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EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities hosts a variety of webinars on smart growth topics. If you have questions about upcoming webinars, please email smartgrowth@epa.gov.

On Friday, Sept. 21, join EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities for an overview of free technical assistance available to communities through EPA's Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. This program provides short-term, targeted technical assistance to help communities implement smart growth development approaches, such as creating a green streets strategy, linking land use to water quality, or conducting a parking audit. This webinar will focus on assistance available directly from EPA and from four EPA grantees: ForTerra, Project for Public Spaces, Smart Growth America, and Global Green. Participants will learn about the types of assistance available and how to apply. EPA's call for letters of interest will be released the day before this webinar.

Webinar Details

Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, 1:00-2:30 Eastern https://epa.connectsolutions.com/epasmartgrowth Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
No pre-registration is required.
Call 1-888-850-4523. Participant passcode: 719661. This conference has a maximum audio capacity of 299 callers, so participants may wish to share lines.

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