Assistant Secretary Valenzuela to Travel to El Salvador

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
February 8, 2011


Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo A. Valenzuela is traveling to El Salvador from February 9-11. The purpose of his trip is to engage the government of El Salvador on ways to deepen and enhance our bilateral partnership through the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development, and discuss our joint efforts to ensure the safety and security of Salvadoran citizens.

Assistant Secretary Valenzuela will be joined by USAID Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean Mark Feierstein, and OPIC Executive Vice President Mimi Alemayehou in meetings with senior officials to discuss these and other issues of mutual interest, including bilateral cooperation and regional concerns. He will also meet with political and private sector leaders.

For regular updates on this trip, follow Assistant Secretary Valenzuela’s Twitter feed @WHAAsstSecty.

PRN: 2011/177


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