Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance

The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) provides both the OAH Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and ACYF Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies (PREIS) grantees with training and technical assistance (TA) to ensure quality evaluations are designed, implemented, analyzed, and disseminated. OAH offers evaluation TA through a variety of mechanisms including individual TA, group training, webinars, and written documents

Evaluation  Technical Assistance Webinars

June 23, 2011: Working Together: Program Staff’s Role in Effectiveness Evaluations
Slide Set 1, Slide Set 2, Transcript

February 15 and 17, 2011: Introduction to the TPP Evaluation TA Website

Evaluation Briefs 

July 2011: Evaluation Technical Assistance Brief

Evaluation Updates 

Evaluation updates are developed to share answers to commonly asked questions received from grantees.

December 2011: Evaluation TA Update #3

July 2011: Evaluation TA Update #2

January 2011: Evaluation TA Update #1

Evaluation TA Sharepoint Site

The TPP Evaluation TA Sharepoint website includes a schedule of upcoming events; discussion boards where grantees can post questions or comments; project documents such as evaluation instruments, reports, and training materials; and a way to request technical assistance.

Grantees and their evaluators can access the Evaluation TA Sharepoint site at https://www.TPPEvalTA.com.  If grantees have any SharePoint questions or want to add a user, contact Amy Margolis at Amy.Margolis@hhs.gov.

Last updated: September 13, 2012