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National Advisory Committee on Meat & Poultry Inspection
Established in 1971, the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection (NACMPI) advises the Secretary of Agriculture on matters affecting federal and state inspection program activities.
USDA Docket No. FSIS 2012-0030 | PDF (Aug 7, 2012)
National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
Three people meeting around a table NACMPI Meeting
Access information on web conference held on March 21, 2012.
Committee Charter
The charter states the NACMPI's purpose and the laws under which it operates.

National Advisory Committee Responsibilities
The major role of the Committee is to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on food safety policies that will contribute to USDA's regulatory policy development. Learn more about the roles of the full committee, chairman, and sub-committees.

Nominations for Membership
Procedures regarding submission of nominees for NACMPI.

NACMPI Membership & Current Membership List
Membership in the Committee has been broadened to provide greater representation from state and consumer interests; this will result in more substantial contributions to USDA's regulatory policy development. The Committee will serve as a forum for significant sharing of ideas and insight about how our regulatory system can best serve both consumers and industry. The public is invited to participate in this process by making comments and suggestions in writing or by attending one of the meetings.

Schedule of NACMPI Meetings
Dates on which the committee will meet or has met, Federal Register Notices, and meeting agendas.

NACMPI Reports
Reports and opinions on matters brought before the full committee or its sub-committees.

Meeting Transcripts
An archive of transcripts from past Committee meetings.

Last Modified: August 7, 2012



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