U.S. Department of Justice

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Its Application to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Research

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Mar. 28, 2011

Library ID

  • 024922


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  • 2011
  • 57 pages

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  • Cost-Benefit Analysis and Its Application to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Research

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Agencies wanting to compare the costs involved in implementing one program versus another will find this explanation of the use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) very useful. CBA cannot determine a program’s effectiveness in achieving specific outcomes; this is program evaluation. CBA does show the expected costs and benefits resulting from a program’s utilization. Sections of this report following a set of acronyms include: introduction and overview of cost-benefit analysis—difference between cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis, application to the crime prevention field, steps in conducting a cost-benefit analysis, defining the scope, determining benefits, tangible and intangible costs, determining costs, and limitation of cost-benefit analysis; evaluation of cost-benefit analysis; nine case studies; other Australian and New Zealand case studies; discussion and conclusion; and an appendix summarizing the nine case studies.

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