U.S. Department of Justice

Mid-Level Managers L.E.A.D. Program (Leadership Enrichment and Development) [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 021621

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  • 2006
  • 67 pages

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  • Mid-Level Managers L.E.A.D. Program (Leadership Enrichment and Development) [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]

ANNOTATION: Leadership basics for mid-level managers are covered. Participants will be able to: define leadership; compare and contrast leadership and management; identify challenges faced by mid-level managers; describe the primary roles of a leader; define the four levels of leadership; identify myths and realities of leadership; identify effective leadership characteristics and principles; and determine their specific style of leadership. Presentation overheads, instructor notes, participant guide, and Personal Leadership Assessment instrument are included.

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