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Large Business and International (LB&I) Industry Director Guidance

LB&I Directives provide administrative guidance to LB&I examiners to ensure consistent tax administration and on matters relating to internal operations. The Directives do not establish Service position on legal issues and are not legal guidance.

LB&I (formerly LMSB) Directives

08-17-12 Tiered Issues
07-30-12 I.R.C. §166: LB&I Directive Related to Partial Worthlessness Deduction for Eligible Securities Reported by Insurance Companies
03-15-12 Large Business & International Directive for Taxpayers who adopted a Method of Accounting Relating to the Conversion of Capitalized Assets to Repair Expense under I.R.C. Section 263(a)
02-01-12 Guidance for Examiners on I.R.C. § 199 Benefits and Burdens of Ownership Analysis in Contract Manufacturing Arrangements
01-23-12 Large Business and International Directive Wireless Telecommunication Assets
01-23-12 Large Business & International Directive Telecommunication Carriers Change in Method of Accounting Relating to Conversion of Capitalized Assets to Repair Expense Under I.R.C. Section 263(a)
11-25-11 Large Business & International Directive Transition Rules for Taxpayers Adopting the Safe Harbor Method of Accounting for Electric Transmission and Distribution Property
11-25-11 Large Business & International Directive Transition Rules for Taxpayers Adopting the Safe Harbor Method of Accounting for Electric Transmission and Distribution Property
11-09-11 Consent of Director Provisions for a Voluntary Change in Method of Accounting under Rev. Proc. 2011-14, APPENDIX Section 15.11
11-01-11 UTP Guidance and Procedures for the Field
08-31-11 UTP Guidance and Procedures for the Compliance Assurance Process (CAP) Program
07-28-11 Examination of Success-Based Fees in the Acquisition of Businesses
07-15-11 Guidance for Examiners and Managers on the Codified Economic Substance Doctrine and Related Penalties
05-11-11 Centralized Management of LB&I Returns with UTP Schedules

I.R.C. §475: Field Directive related to Mark-to-Market Valuation
Frequently Asked Questions for I.R.C. § 475

03-30-11 Industry Director’s Directive # 2—Employment Tax and the Employees on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf
03-28-11 LB&I Alert - Cases Forwarded to Appeals That Involve a Section 965 Transfer Pricing Adjustment Under Section 482
03-01-11 Field Guidance on the Planning & Examination of Sales-Based Royalty Payments and Sales-Based Vendor Allowances
02-23-11 Industry Director’s Directive #3 on Super Completed Contract Method
02-04-11 Industry Directive to Withdraw Prior IDD on FSC IRC § 921-927 Bundle of Rights in Software Issue
12-09-10 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on the Proper Treatment of Upfront Fees, Milestone Payments, Royalties and Deferred Income
11-22-10 Tier II Issue – Interchange and Merchant Discount Fees Directive #2
09-24-10 Field Directive on Treatment of Sales-Based Vendor Allowances (“SBVA”) and Margin Protection Payments (“MPP”) under § 471
09-14-10 Codification of Economic Substance Doctrine and Related Penalties
08-09-10 Tier III – Field Directive on the Planning and Examination of IRC § 263A issues in the Auto Dealership Industry #2


Directive on Examination Action With Respect to Certain Gain Recognition Agreements

07-09-10 Tier I Issue - IRC § 118 Abuse Directive #9
06-16-10 Tier I Issue - Loss Importation Transaction - Directive # 1
05-20-10 Examination of Dividends Received Deduction on Separate Accounts of Life Insurance Companies


Use of Delegation Order (DO) 4-25 on Appeals Settlement Position (ASP) for the I.R.C. § 41 Research Credit – Intra-Group Receipts from Foreign Affiliates (IRM
04-20-10 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive on Domestic Production Deduction (DPD) #4
04-20-10 Tier II Issue - Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Effective Date and Transition Rules Directive #1
04-12-10 Tier II Issue - Specified Liability Losses IRC 172(f) Status Changed to MonitoringIndustry Director Directive #3
03-18-10 Tier II Issue - Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit IDD #3
03-17-10 Tier II Issue - Non-Performing Loans Directive #1
01-22-10 Tier I Issue - Industry Director’s Directive on the Planning and Examination of Repairs vs. Capitalization Change in Accounting Method (CAM) #2
01-22-10 Tier I Issue - Industry Director’s Directive on the Planning and Examination of Repairs vs. Capitalization Change in Accounting Method (CAM) #1
01-14-10 Tier I Issue - Industry Directive on Total Return Swaps (“TRSs”) Used to Avoid Dividend Withholding Tax
12-04-09 Tier II Issue - Cost Sharing Stock Based Compensation Directive #2
11-03-09 Field Directive on the Use of Estimates from Probability Samples
10-28-09 Industry Director Directive #1 on United States Outer Continental Shelf Activity
10-09-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #4 on IRC § 936 Exit Strategies
09-15-09 Tier III Issue - Field Directive on the Planning and Examination of IRC § 263A issues in the Auto Dealership Industry
09-15-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #5 on Mixed Services Costs
09-15-09 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on Planning and Examination of Contractual Allowances Issues in the Healthcare Industry
09-15-09 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on Super Completed Contract Method
08-14-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #3 on IRC § 936 Exit Strategies
06-19-09 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on Specified Liability Loss IRC §172(f)
06-19-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #4 on Mixed Service Costs Phase I
06-19-09 Industry Director Directive #2 on Casualty Loss IRC § 165
06-04-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #7 on IRC § 118 Abuse
06-03-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #8 on IRC § 118 Abuse
05-26-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #3 on IRC § 965 Foreign Earnings Repatriation
05-22-09 Industry Director Directive #2 on International Hybrid Instrument Transactions
05-14-09 Industry Director Directive #2 on Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit
03-04-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #3 on Domestic Production Deduction
02-19-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive on FTC Generator - Revision 1
02-09-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #6 on IRC § 118 Abuse
01-15-09 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on Research Credit Claims Issue


11-13-08 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #3 on Government Settlements - Revised
09-15-08 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #5 on IRC § 118 Abuse
08-04-08 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #4 on IRC § 118 Abuse
04-22-08 Tier I Issue - Backdated Stock Options Directive #2
04-22-08 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive #1on Interchange and Merchant Discount Fees
04-21-08 Tier I Issue - Foreign Earnings Repatriation Directive #1
03-21-08 Tier I Issue - Transfer of Intangibles Offshore / IRC § 482 Cost Sharing Buy-in Payment Issue Directive #2
02-13-08 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #2 on IRC § 936 Exit Strategies


10-05-07 Industry Directive #3 on IRC § 118 Abuse
10-02-07 Section 965 Foreign Earnings Repatriation (Directive #1)
09-14-07 Tier I Issue- Government Settlements Directive #2
09-10-07 Tier II Issue - Planning and Examination of Contractual Allowance Issues in the Healthcare Industry
08-24-07 Domestic Production Deduction
06-15-07 Field Directive #1 on International Hybrid Instrument Transactions
06-15-07 Tier I Issue - Field Directive #1 on Backdated Stock Options
05-30-07 Tier I Issue - Government Settlements Directive #1
05-23-07 Tier II Issue - Planning and Examination of Gift Card/Certificate Issues in the Retail and Food & Beverage Industries
05-07-07 Tier II Issue - Proper Treatment of Upfr ont Fees, Milestone Payments, Royalties and Deferred Income Upon Entering into a Collaboration Agreement in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries
05-02-07 Tier II Issue - Industry Director Directive on Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit IRC § 43
05-02-07 Mixed Service Costs (Directive #3)
05-01-07 Mixed Service Costs (Directive #2)
04-27-07 Casualty Loss: Single Identifiable Property/Capital vs. Repairs
04-24-07 IRC § 172(f) Specified Liability Losses
04-05-07 Tier I Issue - Transfer of Intangibles Offshore/ IRC § 482 Cost Sharing Buy-in Payment Issue Directive #1
04-04-07 Tier I Issue - Research & Experimentation (R&E) Credit Claims Directive #2
04-02-07 Tier I Issue - IRC § 118 Abuse Directive #2
03-13-07 Industry Director Directive on Super Completed Contract Method
02-02-07 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive on IRC § 936 Exit Strategies
01-03-07 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive #1 on IRC § 118 Abuse


12-06-06 Tier I Issue - Industry Director Directive on Domestic Production Deduction
07-31-06 Industry Director Directive on Deductibility of Casino Complimentary Goods and Services
07-11-06 Industry Director Directive on Asset Class and Depreciation for Casino Construction Costs
06-08-06 Industry Director Directive #1 on Mixed Service Cost
04-11-06 Industry Director Directive on Qualified Intermediary Audit Reports for Audit Years after 2004
03-16-06 Industry Director Directive on Treatment of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Activities as Manufacturing
01-13-06 Industry Director Directive on Examination of IRC § 847
01-12-06 Industry Director Directive on Examination of Multiple Parties in Intermediary Transaction Tax Shelters as described in Notice 2001-16


11-28-05 Industry Director Directive on the Planning and Examination of Cost Segregation Issues in the Biotech/Pharmaceutical Industry
08-26-05 Industry Director Directive Amended Returns/Refund Claims Containing Invalid IRC § 280(C)(3) Elections
05-20-05 Industry Director Directive Examination of Transaction Costs in the Acquisition of Businesses
03-14-05 Industry Director Directive in Response to Electric Utility Taxpayers' Attempts to Reclassify Utility Property for MACRS Depreciation Purposes
03-04-05 Field Guidance on the Planning and Examination of the Cyclical Overhauls, Betterments, and Rebuilds of Locomotives for Class I Railroads
03-04-05 Field Guidance on the Planning and Examination of the Cyclical Overhauls, Betterments, and Rebuilds of Freight Cars for Class I Railroads
01-05-05 Industry Director Directive on Disposition of Income Forecast Method Issues


12-27-04 Planning and Examination of Cost Segregation Issues in the Restaurant Industry
12-16-04 Planning and Examination of Cost Segregation Issues in the Retail Industry
10-12-04 IRC Sec. 907 Evaluating Taxpayer Methods of Determining Foreign Oil and Gas Extraction Income (FOGEI) and Foreign Oil Related Income (FORI)
07-31-04 Cost Depletion - Determination of Recoverable Reserves
04-30-04 Planning and Examination of Research Credit Issues in a Branded Pharmaceutical Company
04-16-04 Timber Casualty Losses

° Exhibit A - Timber Casualty Loss Audit Techniques Guide


° Exhibit B - Issue Paper on Timber Casualty Losses - Valuation of a Single Identifiable Property

02-02-04 IRC § 29 Credits Claimed on Solid Synthetic Fuel from Coal - Significant Chemical Change Issue
01-12-04 Stock Options and Cost Sharing Agreements




Foreign Sales Corporations (FSC) IRC § 921-927 Bundle of Rights in Software Issue


Examination of Forms 1042


Examination Procedures for Sports Franchise Acquisitions


Examination of Sports Franchise Acquisitions


Examination of Legally Mandated Research and Experimentation Expenses in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries


Qualified Intermediary Audit Reports for Audit Years Before 2005


Planning and Examination of Construction "Tenant" Allowances for Leases Greater Than 15 Years


Assertion of the Penalty for Failure to Deposit Employment Taxes


Asset Class and Depreciation for Casino Construction Costs


Audit Procedures to Determine Recovery Period of Various Components of a Casino/Hotel Complex


Planning and Examination of Research Credit - Generic Drugs




Planning and Examination of Developer Inducements


Guidelines for Intangibles Under IRC § 263(a)


MACRS Asset Categories for Refinery Assets


Guidelines for the Application of Advance Notice of Rulemaking for Intangibles Under IRC § 263(a)


Audit Procedures for Golf Course Land Improvements - Change in Accounting Method


Depreciable Golf Course Land Improvements and the Impact of Rev. Rul. 2001-60




Conformity Election for Bank Bad Debts


Field Guidance on the Planning and Examination of the Heavy Maintenance Visit (HMV) on Airframes
Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-27