U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
A - Z Index:
Bemidji Area

Area Office Services

Office of The Area Director

Jenny Jenkins
Phone: 218-444-0452

Provides leadership, guidance, and support for federal functions, including, but not limited to I/T/U advocacy and management of health services including environment health delivery systems. Plans, develops and directs the Area Program within the framework of IHS policy in pursuit of IHS mission. Implement national policy and program requirements by interpreting policy in light of unique Tribal situations in the Area. Provide continued support and leadership through ad hoc or standing committee assigned in the implementation and/or promotion of business management strategic initiatives, project and standards of the Agency. Ensure the effective development and monitoring of administrative systems that will embrace regulatory controls and/or policy compliance, including the implementation of internal management controls to maintain the integrity of the Area programs. Conduct Tribal consultation activities with Tribal Leaders on current and emergent policy issues that will impact Indian communities and health delivery systems. Provide oversight and guidance to Contract Cost Support, Tribal Management Grant, Urban programs; and Affordable Care Act outreach activities. Supervise all Bemidji Area Federal employees' in compliance with EEO.


Agency Lead Negotiator

Deanna Dick
Phone: 218-444-0463

The agency lead negotiator represents the Agency in all Title I and Title V negotiations; Responsible for all administrative aspects of the Title V Compacts and Funding Agreements (FA). Implement aspects of, and provide technical assistance to ISDEAA as it pertains to Title I & V programs, functions, services and activities. Reviews reports and develops corrective action plans to improve the quality of services and address compliance issues.


Human Resource Division

Dawn Wilkie
Phone: 218-444-0473

Heather Parthapathy
Phone: 218-444-0487

The Human Resource (HR) motto is "Serving those who serve." They are dedicated HR staff that embraces this motto and the IHS mission. One of their tasks is to work more diligently to develop working relationships with managers/supervisors in meeting their needs and in reducing the hiring times. They strengthen their commitment to assist employees whether they are seeking to apply for positions or if they have questions about benefits and changes that are enacted. Assist with monitoring all regional activities, provides advice to top level management, and addresses policy issues. The HR work is key to providing quality health care to their clients.
Indian Health Service Human Resource Northern Plains


Division of Commissioned Personnel Support, Northern Plains Region (DCPS-NP)

Leah Dudley
Phone: 218-444-0462

CAPT Emily Williams
Phone: 605-226-7388

Tyson Peltier
Phone: 605-226-2747

Serve as point of contact regarding the PHS Commissioned Corps Personnel system in providing Commissioned Corps human resources and advisory services to Officers, supervisors, management, Headquarters, Tribal organizations, and other non-agency entities in the Northern Plains Region (Aberdeen, Bemidji, and Billings Areas), and other IHS Regions as needed.


Deputy Director Office of Administrative Management

Bryce Redgrave
Phone: 218-444-0453

The primary functions of this office is to provide leadership, direction, and supervision for the program service divisions, act as the principal liaison to the Northern Plains Regional Servicing Personnel Office, provide supervision for the three IHS Federal Service Units and upkeep the Shared Services Agreement with the Aberdeen Area. The four program service divisions include Budget/Finance (includes Business Office and Contract Health Service), Management Information Systems, Contracting, and Office Services. The office also supervises the Area Recruitment and Scholarship office.


Division of Contracting

William F Fisher
Phone: 218-444-0478

Provide acquisition management oversight, acquisition planning, implementation of inherent governmental functions including: federal commercial Sanitation Facilities and Facilities Construction, P.L 93-638 Title I Construction, P.L 93-638 Title I Health Care, Title V Urban Health and Urban Alcohol contracts, simplified acquisition, personal and non-personal services (PSC) contracts, and large contracts, as well as the HHS/IHS Government-wide Purchase Card Program. Other services include: Pre-proposal planning, Negotiations, Approval & Contract Award, Declination, Post Award, Audit Resolution, Evaluation & Partnership, and TA.


Area Finance Budget Office

Jeff Bingham
Phone: 218-444-0466

Provide support to the Area, Service Units, Tribes and Urban programs on financial management including program policy interpretation in budget formulation and execution, preparation of program planning and budgeting data and financial management of Tribal and urban grants and contracts. This includes supervision of the Business Office Coordinator and Contract Health Service Officer functions.


Health Resource Management Business Office Coordinator

Leslie Reece
Phone: 218-444-0509

This position provides technical assistance and consultation, on all aspects of Business Office administration, to Tribal Operating Units and Urban Programs. This involves interpretation of Business Office regulation, program functions, Area/local policy formulation, responding to inter-governmental inquiries on Business Office concerns, addressing beneficiary access issues, providing data collection/quality assurance, and responsibility for patient registration, 3rd party billing/accounts receivable, Business Office Liaison and program management.


Health Resource Management Contract Health Service Officer

Josie Begay
Phone: 218-444-0474

The Contract Health Service Officer is responsible to provide coordination, consultation, and technical assistance on Contract health Services (CHS) in support of the Indian Health Service and Tribal programs. This includes interpretation of CHS regulations, program functions, allocation methods, Area/local policy formulation, responding to inter-governmental inquiries on CHS concerns, addressing contact health service delivery area (CHSDA) and beneficiary access issues, CHS staff orientation, providing data collection/quality assurance, and responsibility for the CHEF, Unmet Need Services, CHS Appeals/Denials, act as CHS Liaison and overall CHS management.


Health Professions Recruitment PL94 437 Scholarship

Tony Buckanaga
Phone: 218-444-0486

Area recruitment program provides assistance to federal service units, Tribal and Urban programs in the recruitment of physicians, dentists, other clinical provider staff (i.e. nurse practitioner/physician assistant, podiatry), and allied health staff (i.e. pharmacists). Provide TA on the IHS Loan Repayment Program, Title 38, and credentialing and privileging of licenses health professionals. Coordinate of Area IHS scholarship program.


Division of Office Services

Bernice Belgarde
Phone: 218-444-0512

This division provides management support services by administering a widely diverse office services program for the Area Office, service units, OEHE, and field offices. Functions and services include directives and delegation; management for all supplies and records; reports for office services, service units, and the Area Office. Oversight is provided for GSA vehicle maintenance and scheduling. Travel management via Govtrip as the Area Lead Federal Agency Travel Administrator (FATA). Serve as Property Management Officer for personal property such as IT equipment and sensitive asset items. Serve as Supply Management Officer responsible for medical supplies property inventory and reporting. Printing/reproduction management; service contracts maintenance; manual maintenance; forms management; accountable forms management; GSA contact point, and laborer services. Other services include: consultation to services units and responsible for maintenance and oversight of all Area policies and the IHS manual.


Management Information Systems

Phone: 218-444-0536

The Management Information System Section provides consulting, planning, implementation, management and continued support of the Resource Patient Management System (RPMS), the Indian Health Service wide area network (WAN) and telecommunication needs (voice and data) of federal and Tribal health facilities in the Bemidji Area. Major functions provided for Tribal and federal health facilities include hardware and operating systems management, RPMS software verification, distribution and installation and support, Area ADP and telecommunications training, telecommunications network management, application development and management as well as research and development. Specific details of MIS primary responsibilities and consultant services will be provided upon request.


Statistical Health Planning

Jason Douglas
Phone: 218-444-0550

Health Statistics includes managing an Area-wide statistical information system through the collection, processing, analysis, and presentation of AI/AN mortality, natality, morbidity, and population & demographic data for the Bemidji Area. Other activities include coordination and analysis of data and preparation of reports on user population for the Area (CHSDA) request, development of annual Area reports on health status, and epidemiologic data analysis. Planning & Evaluation; forecasting future program requirements utilizing the IHS resource allocation methodology distribution techniques, and assisting Tribes in planning and evaluating health care delivery systems. Collaborate with Bemidji Area Tribes and service units in development and evaluation of master planning and feasibility studies.


Clinical Application Coordinator

Teresa Chasteen
Phone: 218-444-0542

The incumbent serves as a specialist/integrator in the implementation and ongoing support of multiservice clinical software applications used for the electronic health record. The position supports the daily interface between clinicians/medical staff and the electronic health record. The duties involve serving as the coordinator for deploying new portions of the electronic health record in specified clinical locations, consulting with the Chief Information Officer, IT staff, and clinical departments in customizing software and altering workflow processes in the daily operation of the electronic health record. Incumbent also works with other application coordinators with responsibility for a broad range of activities surrounding the implementation of a comprehensive, standardized integrated health care information system.

Incumbent implements and assists with processes with the Electronic Health Record and will serve as the primary trainer of clinical staff for Indian Health/Tribal/Urban (I/T/U) for the Bemidji Area for the entire range of application packages including Health Summary, Progress notes, etc.

Serves as the expert principle resource person to clinical service program managers and other management officials in resolving problems which may be confined to a single service or may extend across organizational service lines, involving the initiation, development and analysis of data, and preparation of recommendations resulting from special studies concerning problems of staffing, equipment, budget, cost containment, space, work simplification, report requirements, productivity, management information systems, etc.

Coordinates with National and Area IHS Programs to facilitate RPMS and RPMS EHR Trainings are scheduled based on customer needs.


Health Information Management Administrator

Phillip Talamasy
Phone: 218-444-0538

The functions of the HIM are to assist with policies and procedures for the maintenance of health records (both electronic and paper). The primary functions are to manage and provides assistance to Bemidji Area programs in the upcoming VistA Imaging, IDC-10 implementation, code set versioning, EHR archiving and storage policy, HIPAA and personal health record security.


VistA Imaging

William Daniels
Phone: 218-444-0553

The primary function is to service as the technical expert to support all Bemidji Area I/T/U facilities in the support, training and maintenance of VistA Imaging software and hardware. VistA Imaging is a highly specialized, FDA certified system that is used almost exclusively with in the VA and IHS. This includes Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), support of interfaces, diagnostic/clinical workstation requirements, and VistA Imaging software. Services provided are system maintenance, optimize performance and functionality, diagnose problems and provide customer assistance for technical issues, anticipant problems and initiate preventive or corrective actions. The VistA Imaging program is provided on a full cost recovery basis for all programs who wish to purchase the storage and staffing for EHR archiving.


Office of Clinical Support

CAPT Dawn Wyllie MD MPH
Phone: 218-444-0491

The Chief Medical Officer/ Deputy Director of Clinical and Health Services (CMO) provide executive direction, leadership, policy formation, advocacy, and program management regarding the delivery of health services. Also, serves as the principle advisor to the Area Director (AD) on medical, public health and professional matters. Responsible for coordination of Bemidji Area Commissioned Corp Officers emergency response and mobilization, as well as their deployments for PHS Office of Force Readiness and Deployment activations.


Office of Environmental Health & Engineering Director

Louis Erdrich
Phone: 218-444-0507

Provides leadership, program direction, and oversight including professional, technical and administrative support for the Divisions within the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEH&E). Divisions include Facilities Management (DFM), Environmental Health Services (DEHS) and Sanitation Facilities Construction (DSFC).


Division of Facilities Management Director

Todd Scofield
Phone: 218-444-0531

DFM Coordinates funding for Maintenance and Improvement (M&I) projects for the Bemidji Area Tribes. Funding is distributed by Headquarters, in bulk, to Areas by formula. Funding for program management is accomplished through Facilities Support Account. M&I resources are limited to funding for maintenance and repair of health facilities (real property). M&I funds are distributed to field sites based on an allocation methodology (University of Oklahoma formula). A fixed percentage of the M&I funds amount are included in the Area Pool and distributed competitively by project. M&I earmarks are determined according the annual Facilities Engineering Plan (FEP) and distributed or applied accordingly. Funding for program management is accomplished through Facilities Support Account (FSA). FSA also funds maintenance activities at the Federal Service Units. FSA funds support of the national health care facilities planning and construction program (engineering services (ES) support and health care facilities construction). Congress individually funds new health care facility projects and provides funds for Joint Venture and Small Ambulatory Grants. FSA funds program management for those projects.


Medical Equipment Management Program

Robert Allard
Phone: 218-444-0488

Management and support of health facilities which include the selection, acquisition, maintenance, and monitoring of patient care equipment's operation and functions. Services are delivered in accordance with the scope of services for the Medical Equipment Management Program. The funding methodology for the program scope of services derives from the tribally provided H&C Shares. Services are provided in two service levels:

Preventive Maintenance and Electrical Safety/Inspection Testing.

Repair, installation and other equipment related services. These may be provided in addition to basic preventive maintenance services. Costs to cover the additional work are largely associated with travel related to the services delivered beyond the preventive Maintenance program for equipment at the facility.

Also, funds to modernize or replace existing medical equipment or provide newer equipment in existing programs are provided in the Facilities Appropriation. These funds are allocated to Tribal and federal programs on a formula basis to supplement ongoing replacement of existing medical equipment.


Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction Director

Craig Morin PE
Phone: 218-444-0504

Coordinates funding for P.L. 86-121 sanitation facilities construction projects for the Bemidji Area Tribes. Funding is distributed by Headquarters, in bulk, to Areas through national needs-based program formula processes. Funding for program management is accomplished through Environmental Health Support Account - SFC.

Areas allocate funds to Tribes through individual projects prioritized through two prioritization systems: IHS Area sanitation deficiency systems (SDS) and housing priority systems (HPS). These prioritization systems have considerations that include Tribal priority, health impacts, feasibility, and need. Projects provide essential sanitation facilities including: 1) individual and community water supplies and facilities, 2) wastewater treatment and wastewater disposal facilities together with necessary appurtenances and fixtures and 3) solid waste collection and disposal systems for Indian homes, communities, and lands. Projects are executed in accordance with a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), which includes a mutually agreed upon project scope of work and methodology for funding. Funding for a constructed project can occur through provisions of the MOA, direct federal procurement, or in accordance with P.L. 93-638 Subpart J or N. IHS Construction project funds are provided as Regular funds through SDS or Housing Funds through HPS. IHS funds also include special and emergency funds. Through P.L. 86-121, funds may be included from other sources such as tribal, USEPA, HUD, USDA, etc.

The DSFC Program is funded through the Environmental Health Support Account (EHSA). The program includes engineering and project management support for water, wastewater and solid waste projects in the Bemidji Area and serves to allocate resources fairly among all the Tribes in the Bemidji Area. The Area DSFC program maintains Sanitation Deficiency system inventories (SDS) for existing Indian homes in accordance with the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. This includes confirmation of Tribal data and determination of O&M scoring levels to ensure project eligibility and scoring criteria are consistently and fairly applied to all Tribes in the Area, and advocating to Agency on regional issues impacting SDS.


Tribal Utility Consultants Program

Scott Snell PE
Phone: 218-444-0504

The Bemidji Area DSFC includes a Tribal Utility Consultant program that consists of the program manager at the Area level and three consultants, one in each state of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. These individuals perform the USEPA required sanitary surveys for drinking water systems, develop the SDS O&M scoring levels, provides professional advice and they are available to offer expert troubleshooting when problems occur. The underlying intent of the TUC program is to optimize the constructed project and extend the working life cycle of valuable infrastructure to the greatest extent possible.


Division of Environmental Health Services Director

Diana Kuklinski RS
Phone: 218-444-0148

The Environmental Health Program is also funded through EHSA. The DEHS is dedicated, through shared decision-making, to enhancing the health and quality of life of Tribal communities to the highest possible level by eliminating environmentally related disease and injury. Using evidence-based strategies and best practices, the DEHS prioritizes and implements a comprehensive environmental health program for AI/AN families and communities and to IHS facilities. The purpose of these preventive services is to identify environmental risk factors and provide technical assistance in their correction/mitigation. The program provides services in three broad categories: 1) general environmental health, 2) institutional environmental health, and, 3) community injury prevention.


Behavioral Health

Cleo Monette MSW LICSW
Phone: 218-444-0485

The Behavioral Health Consultant is responsible for facilitating the integration of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment and Preventive services at all levels of the Bemidji Area Indian Health Tribal/Urban (ITU) health care system while serving as advisor to the Area Director and Chief Medical Officer on behavioral health issues regarding American Indians/Alaska Natives. The BH Consultant also manages the Area Adolescent Treatment program as authorized under P.L.99-570.


Area Dental Officer

Dr. Brandy Larson DDS
Phone: 218-444-0468
Phone: 218-209-7918

Provide consultation and administrative support of Bemidji Area dental program and Tribal programs that are adding dental programs. This support includes lightening the administrative burden of dental chiefs, providing mentorship to dental chiefs, promoting public health and prevention measures, promoting processes that increase access to dental care, and assisting dental programs to improve productivity / efficiency, quality of care, and customer service. Assist programs with transitioning to electronic dental record, paperless records, and digital radiography.


Health Promotion/Disease Prevention

Michelle Archuleta
Phone: 218-444-0492

The Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) Area Consultant serves to help create healthier American Indian and Alaska Native communities specific to the Bemidji Area through a prevention focus. The primary function of the HP/DP Consultant is to develop and implement a strategic organization effort for preventing diabetes and other chronic diseases of lifestyle building area capacity for priority health promotion initiatives in collaboration with Area ITU programs.


Diabetes Program

Phone: 218-444-0491

The Area Diabetes Program has responsibility to develop, implement and evaluate appropriate diabetes prevention and treatment programs. These functions include diabetes surveillance, quality improvement, provider education, technical assistance, and liaison services. The Area Diabetes consultant serves as Project Officer for all diabetes grants.


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