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Health Tip: Are You Overtraining?

Performance decline is a primary symptom
(*this news item will not be available after 11/14/2012)

By Diana Kohnle
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Related MedlinePlus Page

(HealthDay News) -- When it comes to exercise, as with any other activity, it's possible to overdo it.

The American Council on Exercise says if you feel more exhausted than energized after a workout, you may be overtraining. The council offers these additional potential warning signs:

  • Seeing a decrease in performance.
  • Experiencing a loss of coordination.
  • Having headaches, stomach aches or other gastrointestinal problems.
  • Having frequent infections and more frequent muscle or bone injuries.
  • Having an elevated resting blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Having tenderness or soreness in the muscles.
  • Losing appetite or having trouble sleeping.

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Page last updated on 17 August 2012