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United States Coast Pilot®

The United States Coast Pilot® consists of a series of nautical books that cover a variety of information important to navigators of coastal and intracoastal waters and the Great Lakes. Issued in nine volumes, they contain supplemental information that is difficult to portray on a nautical chart.

Topics in the Coast Pilot include channel descriptions, anchorages, bridge and cable clearances, currents, tide and water levels, prominent features, pilotage, towage, weather, ice conditions, wharf descriptions, dangers, routes, traffic separation schemes, small-craft facilities, and Federal regulations applicable to navigation.

U.S. Coast Pilot now offers completely updated publications every week.

To increase efficiency and timeliness, Coast Pilot updates will only be posted on this website,
and no longer be included in the Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners.

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To download the latest edition, click the appropriate book cover
To report a discrepancy or provide additional information for updating the Coast Pilot,
click here.

Coast Pilot 1 covers the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire, and part of Massachusetts, from West Quoddy Head in Maine to Provincetown in Massachusetts. Major ports are at Portsmouth, NH and Boston, MA.
Coast Pilot 1
42nd Edition, 2012
Critical Corrections Update


Coast Pilot 2 covers the Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to Sandy Hook, embracing part of the Massachusetts coast and all of the coasts of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York.
Coast Pilot 2
42nd Edition, 2013
Critical Corrections Update


Coast Pilot 3 covers the Atlantic coast from Sandy Hook to Cape Henry, including the New Jersey Coast, Delaware Bay, Philadelphia, the Delaware - Maryland - Virginia coast, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Coast Pilot 3
46th Edition, 2013
Critical Corrections Update
Coast Pilot 4 covers the Atlantic coast of the United States from Cape Henry to Key West.
Coast Pilot 4
44th Edition, 2012
Critical Corrections Update
cp5 Coast Pilot 5 covers the Gulf of Mexico from Key West, FL to the Rio Grande. This area is generally low and mostly sandy, presenting no marked natural features to the mariner approaching from seaward. Coast Pilot 5 also covers Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Coast Pilot 5
40th Edition, 2012
Critical Corrections Update
Coast Pilot 6 covers the Great Lakes system, including Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior, their connecting waters, and the St. Lawrence River.
Coast Pilot 6
43rd Edition, 2013
Critical Corrections Update
Coast Pilot 7 covers the rugged United States coast of California, Oregon and Washington, between Mexico on the south and Canada's British Columbia on the north. Coast Pilot 7 also includes Hawaii and other United States territories in the South Pacific.
Coast Pilot 7
45th Edition, 2013
Critical Corrections Update
Coast Pilot 8 covers the panhandle section of Alaska between the south boundary and Cape Spencer. In this volume, general ocean coastline is only 250 nautical miles, but tidal shoreline totals 11,085 miles.
Coast Pilot 8
34th Edition, 2012
Critical Corrections Update
Coast Pilot 9 deals with the Pacific and Arctic coasts of Alaska from Cape Spencer to the Beaufort Sea. General ocean coastline totals 5,520 nautical miles, and tidal shoreline totals 18,377 miles.
Coast Pilot 9
30th Edition, 2012
Critical Corrections Update
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