Attila Szabo, Ph.D.

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 5 , Room 138
5 Memorial Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892-0520
Tel: 301-496-2650
Fax: 301-496-0825

Attila Szabo, Ph.D.

Education / Previous Training and Experience:
B.S., McGill, 1968
Ph.D., Harvard, 1973

Research Statement:

Bridging the gap between theory and experiment. Fluorescence depolarization and NMR relaxation of probes in macromolecules and membranes. Chemical reaction dynamics. Influence of diffusion on the kinetics of ligand binding and protein folding. Analysis of single molecule fluorescence and force spectroscopic experiments.

Selected Publications:

Popov AV, Agmon N, Gopich IV, Szabo A  Influence of diffusion on the kinetics of excited-state association--dissociation reactions: comparison of theory and simulation.  J Chem Phys (120): 6111-6, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

Hummer G, Szabo A  Kinetics from nonequilibrium single-molecule pulling experiments.  Biophys J (85): 5-15, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

Gopich, I. and Szabo, A. Single-macromolecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer and free-energy profiles. J. Phys. Chem. B.(107): 5058-5063, 2003.

Gopich, I. and Szabo, A. Statistics of transition in single molecule kinetics. Journal of Chemical Physics(118): 454-55, 2003.

Chang, S., Szabo, A. and Tjandra, N. Temperature dependence of domain motions of calmodulin probed by NMR relaxation at multiple fields. J. Am. Chem. Soc.(125): 11379-84, 2003.

Gopich, I. and Szabo, A. Kinetics of reversible diffusion influenced reactions. J. Chem. Physics(117): 507-17, 2002.

Berezhkovskii AM, Szabo A, Weiss GH Theory of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy of two-state systems. Journal of Chemical Physics 110(18): 9145-9150, 1999.

Vijayakumar M Wong KY Schreiber G Fersht AR Szabo A Zhou HX  Electrostatic enhancement of diffusion-controlled protein-protein association: comparison of theory and experiment on barnase and barstar.  J Mol Biol (278): 1015-24, 1998. [Full Text/Abstract]

Chatfield DC, Szabo A, Brooks, BR. Molecular dynamics of staphylococcal nuclease: Comparison of simulation with 15N and 13C NMR relaxation data.  Journal of the American Chemical Society120(21): 5301-5311, 1998.

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