Today's Military:

Military Glossary

Sure Shots

Army National Guard recruits learn how to fire automatic weapons during the later stages of Basic Combat Training (BCT).

Sure Shots
Army National Guard

Army National Guard recruits learn how to fire automatic weapons during the later stages of Basic Combat Training (BCT).

Basic Training consists of ten weeks. During the first through third weeks, recruits become acclimated to the environment and develop teamwork skills. Weeks four through five include marksmanship training. Finally, during the sixth through ninth weeks, they take weapons training and participate in a Night Infiltration Course, a 10-kilometer foot march and a 15-kilometer foot march.

See All: Basic TrainingDrill SergeantPhysical Training

Related Items: Training

Weapons Training

Weapons Training

Pvt. Stephanie Patterson trains with an M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW).

  • Army Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Pararescue Jumper Training

Pararescue Jumper Training

A pararescueman takes a leap from an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter into the water. Pararescuemen can rescue individuals from almost anywhere.

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
An All-Around Workout

An All-Around Workout

During Army Basic Training, recruits develop endurance, strength and flexibility.

  • Army
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Week 7: Grass Week Recruit View

Week 7: Grass Week Recruit View (00:33)

Recruits learn the basics of weapons safety and marksmanship during grass week.

  • Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Diagnostic Imaging Training

Diagnostic Imaging Training (02:07)

The Air Force offers many options for medical careers, including diagnostic imaging, which involves taking X-rays and scans of the body.

  • Air Force
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Training for the Winter

Training for the Winter

Petty Officer 3rd Class Richard Heller, a boatswain's mate, demonstrates the heat escape lessening position during the station's annual wet drill training.

  • Coast Guard, Coast Guard Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Advanced Individual Training

Advanced Individual Training

After Basic Training, the next step for Soldiers is Advanced Individual Training (AIT), where they study for their specific jobs.

  • Army
  • Training
  • Enlisted, Officer
Ship to Shore

Ship to Shore

Marines disembark from a landing craft and prepare to move inland for an exercise.

  • Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Fire Protection Training

Fire Protection Training (02:06)

During technical training for fire protection, Airmen learn how to fight fires through simulations of hazardous situations.

  • Air Force
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Sailing Through the Storm

Sailing Through the Storm (03:05)

Petty Officer William Armstrong describes the intense training that goes into becoming a surfman for the Coast Guard.

  • Coast Guard, Coast Guard Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Mastering the Basics

Mastering the Basics

Army National Guard recruits crawl, climb, pull and jump their way through an obstacle course during Basic Combat Training (BCT).

  • Army National Guard
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Training at the Rifle Range

Training at the Rifle Range (01:02)

Marine Corps recruits at Parris Island, S.C., practice marksmanship during Recruit Training.

  • Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
CPR Training

CPR Training

Air Force recruits learn CPR during Basic Military Training (BMT).

  • Air Force Reserve
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Testing a National Guard Decontamination Team

Testing a National Guard Decontamination Team

Members of the Army National Guard participate in an exercise that evaluates their ability to rapidly establish decontamination sites and evacuate casualties.

  • Army National Guard
  • Training
  • Enlisted, Officer
Graduating from Basic Training

Graduating from Basic Training (01:25)

At the graduation ceremony following Basic Training, new Army Soldiers and their parents share their feelings.

  • Army
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Lead from the Front

Lead from the Front

A Marine officer prepares to lead his unit on a desert training mission.

  • Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
  • Training
  • Officer
Services Training

Services Training (01:50)

Airmen in the Services field learn how to keep their fellow servicemembers comfortable, whether they are on base or deployed.

  • Air Force
  • Training
  • Enlisted
Working with Local Governments

Working with Local Governments

Members of the Army National Guard perform a sweep on a bus during a training exercise.

  • Army National Guard
  • Training
  • Enlisted, Officer
Rappelling Recruits

Rappelling Recruits

A drill sergeant shows recruits how to attach a belay harness so they can begin rappelling.

  • Army
  • Training
  • Enlisted

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