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For answers to users' questions on MOVES, see our "Frequent Questions" page.

The EPA-MOBILENEWS Listserv is the best and most efficient way to get up-to-date information about EPA's mobile source emissions modeling and about the MOBILE, PART, NONROAD, MOVES, and NMIM models. We encourage everyone with an interest in these issues to subscribe.

Messages to the EPA-MOBILENEWS Listserv can be sent only by the EPA staff who manage the list. These messages are sent as needed, but in the past year have averaged about one message per month.

E-mail Updates

Sign up to receive e-mail updates on EPA's mobile source emissions modeling and about the MOBILE, PART, NONROAD, MOVES, and NMIM models.

Your e-mail address will then be added to the list of subscribers and a confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address. Whenever we post a message to the EPA-MOBILENEWS Listserv, a copy of that message will be sent to every person who has subscribed.

You cannot reply to messages sent to you by the Listserv and you cannot send messages to the others subscribed to the Listserv. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Listserv or any of the messages sent to you by the Listserv, please email us at "mobile@epa.gov".

You can remove yourself from the list by sending a blank email to us at "leave-EPA-MOBILENEWS@lists.epa.gov". This message must be sent from the same e-mail address that you used to subscribe.

Rules of Behavior for All Users

All users of EPA's Listserv mailing lists are expected to behave in an ethical and trustworthy manner. This means:

Failure to follow these rules may result in penalties, such as removal from the lists and loss of privileges.


MOBILENEWS subscribers may view an archive of messages that were sent to the mailing list. To view the archive, click here. You will be prompted to enter your subscriber email address and your password. If you do not remember your password, you can reset it here.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
For more: About Us | Get E-mail Updates | Browse the A to Z Subject Index.

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