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Alternative Fuel & Fleet Efficiency Program

The Alternative Fuel & Fleet Efficiency program works to increase the use of the alternative fuels, the purchase and lease of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), and the fleet efficiency of USDA's nationwide fleet in support of the goals of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) and Executive Order 13423: "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", and E.O. 13514: "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance." We serve as the point of contact between USDA agencies and the Department of Energy, working with USDA agency fleet managers to implement the AFV program throughout USDA.

  • E.O. 13423 requires federal agencies to achieve the following requirements:
    • Petroleum Conservation: Reduce petroleum consumption in fleet vehicles by 2% annually through 2015.
    • Alternative Fuel Use: Increase alternative fuel consumption at least 10% annually.

  • E.O. 13514 requires federal agencies to achieve the following requirements:
    • Petroleum Conservation: Reduce petroleum consumption in fleet vehicles 2% annually through 2015.
    • Requires agencies to develop greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

In an effort to achieve these transportation requirements of E.O. 13423 and 13514, USDA's Transportation Work Group will be responsible for developing policy proposals in the areas of: fleet management, including the increased use and purchase of alternative fuel, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles; petroleum reduction; and alternative fuel use. Significant efforts performed by the work group will position USDA to meet the increased alternative fuel use and petroleum reduction regulatory requirements.

USDA has over 42,000 fleet vehicles, mostly light trucks and sedans, located in cities, rural communities, and National Forests all across the country. These vehicles are used to support the Department's extensive and varied missions, including food safety inspections, agricultural research, fire suppression, and law enforcement. The complexity of USDA mission requirements and the overall size and nationwide dispersion of the fleet make meeting and striving to exceed federal target goals a challenging effort that requires the commitment of all our agency fleet managers.

More Information on USDA Alternative Fuel & Fleet Efficiency Programs

USDA Executive Fleet Vehicles:

USDA Alternative Fuel Vehicle Reports:

For Further Information, Contact:
Ms. Rhea Jack at 202-720-8616 or by email at