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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5)

This DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5), posted before Commission approval of potential regulatory changes in this release, is provided as a service to our filing community to assist filers, agents, and software developers prepare for potential changes the staff anticipates. Since this is a draft specification, the SEC retains the right to change any part of the specification before the new system release is made final. In addition, the final EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification is subject to Commission approval and may be revised before approval or not approved at all. Similarly, the posting of the DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) does not indicate Commission approval of any pending proposed changes relating to the potential changes reflected in the draft specification. The changes outlined in this draft specification, if approved, are scheduled to take effect on December 17, 2007. The final version of the specification will be made available as and if approved by the Commission on or about December 17, 2007 on the SEC's Public Website.

The DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) provides, to those filers that are interested, a basis for creating XFDL filings without the use of the EDGARLink tool. Changes to the DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) are being made primarily to support the amended rules and forms adopted by the Commission to address (1) the electronic submission on EDGAR of applications for orders under any section of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Regulation E filings by Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC's) and Business Development Companies (BDC's) and (2) Smaller Reporting Company regulatory relief and simplification.

A summary of the changes are as follows (please refer to the appendices that appear in the XFDL specification for details):

Template 1

  1. In order to support allowing a filer to declare they are a Small Reporting company, the new SubFiler_smallBusinessFlag field is allowed for the following submission types:
    S-1, S-1/A, S-1MEF, S-3, S-3/A, S-3D, S-3DPOS, S-3MEF, S-8, S-8POS, S-4, S-4POS, S-4/A, S-4EF, S-4EF/A, S-4MEF, S-11, S-11/A, S-11MEF

Template 3

  1. The following submission types were added to Template 1 to support (1) the electronic submission on EDGAR of applications for orders under any section of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Regulation E filings by Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC's) and Business Development Companies (BDC's):
    1-E, 1-E/A, 1-E AD, 1-E AD/A, 2-E, 2-E/A, 40-APP, 40-APP/A, 40-6B, 40-6B/A, 40-OIP, 40-OIP/A
  2. The following additional submission type is allowed in the SubTable_submissionType_ field:
    1-E, 1-E/A, 1-E AD, 1-E AD/A, 2-E, 2-E/A, 40-APP, 40-APP/A, 40-6B, 40-6B/A, 40-OIP, 40-OIP/A
  3. In order to support allowing a filer to declare they are a Small Reporting company, the new SubFiler_smallBusinessFlag field is allowed for the following submission types:
    10-K, 10-K/A, 10-KT, 10-KT/A, 10-Q, 10-Q/A, 10-QT, 10-QT/A, 10-12B, 10-12B/A,10-12G,10-12G/A

There are two components to the draft specification. The first is the specification itself, which contains details about the release, general instructions on the templates, general rules about the XFDL file being created, and specific rules on the XFDL nodes containing data elements. It also includes information regarding the content of the appendices and some sample documents. The appendices document gives specific requirements for each form type. You may download the DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) by clicking the following links. To assist filers in the identification of the draft changes, redlined versions have been provided.

*   Download the DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) (PDF File)
*   Download the DRAFT EDGAR XFDL Technical Specification (Version 5) Appendices (Microsoft Excel file)



Modified: 11/16/2007