
RSVP - Senior Corps Performance Measures

CNCS' Performance Measurement framework provides a common focal point for CNCS' work across all programs and initiatives. CNCS has a focused set of agency-wide Priority Measures derived from the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan. Every CNCS Program will contribute to the Priority Measures. There are also specific grantee/sponsor measures that roll up into the Priority Measures, which you can see in the Priority Measures chart.

See how your program measures fit in with the 16 Agency-Wide Performance Measures.
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RSVP - Senior Corps Performance Measures
Focus Areas
Agency-Wide Priority Measures
RSVP Complementary Program Measures
Programs may report on Goal 1

Increase the impact of national service on community needs in communities served by CNCS-supported programs.


Agency-Wide Priority Measure: One of a set of 16 National Performance Measures aligned with the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan that allows us to assess the individual and collective results of programs, continue to enhance program effectiveness, and tell the national story of service.

Capacity Building: A set of activities that expand the scale, reach, efficiency, or effectiveness of programs and organizations. Activities may also leverage resources for programs and/or organizations. For example, capacity building activities may expand services, enhance delivery of services, or generate additional resources. These activities achieve lasting positive outcomes for the beneficiary populations served by CNCS-supported organizations.

Complementary Program Measure: A standardized National Performance Measure that allows us to measure results of important programmatic activities not collected in the Agency-Wide Priority Measures, and also to assess the individual and collective results of programs and continue to enhance program effectiveness.

Focus Area: One of a set of 6 core priority issue areas identified in the Serve America Act where we focus national service and measure its impact.

Objective: A more specific focus and action plan within each Focus Area.

Outcome: A type of measure that indicates progress toward achieving the intended result of a program, which usually represents a change in the situation of beneficiaries of service, such as educational achievement or housing.

Output: A type of measure that tabulates, calculates, or records the actual products or services delivered by a program, such as students receiving tutoring or houses built.

Performance Measure: A value or characteristic that measures progress toward goals, and also used to improve progress, reduce risks, or improve cost-effectiveness.