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The Best Places to Work Ranking, Acknowledgements, Publications & Information

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The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government for 2011 logo.

Gary Gensler

Tony Thompson
Executive Director

Mark Carney
Chief Financial Officer

February 2012

This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: Commodity Futures Trading Commission, FY 2011 Summary of Performance and Financial Information, Washington, D.C., 20581.

All photographs in this document are proprietary and prior permission from the photographer is required for any use or reproduction of the photographs.


This Summary of Performance and Financial Information was produced with the energies and talents of Commission staff. To these individuals, the Office of Financial Management would like to offer our sincerest thanks and acknowledgement.

We would also like to acknowledge the Office of the Inspector General and KPMG LLP for the professional manner in which they conducted the audit of the Fiscal Year 2011 Financial Statements.

We offer our special thanks to The DesignPond, in particular Sheri Beauregard and Michael James, for their outstanding contribution to the design of this report.

Publications & Information

The FY 2011 Summary of Performance and Financial Information is published by:
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Office of Financial Management

Additional copies of the FY 2011 Summary of Performance and Financial Information can be downloaded at:

Office of Financial Management
Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20581

For comments, suggestions or requests please contact:

Telephone: Mark Carney, 202.418.5477 or Lisa Malone, 202.418.5184
Fax: 202.418.5414
E-mail: or

The CFTC's Strategic Plan, FY 2011 Agency Financial Report, and
FY 2011 Annual Performance Report
are available on the Web at:


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