April “School Days” Highlights Potential Increase in Student Loan Rate

In the just-released April 2012 edition of “School Days,” the monthly video journal of the U.S. Department of Education, President Obama calls for quick action by the Congress to avoid a dramatic increase in the interest rate for Federal college loans; Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announces the first-ever awards in the new U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program; and a the Blueprint for Career and Technical Education outlines the Administration’s plans for transforming the programs that prepare students of all ages for the workplace of today.  And there’s much, much more.  Watch “School Days.”

Click here for an alternate version of the video with an accessible player.

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2 Responses to April “School Days” Highlights Potential Increase in Student Loan Rate

  1. Femita says:

    News like this really makes me wonder how I’m ever going to put my kids through college. Proper education should be a right, not a privilege!

    Let’s hope for the best,

  2. Vernee' says:

    I really think that we, the college students of America, have a march on Washington to protest the interest rate increase in student loans. Especially those of us attending schhols at the graduate and professional school level. If not a march on Washington, then something else must be done. Many of us come from working poor/ middle class homes. Many of us, in fact are girst generation college graduates. Thus, many of us were not fortunate enough to have parents who could afford to save or put money away for our education. There was barely enough to pay the bills! I thought one of the opportunities we are supposed to have living in tjis country, os the chance to do better than the generation before us. How can we when we are coming out of school strapped in so much debt? In most cases, many of us owe more on our student loans than we would make in an average yearly salary! There just has to be another way around this. This is still one of the wealthiest nations in the world, yet some politicians can find a way to keep the interest rates low on student loans! Then they also expect us to help chip in and pay down the deficit? Yeah right! Why don’t they help pay down our individual loan deficits first, than we’ll think about it!