Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs Ann Stock Travels to Mexico

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 16, 2010


Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Ann Stock travels to Mexico, Monday, July 19, 2010, to deliver remarks at a reception hosted by Ambassador Carlos Pascual for fifty Mexican high school students departing to the United States. The students are participants in Jóvenes en Acción, a new joint initiative funded by the Mexican and U.S. Governments in partnership with the private sector and implemented by AYUSA International. Students in the pilot program will travel to Berkeley, California, and Washington, D.C.

Assistant Secretary Stock’s visit will include meetings with Mexican Government officials and senior academics to discuss collaborative projects between U.S. and Mexican cultural institutions and to explore broadening exchanges in higher education under the Fulbright Program and the bilateral Fulbright Garcia-Robles Commission. The Assistant Secretary will also meet with participants and alumni of Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) exchange programs in Mexico. A breakfast meeting hosted by Sergio Autrey, Chairman of the Festival of Mexico, with members of the performing arts community will include alumni of the ECA-sponsored Carnegie Hall Cultural Exchange program.

Assistant Secretary Stock will return to Washington, D.C. on July 20.

Prior to being nominated by President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Ms. Stock was Vice President of Institutional Affairs at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. From September 1997 to June 2010, she oversaw the Center's expanded efforts to enhance its national and international profile. She also managed the Center's International Arts Management Programs and oversaw its Government Relations Office, Press Office, and Office of Institutional Affairs.

Media Contact: Catherine Stearns, or phone (202) 632-6437

PRN: 2010/962

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