Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy Notice

December 21, 2010
Docket Number: 
The Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Task Force is conducting a comprehensive review of the nexus between privacy policy and innovation in the Internet economy. On April 23, 2010, the Department published a Notice of Inquiry seeking comment from all Internet stakeholders on the impact of current privacy laws in the United States and around the world on the pace of innovation in the information economy. The Department now seeks further comment on its report entitled, "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework," available at Through this Notice requesting comments on the report, the Department hopes to spur further discussion with Internet stakeholders that will lead to the development of a series of Administration positions that will help develop an action plan in this important area.


Attached are joint comments of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, American Advertising Federation, Association of National Advertisers, Direct Marketing Association, and Interactive Advertising Bureau on the Internet Policy Task Force report on commercial data privacy and innovation in the Internet economy.

Michael A. Signorelli, Esq. | Venable LLP

Coalition Comments to DoC.pdf 46.41 KB

Catalog Choice | Chuck Teller, Executive Director

Dear Internet Policy Task Force:

Thank you for accepting comment upon "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.” Attached, please find the comments of Catalog Choice, the nation's largest independent privacy portal.



Executive Director
Catalog Choice

DOC Green Paper Comments-Catalog Choice.pdf 733.65 KB

SIFMA -- Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association | Melissa MacGregor

(Late Submission)
Please see the attached comment letter re: Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.

We apologize for the brief delay.

Thank you.

Melissa MacGregor
Managing Director and Associate General Counsel
1101 New York Avenue, 8th Floor, NW, Washington, DC 20005
Office: 202-962-7385
Fax: 202-962-7305

SIFMA Comment Letter - Commerce FTC - 1-31-11.pdf 182.66 KB

Synaptic Laboratories Limited | Benjamin Gittins, Chief Technology Officer

To: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration at
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue, NW., Room 4725,
Washington, DC 20230.

Re: Cybersecurity, Innovation and the Internet Economy
Notice of Inquiry

This letter is written in response to the notice for inquiry made in the [Federal Register: Dec 21, 2010 (Volume 75, Number 244)], [Page 80042], [Docket No. 101214614-0614-01].

Thank you for making this important call for public comment.

There are seven sections in our reply. We begin with praise for the DoC IPTF and the IPTF Privacy Green Paper, which we consider to be a very valuable contribution and effort. Second, we point to specific sections of that text that we think are highly desirable. Third, we provide some constructive feedback on statements found in the body of the green paper. Four, we make some observations on the DHS fair information practice principles (FIPP). Five, we provide answers to selected questions out of your notice of inquiry. Six, we make a few very minor observations on a few sentences in the text. Seven, we finish with some suggestions regarding a) unique requirements to support small business needs and b) a proposition to survey the community to establish a baseline expectation for data privacy.

We appreciate this opportunity to provide feed back on the UPTF Privacy Green Paper. Should it be helpful, we are at your disposal to provide further clarification on any point we have raised.

Please find our full letter attached to this email, and also a redundant copy at the following URL:

Thank you and best regards,

Benjamin GITTINS, on behalf of the Synaptic Laboratories Team.

Chief Technology Officer
Synaptic Laboratories Limited

20110127-Synaptic-NTIA-Feedback-Released.pdf 463.36 KB

Intuit | Amanda Pedigo, Federal Technology Policy

(Late Submission)
We are happy to submit these comments. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Amanda Pedigo
Federal Technology Policy

Intuit.pdf 433.17 KB

US Chamber of Commerce | Jason Goldman

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is pleased to submit the attached comments in response to the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force’s green paper on Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.

Jason Goldman


Jason D. Goldman
Counsel, Telecommunications & E-Commerce
Environment, Technology & Regulatory Affairs Division
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20062

U.S. Chamber -- Comments on DoC Privacy Green Paper.pdf 71.29 KB

MAPPS | John Palatiello, Executive Director

MAPPS (, the only national association exclusively comprised of private sector firms in the remote sensing, spatial data and geographic information systems field, is pleased to submit the attached comment on the Commerce Department “green paper”, Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework for the official comment docket.

John M. Palatiello, Executive Director
1856 Old Reston Avenue
Suite 205
Reston, VA 20190

MAPPS Letter to Dept of Commerce (1-28-11).pdf 116.29 KB


Attached are the comments of the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

Michael Signorelli

Michael A. Signorelli, Esq. | Venable LLP

IAB's Comments to DoC.pdf 4.37 MB

Comradity | Katherine Warman Kern

(Late Submission)
The Honorable Gary Locke
Secretary of Commerce
and The staff and members of the Internet Privacy Task Force,

I apologize for the delay in responding to the Internet Privacy Task Force, but I believe these decisions could add rather than remove hurdles to innovators seeking to IMPROVE consumer trust.

Please see our review of the greenpaper and response published here on our website:

Do not hesitate to call me with any questions.

Best regards,

Katherine Warman Kern

comradityResponseIPTFGreenPaper.pdf 37.92 KB

TRUSTe | Elizabeth Frazee

Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Docket # 101214614-0614-01

Friday, January 28, 2011 - TRUSTe
To Whom It May Concern:

Please find attached the comments of TRUSTe regarding the Department of Commerce’s paper “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy” (Docket # 101214614-0614-01). Please do not hesitate to contact me or TRUSTe's President, Fran Maier, if you have any further questions.


Elizabeth Frazee
TRUSTe Consultant


400 North Capitol Street Suite 585
Washington, DC 20001

DoC Green Paper Comments (20110128)-Signed.pdf 316.28 KB

Online Publishers Association | Patrick Byrnett

To Whom it May Concern:

Attached, please find the comments of the Online Publishers Association (OPA) in response to the Commerce Department's notice regarding its report, "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy." OPA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the report, and looks forward to participating in the Department's considerations on these issues going forward.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the comments, please let me know. I would also appreciate an acknowledgement of receipt (if one is not automatically generated).

Many thanks,
Patrick J. Byrnett
Counsel to Online Publishers Association

Patrick J. Byrnett | Dow Lohnes PLLC | Dow Lohnes Government Strategies LLC
Attorney at Law | Director of Government Affairs

OPA Comments in DOC Privacy Proceeding (Docket No. 101214614-0614-01).pdf 54.06 KB

Net Choice | Steve DelBianco

Please find our reply comments attached.

Steve DelBianco
Executive Director

NetChoice Comments on Commerce Green Paper FINAL.pdf 384.07 KB

Semcasting, Inc. | Ray Kingman, CEO

On the 18th of January I submitted a Word Doc with comments in response to the DOC Privacy Green Paper. You were kind enough to post it however the conversion to HTML makes it difficult to access.

I request that you replace the HTML doc with the attached PDF format.

Thank you for your assistance.

Ray Kingman
Semcasting, Inc.

Comments on Building a Privacy Friendly Data Policy.pdf 145.49 KB

University of Wyoming College of Business | Robert Sprague - academic

Attached are my personal comments to the Dec. 2010 IPTF Report, Docket No. 101214614–0614–01.

Thank you.

Associate Professor
University of Wyoming College of Business
Department of Management & Marketing
1000 E. University Avenue, Dept. 3275 • Laramie, Wyoming 82071

Sprague IPTF Report Comments.pdf 119.95 KB

International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium (IPPC), I am pleased to submit these comments on the Proposed Policy Framework for Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation.

Thank you for your consideration.


Peter Blenkinsop

Peter Blenkinsop
International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium (IPPC)

IPPC Comments January 2011.pdf 201.37 KB

USCIB | Jessica Berti

Please find attached USCIB’s Comments on the Department of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force Report on Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Heather Shaw ( or me directly.


Jessica Berti
Executive Assistant, Office of the President
United States Council for International Business (USCIB)

NOI_Commercial Data Privacy_1282011.pdf 113.45 KB

Consumer Data Industry Association | Eric Ellman

Attached, please find the comment of the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA).

Eric J. Ellman
Vice President, Public Policy and Legal Affairs
Consumer Data Industry Association

Consumer Data Industry Association.pdf 122.47 KB

Self | Martin Nemzow

Privacy Policy Comments attached via PDF

Requiring Personal PII Ownership.pdf 2.68 MB


Dear Internet Policy Task Force,

Attached please find Facebook's comments in response to the Department of Commerce's proposed privacy framework set forth in its report, " Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework," Docket No. 101214614–0614–01.

Facebook appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Task Force's report and looks forward to working with you and other stakeholders to continue the vital discussion initiated by this report regarding an updated and dynamic approach to privacy.

Respectfully submitted,

Erin M. Egan
Covington & Burling LLP
on behalf of Facebook

Facebook's Response to DoC.pdf 1.59 MB

Quicken Loans | Matt Emery

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please find attached Quicken Loans’s comment letter regarding the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Taskforce’s “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework” report.

Thank you,

Matt Emery
Government Affairs Associate
Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans's Comments on the Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Taskforce's Report.pdf 35.9 KB

Online Trust Alliance | Craig Spiezle, Executive Director

via email

National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.
Room 4725
Washington, D.C. 20230

RE: Commercial Data Privacy & Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework
Docket No. 101214614–0614–01

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) hereby submits its comments to the Department of Commerce request for comments on Docket No. 101214614–0614–01.


Craig D. Spiezle
Executive Director
Online Trust Alliance

Commerce Dept Response_final.pdf 216.6 KB

Intel Corporation

Attached please find the comments of Intel Corporation.

Brian Huseman
Intel Corporation

Intel Corp Dept Commerce green paper comment.pdf 2.99 MB

Self | Dr. John Nugent

Comments of Dr. John H. Nugent are attached in PDF.

DOC Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in The Internet Economy Comments Nugent.pdf 165.93 KB

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse | Beth Givens

Thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments to the Department of Commerce in response to questions posed in the privacy green paper.

Beth Givens, Director
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
3100 5th Ave., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92103

CommerceDept-PrivacyGreenPaper-PRCComments-Jan28-2011.pdf 130.54 KB


On behalf of Experian, we provide the attached comments on the Commerce Department's "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework" report.

Tara Sugiyama Potashnik, Esq. | Venable LLP

Experian.PDF 54.45 KB

AT&T, Inc.

Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of AT&T Inc., we are pleased to submit the attached comments.

Please contact us if you have any questions, or need any further information.

Thank you for considering the views expressed in AT&T’s comments.


Alan Charles Raul

Counsel for AT&T Inc.

Alan Charles Raul

AT&T Comments Transmittal Letter.pdf 28.53 KB
ATT Commerce Comments 1-28-11FINAL.pdf 283.81 KB

UC Berkeley, School of Information | Nick Doty, Lecturer / Researcher

Comments are attached.

Nick Doty
Lecturer / Researcher
UC Berkeley, School of Information

NickDoty-comment-1-28.pdf 101.21 KB

Consumer Federation of America | Susan Grant

The attached comments in PDF form are submitted by Consumer Federation of America.
Susan Grant
Director of Consumer Protection
Consumer Federation of America

CFA DOC Comments 1.2011.pdf 326.16 KB

Global Privacy Alliance

Morrison & Foerster LLP on behalf of the Global Privacy Alliance (GPA) is pleased to offer the attached submission in response to the Department of Commerce's request for comments on the green paper, "Commercial Data Privacy And Innovation In The Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework," issued by its Internet Policy Task Force.
<> <>
Cynthia J. Rich
Morrison & Foerster, LLP.
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 6000
Washington, D.C. 20006

Commerce Privacy Report - GPA Comments - 2.pdf 362.9 KB
GPA Breach_Notification_Legislation_-_Key_Elements_to_Consider.pdf 43.12 KB

Consumer Watchdog

Dear Sir or Madam,

Attached as a PDF file please find Consumer Watchdog's comments on The Commerce Department¹s report ³Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.²

Thank you.


John M. Simpson
Consumer advocate

Consumer Watchdog
Formerly The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights 1750 Ocean Park Blvd., #200 Santa Monica, CA 90405-4920

Consumer Watchdog.pdf 196.8 KB


Good evening,

Attached please find a copy of Kindsight’s response to Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy (Docket No. 101214614-0614-01, RIN 0660-XA22) request for comments. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems opening the attachment.


Bridget E. Anderson
Legal Secretary
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP

Kindsight Privacy Comments 1-28-11.pdf 217.58 KB

Telcordia Technologies, Inc. | Stan Moyer, Executive Director, Strategic Research Program

Telcordia Technologies (Telcordia) hereby submits comments to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on its Public Notice requesting comments on the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force (IPTF or “Task Force”) report, “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework”.

Please find our comments in the attached file.

Stan Moyer
Executive Director, Strategic Research Program
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
1 Telcordia Drive/RRC 1A361
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Telcordia Comments on Commercial Data Privacy.pdf 258.28 KB

Center for American Progress | Peter Swire


Attached please find the comments of Peter Swire on the privacy Green Paper.

Thank you,

Peter Swire

SwireComment.PDF 159.66 KB

Google | Will DeVries, Policy Counsel

Attached see the comments of Google Inc in Docket No. 101214614–0614–01


Will DeVries | Policy Counsel | Google Inc. |

FINALCommentsonDepartmentofCommercePrivacyGreenPaper (3).pdf 372.3 KB

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Comments are attached.

Sharon Goott Nissim
Consumer Protection Fellow
Electronic Privacy Information Center
202-483-1140 Ext. 107

EPIC_Comments_DOC_Internet_Privacy_Report.docx 122 KB

UCLA School of Law | Jerry Kang - academic

Please see the attached comments to the Privacy NOI.

Jerry Kang

Jerry Kang, Professor of Law
Professor of Asian American Studies (by courtesy)
Korea Times--Hankook Ilbo Chair in Korean American Studies

Jerry Kang ntia noi privacy comment 2011.pdf 45.75 KB
kang, cyberspace privacy (stanford 98).pdf 435.32 KB
kang, shilton, estrin, burke, hansen, self-surveillance privacy v12.pdf 348.88 KB

eBay, Inc. | Lauren Sholley, Manager

Please find attached the submitted comments of eBay, Inc regarding the Department of Commerce’s green paper Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this discussion. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lauren Sholley
Manager of Federal Government Relations
eBay Inc.

eBay Inc comments to DOC privacy green paper.pdf 164.31 KB

Venable Law Firm | Stuart Ingis

Please find attached a request by industry trade associations for an extension of time to comment.

Ingis_Letter.pdf 29.71 KB
Ingis-ExtensionRequest.pdf 17.1 KB

Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) | Doug Thompson, Vice President

Please accept the attached privacy comment letter from the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA).

Doug Thompson
Vice President, Government Affairs
Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA)
1700 North Moore Street
Suite 2250
Arlington, VA 22209

Commerce Privacy Final Comment Letter 1 28 11 DT edits.pdf 352.4 KB

Business Software Alliance | Franck Journoud

Dear Madam/Sir,

Please find attached the submission of the Business Software Alliance re: Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework, RIN 0660-XA22.

Best regards,

Franck Journoud | Director, Cybersecurity Policy | Business Software Alliance

BSA Comments on Commerce Privacy Framework 01.28.11.pdf 3.8 MB

USACM | US Public Policy Council of the Association for Computing Machinery (USACM)


Attached please find the comments of the U.S. Public Policy Council of the Association for Computing Machinery in response to the Internet Policy Task Force report on commercial data privacy. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on an important report that should push forward the national discussion over online privacy.


David Bruggeman
Public Policy Analyst
Association for Computing Machinery
1828 L Street, Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036

Commerce_Department_Online_Privacy_Comments_USACM.pdf 615.3 KB

ePrio Inc. | Phillippe Coueignoux, Phd, President

Dear Sir or Madam,

please find here attached in pdf format
my feedback to your consultation on privacy

Respectfully yours

Philippe Coueignoux PhD
President ePrio Inc.

ePrio-Comments-to-the-DoC-on-Privacy.pdf 196.74 KB

National Consumers League

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the National Consumers League ("NCL"), we submit the attached comment regarding the Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Task Force report, "Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework." Please reply to confirm receipt. Thank you.

Mark Punzalan
Finkelstein Thompson LLP
100 Bush St., Suite 1450
San Francisco, CA 94104

Comment - NCL.pdf 65.23 KB

Marketing Research Association | Howard Feinberg

The Marketing Research Association (MRA) hereby submits these comments in response to the Notice and requests for comment from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the International Trade Administration, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, titled “Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy”.

Howard Fienberg, PLC
Director of Government Affairs
Marketing Research Association (MRA)

MRA_comments_DOC_privacy_1-28-11.pdf 91.24 KB

Personal Data Ecosystem Collaborative Consortium | Kaliya Hamlin and Mary Hodder

(Late Submission)
Attached please find our letter and Q&A response to the Green Paper.

We are aware that it's late, but had consulted last week with Mr. Gallagher who told us you would accept it through today.

We hope to it isn't to late for you to consider our unique position coming form Silicon Valley innovators and technologists.

Thank you,
Mary Hodder

cc: Kaliya Hamlin

DOCGreenPaperLetterQandAfromPDE.pdf 167.73 KB

CDD and US PIRG | Gary O. Larson

Attached is a PDF document comprising the comments for Docket No. 101214614-0614-01 from the Center for Digital Democracy and U.S. PIRG.

CDDUSPIRGPrivacyComments.pdf 295.81 KB

Walmart Stores Inc.

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find attached the comments of Walmart Stores Inc. regarding the Department of Commerce’s paper “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy” (Docket # 101214614-0614-01). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Kirk Koehler Senior Manager Privacy Office

Walmart Comments.pdf 33.67 KB

Coalition of Child, Health and Consumer Advocates | Guilherme Roschke, Staff Attorney, Georgetown University Law Center

Enclosed are a Letter and Attachment as comments of a Coalition of Child, Health and Consumer Advocates:

Center for Digital Democracy, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Academy of Pediatrics, Children Now, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Watchdog, National Consumers League, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, World Privacy Forum


Guilherme Roschke

Guilherme Roschke
Staff Attorney / Fellow
Institute for Public Representation
First Amendment and Media Center
Georgetown University Law Center

CommerceLetter.pdf 127.23 KB
COPPA_Final.pdf 131.81 KB

Center for Democracy and Technology | Erica Newland, Policy Analyst

Attached are the comments of the Center for Democracy & Technology in response to the Task Force green paper (Docket No. 101214614-0614-01).
Erica Newland
Policy Analyst
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100

CDT privacy comments.pdf 278.14 KB

Joel Ruiz

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of commentator Joel Ruiz, we submit the attached comment regarding the Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Task Force's report, “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework.” Mr. Ruiz is also copied on this email. Thank you.


Mark Punzalan
Finkelstein Thompson LLP

Comment - Joel Ruiz.pdf 11.97 KB