U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Office of EERE

Project Management and Evaluation

The Office of Project Management and Evaluation provides coordinated guidance, leadership, training, and tools to Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) management and the field in the area of active project management. PME is also charged with providing integrated risk management and oversight of EERE work at numerous field sites. This includes activities ranging from procurement and project management to monitoring and auditing.

PME, located at DOE headquarters, is an important link between EERE and these field elements:

What We Do

PME's mission is to ensure effective EERE operations between headquarters and the field, through leadership, coordination, and collaboration.

PME's mission also includes the coordination of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act reports, oversight, and risk management across EERE's programs. Performance monitoring of Recovery Act projects within EERE has been an ongoing effort. To learn more about performance monitoring, you can download this information sheet.

PME supports EERE in the following areas:

A critical element of PME is continual improvement, and the Office will regularly evaluate its performance (both in regular activities and Recovery Act support) to determine best practices it can apply internally and across EERE. To learn more about best practices uncovered and lessons learned while monitoring EERE's portfolio of projects, please visit EERE's Bulletin Board of Lessons Learned.

Recovery Act Support

Logo of Recovery.gov.

PME's role has been expanded considerably due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which appropriated to EERE $16.8 billion in February 2009. This funding was in addition to EERE's fiscal year 2009 appropriation of $2.2 billion. PME's mission includes the coordination of Recovery Act reports, guidance, oversight and performance management across EERE's programs.

For more detailed information, visit any of the following websites:


If you have questions about or would like more information on EERE's Office of Project Management and Evaluation, please visit our contacts page or contact:

EERE Office of Project Management and Evaluation
EE-3D / Forrestal Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-0121

Email: ProjectManagementEval@ee.doe.gov