Secretary Clinton: Travel to Latin America and the Caribbean

June 6, 2010 to June 10, 2010

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Barbados June 6-10 to participate in the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) and consult with our regional partners on issues of shared interest.

On June 6-8 in Peru, Secretary Clinton participated in the General Assembly of the Organization of American States General Assembly, the Western Hemisphere's premier multilateral organization. The Secretary traveled to Ecuador on June 8 and then on to Colombia. She met with government leaders in both countries. In Barbados on June 9, the Secretary met with leaders of Caribbean nations to discuss issues of mutual interest.

06/10/2010 Remarks With Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer
06/10/2010 Meet and Greet with Embassy Staff and Their Families in Bridgetown
06/10/2010 Joint Press Availability with Colombian President Uribe
06/09/2010 Remarks by Secretary Clinton in Bogota, Colombia
06/08/2010 Interview With Andrea Bernal of NTN24, Quito, Ecuador
06/08/2010 Interview With Gabriella Baer of NTN24, Quito, Ecuador
06/08/2010 Meet and Greet with Embassy Staff and Their Families in Quito
06/08/2010 Policy Address on Opportunities in the Americas
06/08/2010 Remarks With Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Delgado
06/08/2010 Remarks With Embassy Staff and Their Families
06/07/2010 Remarks at the Organization of the American States General Assembly
06/07/2010 Remarks With Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez 
06/04/2010 Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Travel to Latin America and the Caribbean

Other Releases
06/10/2010 Joint Statement of Secretary Clinton and CARICOM Ministers on the Commitment of Bridgetown: Partnership for Prosperity and Security
06/10/2010 Secretary Clinton and CARICOM Ministers Celebrate the Launch of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), A Shared Regional Security Partnership

Related Information
Organization of American States General Assembly

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