Health Awareness Months

In order to draw attention to health topics, governmental and non-governmental entities have designated certain months as specific health awareness months.  The following list of designated months may be of interest or use to individuals involved with adolescent health issues.

 Health Awareness TopicSponsoring Organization
JanuaryCervical Cancer Screening MonthFoundation for Women’s Cancer
 National Stalking Awareness MonthU.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women
FebruaryNational Children's Dental Health MonthAmerican Dental Association
MarchNational Talk with Your Kids about Sex MonthParenting Without Pressure
AprilAlcohol Awareness MonthNational Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
 Autism Awareness MonthAutism Society
 Child Abuse Prevention MonthOffice on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN) within the Children's Bureau
 Sexual Assault Awareness MonthNational Sexual Violence Resource Center
 STD Awareness MonthAmerican Social Health Association
MayNational Teen Pregnancy Prevention MonthOffice of Adolescent Health event
 Allergy / Asthma Awareness MonthAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America
 Mental Health Month, NationalMental Health America
 Suicide Awareness MonthSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender MonthPresidential Proclamation
 National Physical Fitness and Sports MonthPresident’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition
JuneNational Fresh Fruit & Vegetable MonthUnited Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Assoc.
JulyPurposeful Parenting MonthParenting Without Pressure
AugustChildren's Eye Health and Safety MonthPrevent Blindness America
SeptemberChildhood Cancer MonthAmerican Childhood Cancer Organization ( ACCO )
 Suicide Prevention WeekAmerican Association of Suicidology
OctoberCampaign for Healthier Babies MonthMarch of Dimes
 Child Health MonthUS Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal Health and Child Bureau
 Domestic Violence Awareness MonthNational Coalition Against Domestic Violence
 Family Health MonthAmerican Academy of Family Physicians
 Family Sexuality Education MonthPlanned Parenthood
 Mental Illness Awareness MonthAPA – American Psychological Association
 Stop Bullying MonthU.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education and Justice
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness MonthSIDS Alliance
NovemberAddiction Awareness MonthNational Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
 Child Safety and Prevention MonthNational PTA
 Great American Smokeout MonthAmerican Cancer Society
DecemberNational Stress-Free Family Holiday MonthParenting Without Pressure
Last updated: June 18, 2012