OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2005


Rhode Island

Table 4. Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2005
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Rhode Island c 192,829 128,395 5,962 1,552 14,799 5,780 28,824 428 7,089 55,725 82,675
Bristol 10,175 7,275 425 65 780 235 1,145 10 240 3,245 4,685
Kent 33,680 22,395 980 225 2,765 950 5,050 75 1,240 9,615 14,475
Newport 15,960 11,115 725 145 1,425 440 1,700 35 375 5,135 7,040
Providence 110,975 72,190 2,930 970 8,055 3,550 18,385 260 4,635 30,730 47,055
Washington 22,035 15,420 900 145 1,770 605 2,545 50 600 7,000 9,420
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2005 (in thousands of dollars)
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Rhode Island c 179,181 128,783 3,088 780 14,373 3,968 26,164 98 1,928 64,124 72,702
Bristol 9,917 7,524 243 38 795 180 1,062 1 68 3,910 4,135
Kent 32,170 22,879 506 128 2,735 706 4,833 18 363 11,292 12,996
Newport 14,881 11,032 386 79 1,365 309 1,592 8 109 5,877 5,945
Providence 100,144 70,910 1,450 453 7,637 2,303 16,126 54 1,207 34,385 41,083
Washington 22,067 16,436 502 81 1,840 467 2,546 14 179 8,658 8,539
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.