United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The Power of Truth: 20 Years
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Todd Singer
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Lucja Frey Gottesman


A window into a forgotten life.

Todd and Kelley Singer’s donation of Dr. Lucja Frey Gottesman’s Fragebogen and their search give us a glimpse into the life, and possible fate, of one of the Holocaust’s many victims. As with most who died in the Holocaust, we will probably never know the exact circumstances of Frey’s death. This seemingly silent document, a bureaucratic form written in a foreign language, offered the window into an otherwise forgotten life and medical talent cut short by the Holocaust. Due to the generous donation by Todd and Kelley Singer we are able to reconstruct, with some confidence, at least a segment of Frey’s story. The discovery and investigation of artifacts like the Frey Fragebogen is precisely what makes the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s mission of Holocaust remembrance, education, and conscience a reality.

A birthday gift »
Woman and doctor.

Dr. Lucja Frey »
Renowned scientist and researcher into a medical condition that bears her name.

The occupation of Lvov, Frey’s hometown »
The arrest and disappearance of Lucja’s husband under Soviet occupation after World War II began; plunder, brutality, pogroms, isolation, ghettoization following the German invasion.

A physician in the ghetto »
Overcrowded living conditions, conscription for labor, rampant infectious disease, deportations to Belzec.

The fate of Lucja Frey Gottesman »
Only a small number were spared...

A window into a forgotten life.