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Hazard Ranking System Training Course

The Hazard Ranking System (HRS) training course is a four and ½ day, intermediate-level course designed for personnel who are required to compile, draft, and review preliminary assessments (PAs), site inspections (SIs), and HRS documentation records/packages submitted for proposal to the National Priorities List (NPL). The course is limited to EPA regional, state, tribal, and contractor personnel, who support EPA in the Superfund site assessment/NPL listing process.

This course assumes a basic understanding of the HRS and its context within the site assessment process. The training course is intended to enable staff to prepare HRS packages for the NPL and to plan PAs and SIs to address future HRS scoring issues.

This training course provides details of the structure and application of the revised HRS and information related to the preparation of HRS packages, including HRS scoresheets, documentation records, and site summaries. Preliminary topics include the regulatory context of the HRS, the site assessment process, HRS structure, source and waste characterization, and sampling and data quality. The focus of the remainder of the course is on evaluation of the ground water, surface water, air, and soil exposure pathways of the HRS. The course concludes with a presentation of documentation requirements under the HRS and a discussion of preparing HRS packages. Trainees will also participate in exercises using the HRS to score a fictional candidate NPL site to provide practical application of the HRS.

The HRS training course is available as a classroom-based course. View upcoming training dates and register for the course.

An Internet version of the HRS training course, which is based on the in-class HRS training course, is available to anyone who is interested.


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