donar awareness

Transplant Patients

If you are a transplant patient—solid organ, bone marrow or stem cell—HelpHOPELive is available to you (just a phone call away) to help you raise funds in your community to pay for uninsured medical expenses related to your care.

HelpHOPELive will be with you every step of the journey—from initial discussions about fundraising, through phases of active fundraising and payment of medical expenses.

The compassionate, professional staff at HelpHOPELive offers:

Fundraising guidance: 

  • Identify volunteer network
  • Help write appeal letters for community circulation
  • Provide step-by-step instructions for organizing fundraising events
  • Provide materials for the collection of monetary tax-deductible donations

Patient Resources: 

  • Design flyers and other promotional materials for events
  • Provide support with traditional and social media
  • Help set up and maintain personalized patient Web pages on the HelpHOPELive website
  • Assure fiscal accountability of funds raised
  • Provide tax deductibility for donors

HelpHOPELive is here for you to answer your financial questions and concerns, as well as administer funds raised in your honor.  

To begin fundraising or to learn more about HelpHOPELive, call us today at 800.642.8399 to speak with a Patient Services Coordinator. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Joni, Rebecca, Judy, Susann, Amy and Amanda - HelpHOPELive Patient Services Department

