E-Learning Modules

These modules are on the Office of Population of Affairs (OPA) website within the HHS.gov domain; please note that links will take users to the OPA site in a new browser window.

  • Introduction to Adolescent Trauma: This Adolescent Trauma module will provide an introduction to the dynamics of trauma experienced by adolescents and to promising and effective strategies to better serve these adolescents
  • Intimate Partner Violence: This module will provide an overview of adolescent intimate partner violence (IPV) to increase awareness and build skills for intervention strategies.
  • Adolescent Brain Development: The Adolescent Brain Development self-directed module will provide an introduction to the developing adolescent brain and techniques for communicating with adolescents that take into consideration these complicated and dynamic brain transformations.
  • Collaboration and Sustainability: This Collaboration and Sustainability self-directed module will provide an introduction to the value of collaboration and how it leads to innovation and collaboration among program partners.


The files from general training webinars, training events, e-learning modules and conferences are provided for the use of grantees. Posting on the OAH website does not imply endorsement of opinions expressed by presenters and does not necessarily reflect the official views of HHS or OAH.

Last updated: August 29, 2012