.01.012012.03.26
aodAerosol Optical Depth, derived from MFRSR/NIMFRFKB, GAN, GRW, HFE, NSA, PYE, SBS, SGP, TWP1997.02.082012.03.31
armbeARM Best Estimate Data ProductsNSA, SGP, TWP1994.01.012012.12.31
arsclActive Remotely-Sensed Cloud LocationsNSA, SGP, TWP1996.11.072011.03.23
baebbrBest-Estimate Fluxes From EBBR Measurements and Bulk Aerodynamics CalculationsSGP1993.07.042012.08.30
befluxBest-Estimate Radiative FluxSGP1995.05.192012.09.07
bsrncalcBaseline Solar Radiation Network (BSRN): calculated solar irradiancesSGP1993.10.091994.08.13
diffcorCorrection of Diffuse Shortwave MeasurementsNSA, SGP, TWP1993.09.012001.06.19
gvrpwvG-Band Vapor Radiometer Precipitable Water VaporNSA2006.09.282012.09.11
lblLine-By-Line Radiative Transfer ModelSGP1993.12.082005.01.08
lssondeMicrowave Radiometer-Scaled Sonde ProfilesSGP1994.04.112012.09.07
mergesondeMerged SoundingFKB, GRW, HFE, NIM, NSA, PYE, SGP, TWP1996.07.152012.02.28
mfrsrcldodCloud Optical Properties from MFRSR Using Min AlgorithmSGP1997.08.212012.06.06
microbaseContinuous Baseline Microphysical RetrievalNSA, SGP, TWP1996.11.082011.03.22
mmcrmodeMMCR mode moments, derived by ARSCL processNSA, SGP, TWP1996.11.082011.03.23
mplavgMPL: data averaged to fixed 30 second interval, e.g. for polarized dataFKB, GRW, HFE, NSA, PGH, SGP, TWP1990.01.012011.08.17
mplcbhCloud Base Height from MPL Using Scott-Spinhirne AlgorithmSGP, TWP1994.04.102001.03.10
mplcmaskCloud mask from Micropulse LidarFKB, GAN, GRW, HFE, NSA, PGH, SGP, TWP1990.01.012012.09.07
mplnorNormalized Backscatter Profiles from the Micropulse LidarSGP, TWP1996.05.012004.05.11
mwravgMicrowave Radiometer Averages in 1- and 5-Minute IncrementsNSA, SGP, TWP1993.10.092007.06.04
mwrretMWR RetrievalsFKB, GAN, NSA, SGP, TWP1990.01.012012.09.05
qcradData Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation DataFKB, GAN, HFE, NIM, NSA, PGH, PYE, SGP, TWP1993.09.012012.06.10
qmeaerilblComparison of Statistics or Clouds data from AERI vs. LBLRTM Model runsNSA, SGP, TWP1993.12.082007.06.06
qmelwfluxComparison of Longwave Flux Data from AERI and LBLRTM vs. pyrgeometerSGP2001.04.022003.04.16
qmemwrcolComparison of Water in the Column from MWR vs. Instrument ModelNSA, SGP, TWP1993.10.112004.07.05
ripbeRadiatively Important Parameters Best EstimateSGP2002.03.012007.07.31
rlprofRaman LIDAR Vertical ProfilesSGP, TWP1998.03.012012.09.05
rwptempRWP-Based Virtual Temperature ProfileSGP1995.12.152006.05.14
sfccldgridSurface Cloud GridSGP1997.01.012009.11.25
sirosopdepthOptical Depth from SIROS instrumentsSGP1990.01.011990.01.01
sondecalcBalloon-borne sounding system (BBSS): recalculated wind/pressure/temp/RHSGP1990.01.012001.01.03
surfspecalbSurface Spectral AlbedoSGP2003.12.132012.05.07
swfluxanalShortwave Flux AnalysisNSA, SGP, TWP1993.09.012012.07.28
toacessTop of atmosphere (TOA): radiative flux data, after R. CessSGP1994.08.081994.12.11
twrmrTower Water-Vapor Mixing RatioSGP1996.09.102012.09.07
wsicloudWhole Sky Imager Cloud ProductsNSA, SGP, TWP1995.09.202004.01.12
ProductFull NameSite(s)StartEnd
AEROSOLBEAerosol Best EstimateNSA2004.02.012005.01.31
BBHRPBroadband Heating Rate Profile Project (BBHRP)SGP2000.03.012006.02.28
MWRRETMWR Retrievals of Cloud Liquid Water and Water VaporFKB, GRW, HFE, NIM, PYE, SBS2005.02.012011.04.25
VARANALCMWG Data - SCM-Forcing Data, Cloud Microphysical Properties and Radiative Heating ProfilesHFE, NSA, SGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
CLDCLASSCloud Classification VAPSGP1999.01.012001.12.31
MPLCODMicroPulse LIDAR Cloud Optical Depth (MPLCOD)SGP1999.05.012004.05.14
RIPBERadiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (RIPBE)SGP2002.03.012007.06.30
ACREDARM Cloud Retrieval Ensemble DataNSA, SGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
CCNPROFCloud Condensation Nuclei Profile from Raman LidarSGP2006.09.152009.12.30
MMCGMapped Moments to a Cartesian GridSGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
INTERPSONDEInterpolated SondeGAN, SGP, TWP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
PBLHTPlanetary Boundary Layer HeightGAN, SGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
AMTAerosol Modeling Testbed[ N/A ][ N/A ]
QCECORQuality Controlled Eddy Correlation Flux (QCECOR)FKB, GRW, HFE, NIM, PYE, SGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
KAZRARSCLActive Remote Sensing of Clouds from Ka-band ARM Zenith RadarsGAN, SGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
CONVVConvective Vertical VelocitySGP2011.04.252011.05.23
VAPFull NameSite(s)StartEnd
abrfcArkansas-Red Basin River Forecast CenterSGP1994.06.242012.09.07
goes-uthUpper Tropospheric Relative Humidity from GOES Satellite DataSGP, TWP2002.10.012010.04.13
goeswaterWater Profiles from GOES Satellite DataSGP1999.01.012006.06.27
lbtm-minnisMinnis Cloud Products Using LBTM AlgorithmSGP, TWP1994.04.052003.08.31
precipretPrecipitation RetrievalsSGP2007.06.012007.06.30
ssmiSpecial Sensor Microwave/ImagerGEC1990.01.012009.12.31
suomigpsSuomiNet Global Positioning SystemGEC, SGP1970.01.012012.08.21
tdmadapAerosol Properties derived from TDMA MeasurementsSGP2005.10.072009.05.31
visstMinnis Cloud Products Using Visst AlgorithmNSA, PYE, SGP, TWP1990.01.012012.07.31
wpdngpsWind Profiler Demonstration Network GPSSGP1996.01.012012.09.11
Product NamePISite(s)StartEnd
ISCCP Cloud Data Around the ARM SitesHnilo, JustinFKB, NIM, NSA, PYE, SGP, TWP1992.01.012006.06.30
Barrow Radiation Data (2009 metric)McFarlane, SallyNSA2008.01.012008.12.31
AERI Data Quality Metric (AERI-QC)Turner, DavidSGP[ N/A ][ N/A ]
Preliminary Ka-SACR Ingested Data FilesJohnson, KarenSGP2011.06.092011.06.11
Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI)Cialella, AliceNSA, SGP2000.10.012003.05.02
Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)Cialella, AliceSGP1997.08.011997.08.01
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)Cialella, AliceNSA, SGP, TWP1992.07.15[ N/A ]