Jay H. Hoofnagle, M.D.

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 31 , Room 9A27
31 Center Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892
Tel: 301-496-1333
Fax: 301-480-7926
Email: hoofnaglej@mail.nih.gov

Jay H. Hoofnagle, M.D.

Education / Previous Training and Experience:
B.A., University of Virginia, 1965
M.D., Yale Medical School, 1970

Research Statement:

Chronic liver disease is one of the ten leading causes of death in the United States. Cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease particularly affect young and middle-aged persons. Among the major causes of liver disease studied in the Liver Diseases Branch are acute and chronic hepatitis C, hepatitis B, hepatitis D (delta), primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The clinical research conducted by the Liver Diseases Branch includes long-term studies of the natural history and pathogenesis of hepatitis and autoimmune liver diseases, clinical trials of promising new treatments, and pilot studies of innovative therapies. These studies are constantly evolving as new discoveries and breakthroughs are made. The ultimate goals of the clinical research program of the Liver Diseases Branch, NIDDK, are to find the primary causes of liver diseases and identify the factors that contribute to their progression and to develop effective and safe means for their treatment and prevention.

Selected Publications:

1. Hussain N, Feld JJ, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JH, Garcia-Eulate R, Ahlawat S, Koziel DE, Anderson V, Hilligoss D, Choyke P, Gallin JI, Liang TJ, Malech HL, Holland SM, Heller T Hepatic abnormalities in patients with chronic granulomatous disease. Hepatology(45): 675-83, 2007. [Full Text/Abstract]

2. Hoofnagle JH, Doo E, Liang TJ, Fleischer R, Lok AS Management of hepatitis B: Summary of a clinical research workshop. Hepatology(45): 1056-75, 2007. [Full Text/Abstract]

3. Conjeevaram HS, Kleiner DE, Everhart JE, Hoofnagle JH, Zacks S, Afdhal NH, Wahed ASHepatology(45): 80-7, 2007. [Full Text/Abstract]

4. Spaulding AC, Weinbaum CM, Lau DT, Sterling R, Seeff LB, Margolis HS, Hoofnagle JH A framework for management of hepatitis C in prisons. Ann Intern Med(144): 762-9, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

5. Shneider BL, Brown MB, Haber B, Whitington PF, Schwarz K, Squires R, Bezerra J, Shepherd R, Rosenthal P, Hoofnagle JH, Sokol RJJ Pediatr(148): 467-474, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

6. Lutchman G, Promrat K, Kleiner DE, Heller T, Ghany MG, Yanovski JA, Liang TJ, Hoofnagle JH Changes in serum adipokine levels during pioglitazone treatment for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: relationship to histological improvement. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol(4): 1048-52, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

7. Seeff LB, Hoofnagle JH Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma in areas of low hepatitis B and hepatitis C endemicity. Oncogene(25): 3771-7, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

8. Fontana RJ, Kleiner DE, Bilonick R, Terrault N, Afdhal N, Belle SH, Jeffers LJ, Ramcharran D, Ghany MG, Hoofnagle JHHepatology(44): 925-35, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

9. Hoofnagle JH, Seeff LB Peginterferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C. N Engl J Med(355): 2444-51, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

10. LaRusso NF, Shneider BL, Black D, Gores GJ, James SP, Doo E, Hoofnagle JH Primary sclerosing cholangitis: summary of a workshop. Hepatology(44): 746-64, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

11. Perumalswami P, Kleiner DE, Lutchman G, Heller T, Borg B, Park Y, Liang TJ, Hoofnagle JH, Ghany MG Steatosis and progression of fibrosis in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Hepatology(43): 780-7, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

12. Feld JJ, Hoofnagle JH Mechanism of action of interferon and ribavirin in treatment of hepatitis C. Nature(436): 967-72, 2005. [Full Text/Abstract]

13. Soza A, Heller T, Ghany M, Lutchman G, Jake Liang T, Germain J, Hsu HH, Park Y, Hoofnagle JH Pilot study of interferon gamma for chronic hepatitis C. J Hepatol(43): 67-71, 2005. [Full Text/Abstract]

14. Promrat K, Lutchman G, Uwaifo GI, Freedman RJ, Soza A, Heller T, Doo E, Ghany M, Premkumar A, Park Y, Liang TJ, Yanovski JA, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JH A pilot study of pioglitazone treatment for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology (39): 188-96, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

15. Promrat K, Lutchman G, Uwaifo GI, Freedman RJ, Soza A, Heller T, Doo E, Ghany M, Premkumar A, Park Y, Liang TJ, Yanovski JA, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JHHepatology (39): 188-96, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

16. Hoofnagle JHGastroenterology (127): S319-23, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

17. Brown RS Jr, Russo MW, Lai M, Shiffman ML, Richardson MC, Everhart JE, Hoofnagle JH A survey of liver transplantation from living adult donors in the United States. N Engl J Med (348): 818-25, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

18. Promrat K, McDermott DH, Gonzalez CM, Kleiner DE, Koziol DE, Lessie M, Merrell M, Soza A, Heller T, Ghany M, Park Y, Alter HJ, Hoofnagle JH, Murphy PM, Liang TJ Associations of chemokine system polymorphisms with clinical outcomes and treatment responses of chronic hepatitis C. Gastroenterology (124): 352-60, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

19. Heller T, Hoofnagle JH Denying the wolf access to sheep''s clothing. J Clin Invest (112): 319-21, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

20. Meyers CM, Seeff LB, Stehman-Breen CO, Hoofnagle JH Hepatitis C and renal disease: an update. Am J Kidney Dis(42): 631-57, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

21. Hoofnagle JH, Ghany MG, Kleiner DE, Doo E, Heller T, Promrat K, Ong J, Khokhar F, Soza A, Herion D, Park Y, Everhart JE, Liang TJ Maintenance therapy with ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C who fail to respond to combination therapy with interferon alfa and ribavirin. Hepatology (38): 66-74, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

22. Hoofnagle JH, Ghany MG, Kleiner DE, Doo E, Heller T, Promrat K, Ong J, Khokhar F, Soza A, Herion D, Park Y, Everhart JE, Liang TJHepatology (38): 66-74, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

23. Ghany MG, Kleiner DE, Alter H, Doo E, Khokar F, Promrat K, Herion D, Park Y, Liang TJ, Hoofnagle JH Progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Gastroenterology (124): 97-104, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

24. Ghany MG, Kleiner DE, Alter H, Doo E, Khokar F, Promrat K, Herion D, Park Y, Liang TJ, Hoofnagle JHGastroenterology (124): 97-104, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

25. Hoofnagle JH Course and outcome of hepatitis C. Hepatology (36): S21-9, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

26. Bissell DM, Gores GJ, Laskin DL, Hoofnagle JH Drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms and test systems. Hepatology (33): 1009-13, 2001. [Full Text/Abstract]

27. Lok AS, Heathcote EJ, Hoofnagle JH Management of hepatitis B: 2000--summary of a workshop. Gastroenterology (120): 1828-53, 2001. [Full Text/Abstract]

28. Bacon BR Powell LW Adams PC Kresina TF Hoofnagle JH Molecular medicine and hemochromatosis: at the crossroads. Gastroenterology (116): 193-207, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

29. Reddy KR Hoofnagle JH Tong MJ Lee WM Pockros P Heathcote EJ Albert D Joh T Racial differences in responses to therapy with interferon in chronic hepatitis C. Consensus Interferon Study Group. Hepatology (30): 787-93, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

30. Lau DT Kleiner DE Park Y Di Bisceglie AM Hoofnagle JH Resolution of chronic delta hepatitis after 12 years of interferon alfa therapy. Gastroenterology (117): 1229-33, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

31. Lau DT Kleiner DE Ghany MG Park Y Schmid P Hoofnagle JH 10-Year follow-up after interferon-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology (28): 1121-7, 1998. [Full Text/Abstract]

Clinical Protocols

  • Combination of Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin as Therapy for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C with and without Renal Disease, 02-DK-0065

  • Low Dose Peginterferon and Ribavirin Therapy for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infected with Genotype 2 or 3, 03-DK-0136

  • Long-term Pioglitazone for NASH, 03-DK-212

  • Metformin for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, 03-DK-233

  • Long-term Ribavirin for Hepatitis C, 99-DK-042

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Page last updated: January 20, 2012

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