MOST WANTED Transportation Safety Improvements
Federal Issues
Aviation Issues
Improve Oversight of Pilot Proficiency
Action Needed by
The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Evaluate prior flight check failures for pilot applicants before hiring.
  • Provide training and additional oversight that considers full performance histories for flight crewmembers demonstrating performance deficiencies.
Require Image Recorders
Action Needed by
The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Install crash-protected image recorders in cockpits to give investigators more information to solve complex accidents.
Improve the Safety of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Flights
Action Needed by The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Conduct all flights with medical personnel on board in accordance with stricter commuter aircraft regulations.
  • Develop and implement flight risk evaluation programs for EMS operators.
  • Require formalized dispatch and flight-following procedures including up-to-date weather information.
  • Install terrain awareness and warning systems (TAWS) on aircraft used for EMS operations.
Improve Runway Safety
Action Needed by
The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Give immediate warnings of probable collisions/incursions directly to flight crews in the cockpit.
  • Require specific air traffic control (ATC) clearance for each runway crossing.
  • Require operators to install cockpit moving map displays or an automatic system that alerts pilots when a takeoff is attempted on a taxiway or a runway other than the one intended.
  • Require a landing distance assessment with an adequate safety margin for every landing.
Reduce Dangers to Aircraft Flying in Icing Conditions
Action Needed by The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Use current research on freezing rain and large water droplets to revise the way aircraft are designed and approved for flight in icing conditions.
  • Apply revised icing requirements to currently certificated aircraft.
  • Require that airplanes with pneumatic deice boots activate the boots as soon as the airplane enters icing conditions.
Improve Crew Resource Management
Action Needed by The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Note: This issue was removed from the Most Wanted List on March 15, 2011.
Reduce Accidents and Incidents Caused by Human Fatigue in the Aviation Industry
Action Needed by The Federal Aviation Administration
  • Set working hour limits for flight crews, aviation mechanics, and air traffic controllers based on fatigue research, circadian rhythms, and sleep and rest requirements.
  • Develop guidance for operators to establish fatigue management systems, including a methodology that will continually assess the effectiveness of these systems.
Highway Issues
Prohibit Cell Phone Use by Motorcoach Drivers
Action Needed by
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
  • Prohibit commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders driving under the authority of the passenger-carrying or school bus endorsement from using a cellular telephone.
Require Electronic Onboard Data Recorders to Maintain Accurate Carrier Records on Driver Hours of Service
Action Needed by
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
  • Improve collection and maintenance of data concerning hours of service (HOS) of motor carrier drivers by requiring use of electronic onboard recorders (EOBRs).
Improve the Safety of Motor Carrier Operations
Action Needed by
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
  • Prevent motor carriers from operating if they put vehicles with mechanical problems on the road or unqualified drivers behind the wheels.
Prevent Medically Unqualified Drivers from Operating Commercial Vehicles
Action Needed by
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
  • Establish a comprehensive medical oversight program for interstate commercial drivers.
  • Ensure that examiners are qualified and know what to look for.
  • Track all medical certificate applications.
  • Enhance oversight and enforcement of invalid certificates.
  • Provide mechanisms for reporting medical conditions.
Prevent Collisions by Using Enhanced Vehicle Safety Technology
Action Needed by
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  • Reduce rear-end collisions through use of adaptive cruise control and collision warning system technologies.
Enhance Protection for Motorcoach Passengers
Action Needed by
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  • Redesign motorcoach window emergency exits so passengers can easily open them.
  • Issue standards for stronger bus roofs and require them in new motorcoaches.
  • Devise new standards to protect motorcoach passengers from being thrown from their seats or ejected when a bus sustains a front, side, or rear impact or rolls over.
Marine Issues
Require Safety Management Systems (SMS) for Domestic Vessels
Action Needed by
The U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Require domestic vessel operators to develop, implement, and maintain a systematic and documented SMS to improve their safety practices and minimize risk.
Reduce Accidents and Incidents Caused by Human Fatigue in the Marine Industry
Action Needed by
The U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Set working hour limits for mariners based on fatigue research, circadian rhythms, and sleep and rest requirements.
Rail Issues
Improve Transit Railcar Design
Action Needed by
The Federal Transit Administration
  • Provide adequate means for safe and rapid emergency responder entry and passenger evacuation.
  • Prevent the telescoping of transit railcars in collisions.
  • Remove equipment that cannot be modified to meet the new standards.

State Issues
Highway Issues Actions Needed by the States  
Improve Child Occupant Protection
  • Enact State laws requiring booster seats for young children up to age 8.
Map - Child Booster Seats Laws

Chairman Hersman's Remarks on Primary Seat Belt Enforcement and Child Occupant Protection

Enact Primary Seat Belt Enforcement Laws
  • Increase number of people who wear seat belts through stronger enforcement laws that • don’t restrict officers to observing another offense first.

Map - Primary Seat Belt Enforcement Laws

Chairman Hersman's Remarks on Primary Seat Belt Enforcement and Child Occupant Protection

Eliminate Distractions for Young Drivers
  • Prohibit use of interactive wireless communications devices by young novice drivers
  • Restrict the number of teen passengers traveling with young novice drivers.
  • Enact graduated driver licensing legislation.
Map - Graduated Licensing Laws
Map - Passenger Restriction Laws
Map - Wireless Communication Device Use Restriction Laws

Member Sumwalt's Remarks on Eliminating Distractions for Young Drivers

Eliminate Hard Core Drinking Driving
  • Enact legislation to reduce crashes involving repeat offenders who drink large amounts of alcohol, including:
  • Frequent, statewide sobriety checkpoints.
  • More effective measures (sanctions/treatment) for first time arrests with high blood alcohol concentration and repeat offenders.
  • Zero blood alcohol requirement for those already convicted of driving while intoxicated.
  • Administrative license revocation for refusing to take or failing an evidential test for alcohol.
  • Vehicle sanctions for DWI offenders to separate drinking from driving.
  • Elimination of plea-bargaining DWI offenses and programs that divert offenders and purge offense records.
  • DWI offense records retention for at least 10 years to identify repeat offenders.
  • Special sanction court-based programs such as DWI courts for hard core DWI offenders
Map - Hard Core Drinking Driving Actions Remaining

Member Rosekind's Remarks on Eliminating Hard Core Drinking and Driving

Improve Motorcycle Safety
  • Require that all persons shall wear a Department of Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218-compliant motorcycle helmet while riding (operating), or as a passenger on, any motorcycle.
Map - Motorcycle Helmet Laws Actions Remaining

Vice Chairman Hart's Remarks on Improve Motorcycle Safety