R 171337Z APR 12 ALCGENL 068/12 SUBJ: OFFSEASON SOLICITATION FOR MKC ONBOARD THE CGC ALEX HALEY A. COMDTINST M1000.8 1. CGPSC-EPM-2 is soliciting candidates to fill the MKC position onboard CGC ALEX HALEY. 2. The selected member will be assigned a report date of 15JUL12 with a plus or minus 30 days order note. 3. Individuals who are currently sitting in an EPO position or in receipt of AY12 orders will not be considered. 4. Candidates must successfully screen for Overseas Duty IAW REF A and include the statement prescribed in article 1.H.2.a.2 in your email request. 5. Interested candidates should forward their request via e-mail through their chain of command to the below POC NLT COB 27APR12 with the subj line: "CGC ALEX HALEY MKC OFFSEASON FILL." The command's e-mail shall include a statement that the member complies with COMDT's Weight Standards and the unit's backfill requirement. 6. Members that are in double encumbered positions or currently sitting on an advancement list should strongly consider the above position. Select and direct orders will be issued NLT 01MAY12 if no viable candidates are identified. 7. POC: CWO Cash Haggerty at casher.w.haggerty(at)uscg.mil. 8. Internet release authorized.