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Cooperative Publishing

GSA's Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies assists federal agencies in the development, promotion, and distribution of helpful consumer publications. Through the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, an innovative cooperative publishing program encourages the federal government and the private sector — including foundations, trade associations and individual companies — to collaborate and create timely consumer publications.

Advantages to cooperative publishing include:

  • Pooling available resources (staff time, expertise, and budget);
  • Combining business and government views and experience on topics of mutual interest;
  • Expanding distribution and recognition through an increased number of media outlets
  • Building an educated consumer/customer base;
  • Engaging in a positive partnership with your federal/ private sector counterpart;
  • Building consumer confidence in your company, trade association or agency.

The Federal Citizen Information Center actively seeks opportunities for government/industry collaboration and helps agencies identify appropriate and interested corporate partners.

Criteria for cooperative publications:

  • Receive the endorsement of the appropriate federal agency;
  • Clearly indicate that it is a joint government / industry effort;
  • Be an unbiased, objective presentation with clear labeling of industry and government positions whenever present;
  • Be free of advertising or promotional messages;
  • Give permission for reprinting by educational and nonprofit groups

Private Sector Publication Partners:

  • AARP
  • American Council on Education
  • Alliance to Save Energy
  • America’s Health & Insurance Plans
  • Bridgestone Firestone
  • Century Council
  • Electrical Safety Foundation
  • Metropolitan Life
  • Microsoft
  • Missouri Insurance Education Foundation
  • Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
  • Montana State University Extension Service
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  • National Consumers League
  • National Crime Prevention Council
  • National Cyber Security Alliance
  • National Pharmaceutical Council
  • Prudential Insurance Co.
  • Securities Investor Protection Corporation
  • Soap & Detergent Association
  • Sprint
  • Toy Industry Association
  • Wells Fargo

If you have any questions or need additional information, call (202) 501-1794.

cooperative,publishing,publications,FCIC,private sector,federal government,