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General Concessions Management Information:

This page provides links to information about concessions management at the reservoirs and projects of the Great Plains Region.

Sailboats moored at a Canyon Ferry Marina.
Sailboats moored at a Canyon Ferry Marina, which is managed under a Concessions Management Contract.

Policy LND P02:

The following information is excerpted from the Reclamation Manual. The Reclamation Manual describes mandatory requirements for Reclamation-wide Programs, and describes official Reclamation policy for Concessions Management, Policy LND P02.

This policy also references Directives and Standards LND 04-01, Concessions Management by Reclamation, and Directives and Standards LND 04-02, Concessions Management by Non-Federal Partners.

This information is also available for download or viewing as a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat):

Policy LND P02:

Subject: Concessions Management

Purpose: Sets forth the policy for planning, development, management, and operation of concessions at Reclamation projects.

Authority: Reclamation Act of 1902, as amended and supplemented; the Reclamation Project Act of 1939; and the Federal Water Project Recreation Act of 1965, as amended.

Contact: Land, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Office, D-5300

1. Concessions Management Policy.

A. Stewardship. Reclamation and its managing partners will ensure that concessions are planned, developed, and managed to meet public needs, are compatible with the natural and cultural resources, and provide a variety of services which are consistent with authorized project purposes.

B. Authorization of Concessions. Based on the principles contained in this policy, Reclamation will authorize concessions which establish or continue to provide necessary and appropriate facilities and services.

2. Definition.

A. Concession. A concession is a non-Federal commercial business that supports appropriate public recreation uses and provides facilities, goods, or services for which revenues are collected. A concession involves the use of the Federal estate and usually involves the development of real property improvements.

3. Concessions Principles. The following principles guide the planning, development, and management of concessions:

A. Concessions will provide quality recreation facilities and services accessible to persons with disabilities, and appropriate visitor goods and services at reasonable rates.

B. Concession operations will provide for the protection, conservation, and preservation of natural, historical, and cultural resources.

C. Commercial facilities and services will be planned and developed through a commercial services planning and public involvement process, in cooperation with other public agencies.

D. Concessionaires will be provided with opportunities for a reasonable profit and may be compensated for Reclamation-approved improvements that will remain the property of the United States.

E. Reclamation will ensure fair competition in the awarding of concessions contracts and will not allow preferential rights of renewal.

F. Exclusive use of the Federal estate will not be allowed and existing exclusive use will be removed as soon as possible.

G. Concessions will comply with applicable Federal, State, and local laws.

4. Supporting Directives and Standards and Guidelines. Implementation of the Concessions Management Policy is accomplished through the use of the Reclamation Manual Directives and Standards, and Guidelines.

(154) 3/4/02
Supersedes (73) 4/3/98

Last Updated: August 14, 2012

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