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Superfund National Accomplishments Summary Fiscal Year 2006
As of December 2006

EPA's Superfund Program obligated $530.9 million to perform construction and post-construction activities and to conduct and oversee emergency response actions.

  • Obligated $390 million in appropriated funds, State cost-share contributions, and potentially responsible party settlement resources for construction and post-construction projects.
  • Obligated $140.9 million to conduct or provide oversight for 294 emergency response and removal actions to address immediate and substantial threats to communities.

EPA funded new construction

  • Obligated nearly $45 million in appropriated funds, State cost-share contributions, and potentially responsible party settlement resources for 18 new construction projects ranked by the National Risk-Based Priority Panel at 16 National Priorities List (NPL) sites.

Superfund is working on hundreds of construction projects

  • Conducted or oversaw 653 ongoing construction projects (by EPA, potentially responsible parties, and Federal facilities) at 414 sites. Federal facilities accounted for 216 of these ongoing projects.
  • Completed construction phase of cleanup at 40 sites across the country for a total of 1,006 or 64 percent of the sites on the NPL.

The Superfund remedial program prepared for future cleanup efforts

  • Listed 11 new sites on the NPL, and proposed 10 sites for the NPL.
  • Completed 518 Final Assessment Decisions, for a cumulative total of 39,288.
  • Obligated nearly $219 million in appropriated funds, State cost-share contributions, and potentially responsible party settlement resources to conduct and oversee:
    • Site assessments and investigations
    • Selection and design of cleanup plans
    • Support for State, Tribal, community involvement activities, and other activities.

Superfund ensures the protection of human health and the environment after construction is complete

  • Conducted 184 Five-Year Reviews, including 26 Reviews at Federal facilities sites. These Reviews are conducted to ensure that remedies remain protective of human health and the environment.
  • Deleted 7 sites and partially deleted 3 sites from the NPL, including 1 Federal facility site.

Superfund is committed to an enforcement first policy

  • EPA secured private party funding commitments of more than $550 million in Fiscal Year 2006. Of this amount, potentially responsible parties agreed to conduct $391 million in future response work, and reimburse EPA for $164 million in past costs.

Superfund faces constraints

  • In Fiscal Year 2006, 45 percent of Superfund obligations for construction and post-construction activities went to 14 sites.
  • Due to funding needs for ongoing construction work, all new projects ready for construction funding were not funded. EPA funded 18 new construction projects and 6 new projects were not funded.

Sites Receiving FY 2006 New Construction Funding

Sites Not Receiving FY 2006 New Construction Funding

Disclaimer: These data represent a "snapshot in time" and future numbers may change based on data quality reviews, updates, corrections and changes to report select logic.


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