U.S. Department of Justice

Report on Rape in Jails in the U.S. Based on Public Hearings and Review of Documentary Evidence by The Review Panel on Prison Rape: Findings and Best Practices

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jan. 13, 2009

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  • Report on Rape in Jails in the U.S. Based on Public Hearings and Review of Documentary Evidence by The Review Panel on Prison Rape: Findings and Best Practices

ANNOTATION: Findings are presented from hearings intended "to aid BJS [Bureau of Justice Statistics] in the identification of common characteristics of victims and perpetrators of rape [in jails]," and to also aid in identification of facility characteristics where rape incidence is high or low (p. 4). Four sections comprise this report: role of the Review Panel on Prison Rape; panel members and staff; Panel's 2008 jail hearings -- selection of jails invited to testify, identified common characteristics of victims and perpetrators of sexual violence, and common characteristics of jail systems with high or low prevalence of sexual assault; and best practices to lessen the risk of rape in U.S. prisons -- training of staff and inmates, classification, surveillance, reporting, investigation, prosecution, and relevant policies and practices.

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