2010 National DNA Day Online Chatroom Transcript

This is just one question from an archive of the National DNA Day Moderated Chat held in April 2010. The NHGRI Director and many genomics experts from across NHGRI took questions from students, teachers and the general public on topics ranging from basic genomic research, to the genetic basis of disease, to ethical questions about genetic privacy.

What are your greatest joys of researching genetics?
     Sarah Kalia: I am a graduate student in my second year of the NHGRI/Johns Hopkins Genetic Counseling Training Program. Before graduate school, I worked as a research assistant for a study investigating the psychosocial effects of genetic testing and counseling.  There is a lot that still has not been discovered about the way genes work and all of the factors that can change how genes function. I love that there is so much to learn. It keeps my job interesting! As a genetic counseling student, I also love working with patients, learning about what genetics means for them and for their families, and helping them use their family history and genetics to make decisions about their health care.
Surya Bangsa Elementary in Indonesia (8th grade student)

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