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Recovery Act: Michigan Highlights


Since the enactment of the Recovery Act in 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has made more than $3.8 billion in stimulus funds available in the State of Michigan* for Community Health Centers, universities and other institutions in the State to provide fiscal relief, improve health care, expand access to health care services, provide child care and other social services for its most vulnerable citizens, establish the infrastructure for health information technology, and conduct scientific research.

This includes:

*The total funding in this document is based on the HHS Sept. 30, 2011, Financial and Activity Report (FAR) for the Recovery Act, available at the Department’s website,, except for FMAP, which is based on the Oct. 21, 2011, FAR and FMAP obligations of $376.2 million in Recovery Act funds extended by P.L. 111-226. The highlights are a selection of programs funded by the Recovery Act and do not add up to the total funding within the State. For more information about individual HHS programs and Recovery Act funding, see

Last Updated: November 29, 2011