Awards and Recognition



2011 DOE Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Champions Workshop Awards

2011 DOE (ISM) Champions Workshop Awards

CSC HOHS staff was recognized for two poster presentations at this year’s ISM Champions Workshop. “Best of Show” went to Chris Hoffman, CSC Epidemiologist, for “BMI and Musculoskeletal Injuries Among Workers in the Human Reliability Program”. An “Award of Merit” went to Jill Harvill, OHS Team Lead, for her presentation of “Hanford Worksite Wellness Programs”. Our Health Educators were also selected to present sessions in the Health and Wellness Track. They were “Obesity and Worker Safety” presented by Health Education Coordinator Shannon Haselhuhn, and “Culture and Employee Health: Front Lines to the Corner Office” by Health Education Specialist Kelly Harnish. The presentations received very positive feedback from participants, helping to make the Health and Wellness Track one of the highest rated of the Workshop.


AMH Wins Two 2010 Web Health Awards
AdvanceMed Hanford was awarded two 2010 Web Health Awards. The Web Health Awards, organized by the Health Information Resource Center, honor the best in digital health information. This year, over 500 entries from across the nation were received. Recent winners include AARP, Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans, CDC, CVS/Caremark, Hospitals and Health Systems, Humana, Mayo Clinic, State and Local Health Departments, Staywell and more. A panel of online health information experts from across the nation reviewed entries based on content, format, success in reaching the targeted health audience and overall quality. Our winning entries were:

 2010 Merit Winner2010 WHA Merit Winner
The Hanford Highway to Health program received a Merit Award in the Interactive Content category. The Hanford Highway to Health is a year-long initiative to reduce the impact of overweight and obesity on the Hanford workforce. Multiple activities and educational programs, including the weekly Weight Loss Convoy, have assisted Hanford site workers in losing 2,913 lbs in 2010, as tracked on the Highway to Health web-based interface. Success of these workers improves productivity and morale, reduces injury and illness risk and reduces overall health care expenses.


2010 Bronze Winner2010 WHA Bronze Winner

The AMH Health Challenge Tracker received a Bronze Award in the Web-Based Resource/Tool category. The AMH Health Challenge Tracker is an online proactive health management application that identifies and tracks health and lifestyle behavior change for individuals and teams. It is designed to help make and keep commitments to healthy active living. The Health Challenge Tracker system makes it easy to keep track of health activities, personal goals, and progress toward these goals. Participants may join various health challenge events and track participation in health activities offered as part of the challenge. Participants can view a report of their completed health activities at any time. Through participation and achievement of specified challenge goals, participants earn points that can translate into awards and recognition incentives.

Horizon Interactive AwardAMH_Horizon Award Image

August, 2007 – AdvanceMed Hanford (AMH), the occupational health services provider for the Hanford Site received the Silver Award in Education/Training for their interactive stretch module from Horizon Interactive Awards. Horizon Interactive Awards is a prestigious international competition recognizing outstanding achievement in interactive media development.

AMH’s winning application, Daily Stretch, consists of a computer mediated stretch module readily available to anyone visiting the AMH website. It is part of the overall effort to improve the general health, reduce injuries and enhance safety of the Hanford workforce, all major goals of occupational health service’s health and productivity agenda. The program includes voice-over narration and on-screen text, a “stretch-along-with” video with human model in a virtual set and optional viewing angles. AMH developed the application with the help of Imageworks Media Group of Pasco, Washington which shares in the award.


About the Competition

The 2007 competition saw nearly 1000 entries from all over the world including nearly all 50 States and many other countries including: Australia, Canada, Check Republic, Columbia, Croatia, Germany, Egypt, Spain, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, and Taiwan. Entries were judged by an international, volunteer panel of industry professionals with diverse backgrounds and various roles within the interactive media industry. Entries were also evaluated by a panel of end-users making the 2007 results a product of one of the most comprehensive and well-rounded processes of any interactive media competition. Judges look for the best blend between creativity and functionality. Entries were judged on the following criteria:

  • Solution creativity and originality
  • Overall graphic design / appearance / user experience
  • Communication of message
  • Technical merit
  • Effectiveness of solution

 Press Ganey Compass Award

AMH Compass Award Image

AdvanceMed Hanford (AMH) is pleased to announce that it is the recent recipient of the prestigious Press Ganey Compass Award.  This award recognizes health care facilities with overall satisfaction scores that have shown the greatest improvement over the past two years, relative to other facilities in the Press Ganey database.

 A recognized leader in health care performance measurement and improvement solutions, Press Ganey stated:  “AdvanceMed Hanford has achieved this honor by increasing its mean score an impressive 16.64 points as reflected over a two-year period.  We congratulate you for implementing the organizational changes that have obtained these impressive results.”

Receiving this award is a testament to the staff and management of AMH for their dedication and commitment to the improvement of the quality of the health care we provide.  We at AMH live our mission, vision and values – every day.

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Last Updated 12/16/2011 11:25 AM