Programmatic Technical Assistance

The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) provides ongoing training and technical assistance (TA) to grantees to ensure that grant programs and their staff provide the best possible programming for adolescents. Training is intended to enhance the program staff's ability to respond to the emerging needs of the population served.

Visit the online Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) Resource and Training Center which provides training and technical assistance resources to organizations working with pregnant and parenting teens. The Resource and Training Center contains training and skill-building information as well as guides, tips and location-specific information to build the capacity of organizations supporting pregnant and parenting teens.

The files from general training webinars, training events, e-learning modules and conferences are provided for the use of grantees. Posting on the OAH website does not imply endorsement of opinions expressed by presenters and does not necessarily reflect the official views of HHS or OAH.

Last updated: September 17, 2012