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NIST Seminar - Preparing Your Lab for 17025 Accreditation


Achieving laboratory accreditation can seemingly take a long time and is a lot of work. What should a laboratory do to prepare for an initial accreditation? Step through the application process. What happens to your quality manual once it's submitted? What should you expect during an on-site assessment? What should you expect from your assessment team? What happens when your lab has nonconformities? How do you respond to the accreditation body? Will you ever have a perfect assessment? Walk through the process as approached by NVLAP. We will share with you tips and hints and discuss common tripping points. How certain are you about your uncertainties? What is metrological traceability and why should anybody care? Work through some practical examples with us. How can proficiency testing impact your accreditation? Learn about the requirement for proficiency testing, how it is used to validate claims of measurement uncertainty, and how it is approached by NVLAP.

What about Accrediting Bodies, do they have to answer to a high authority? What are the benefits of being accredited by a recognized body? Reduced costs and market acceptance jump to the forefront. Learn the ins and outs of the Mutual Recognition Arrangements and how they can benefit your business.

This two-day tutorial will be interactive with a combination format consisting of presentations, working through examples, group exercises, and with ample opportunity for questions and answers.

The seminar will begin at 8:00 am on Monday, March 14th, 2011 and end at 5:00 pm Wednesday, March 16th, 2011.


Start Date: Monday, March 14, 2011
End Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Format: Seminar


Register here.

Registration Contact:

Barbara Belzer, (301) 975-2248
Thomas Hettenhouser, (301) 975-2013
Dana Leaman, (301) 975-4679
Sherrie Wentzel, (301) 975-3994