Guide to Federal Records

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Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: B

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B    C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

B-29 aircraft 18.7.10
B-36 aircraft 330.7.2
B Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
B Division (National Resources Planning Board) 187.4.2
B Group (German Army) 242.7.2
Babbitt, Bruce 220.18.22
Babcock, Orville E. 42.3.5
Babylonian art 66.4
Bache, Alexander 23.2.2, 23.4.2
Bacher, Robert F. 326.2.2
Bacolar, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bacolod, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bacon, Henry 42.12
Bacone College 75.19.26, 75.19.50
Bad River Reservation, WI 75.7.2
Baden, U.S. Observer for Land 466.8
Badoglio, Pietro 331.30
Baecher, John Ford 80.5.4
Baer, Beatrice 220.16.4
Baer Field, IN 18.9.5
Baffin Bay 26.5.7
U.S.S. Bagaduce 313.4.5
Baghdad Pact 333.8
Baguio, Philippines 48.4.7
Bahama Islands
    Confederate property in Nassau 365.15
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Bahmer, Robert H. 64.2.1, 64.2.4
    Petroleum Administration for War 253.5.2
Bailey Isle, ME, Loop Receiving Station 181.15.22
Baileys Harbor, WI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Baird, Julian 56.2.3
Baird, Spencer F. 22.3.1
Baja California 37.3
Baker, Abby Gunn 42.3.3
Baker, Horace 13.5.1
Baker Island 37.3, 237.2
Baker, Jacob 220.5.3
Baker, Lafayette C. 110.2
Baker, Newton D. 120.1, 407.9
Baker, Oliver E. 83.4.5
Bakersfield, CA
    radio talk show 220.13.2
Bakersfield, CA, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.2
Bakersfield, CA, office
     (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.11
Bakery Companies (Army) 391.6.1
Baking Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
baking industry 60.6
Baking Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Balance of Payments Division (Commerce Department) 40.3.5
Balanced National Growth and Economic Development,
     White House Conference on 220.27
Balboa, CZ
    navy yard buildings 71.6
Balboa, CZ, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Balboa Heights, CZ 185.7, 185.8
Balch, Alfred 75.6
Baldhill Dam, ND, National Fish Hatchery 2.15.3
Baldridge, Malcolm 40.10
Baldwin, F.P. 32.4.1
Balearic Islands
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Baliuag, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Balkan Committee (Council of Foreign Ministers) 43.6.5
Balkan countries
    maps 83.8
    Paris Peace Conference 43.5.5, 43.7.4
    World War II
        Allied intelligence 331.17.2, 331.17.3
        civil affairs 331.19.3
        propaganda 59.3.2, 331.21.2
Balkan Military Headquarters (Allied Force HQ) 331.28
Ball, Max W. 253.2.4
Ballenger, William S. III 235.3.1
Ballentine, A.A. 56.2.3
Ballinger-Pinchot controversy 95.2.1
Ballistic Missile Division (Air Force) 343.4
Ballistic Missiles Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.2
Ballistic Research Division
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
    Ordnance Department studies 156.7.12
    underwater investigations (photographs) 227.5.3
Balloon and Airship Companies (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Balloon Group (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Balloon Section (Chief Signal Officer) 18.2.3
Balloon Wing Companies (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.1
balloons and balloon flight
    military use
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.5.1
        Army Air Forces 18.3.1, 18.5.4
        instruction, schools 18.2.3, 18.5.1, 18.9.2
        photographs 18.13, 111.10
        World War II Japan 77.11.4, 160.3.4, 338.9.4
    naval aviation 72.5.4, 72.8
    photographs 167.11
balsa 234.5.6
Balsam (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.12
Baltic States
    food relief mission 5.4.3
    German occupation 242.4.6, 242.5.1
    State Department offices 59.3.4
Baltic States, Office of the Reich Commissioner for the 242.5.1
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 133.2, 150.4
Baltimore County, MD 29.8.2
Baltimore, MD
    alien deportations 85.5.3
    Army commands 338.2.2, 393.7
    census schedules 29.8.2
    customs collection 36.3.1
    federal employment practices 453.2.1
    harbor charts 77.10.4
    housing discrimination (sound recording) 453.2.1
    longshore labor 317.3.2
    National Resources Planning Board maps 187.5.2
    Neighborhoods Commission hearings 220.18.2
    passenger arrivals 36.3.2, 85.3.1
    postal service inspection 28.3.4
    seamen's strike 32.5.11
    vessel documentation files 41.5
    World War II price controls 188.3.5
    zoning case 267.3.2
Baltimore, MD, Area Office (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.6
Baltimore, MD, Army Port Agency 336.3.2
Baltimore, MD, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Baltimore, MD, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
Baltimore, MD, branch office (Hydrographic Office) 37.3
Baltimore, MD, District (Army Engineers) 77.9.3, 77.10.4
Baltimore, MD, District
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.4
Baltimore, MD, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.9
Baltimore, MD, District Office
    (Farm Credit Administration) 103.7.2;
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.12.3, 188.12.6;
     (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Baltimore, MD, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.3;
    (Circuit Court) 21.22.2; (District Court) 21.22.1
Baltimore, MD, Field Personnel Council
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2
Baltimore, MD, Field Station (Animal Industry) 17.3.1
Baltimore, MD, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Baltimore, MD, internal revenue collection district 58.5.20
Baltimore, MD, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Baltimore, MD, Motor Transport Depot
    (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Baltimore, MD, Naval Station 45.6
Baltimore, MD, Office
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Baltimore, MD, Ordnance District 156.12
Baltimore, MD, Port Director (Norfolk Naval District) 181.2.4
Baltimore, MD, public health hospital 90.4.3, 90.5.1
Baltimore, MD, Supervising District
     (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.3
Baltimore, MD, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Banat Evaluation Commission for Jewish Property 242.5.4
bancos 76.3
Bancroft, George 405.2
Bandmasters and Musicians School
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.5
    Coast Artillery Corps regiments 391.2.5
    inaugural parade applications (photographs) 274.9
    Marine Band White House performances 42.3.3
    Military Academy 404.17
    Navy Band performance (sound recordings) 28.13
Bangor Ammunition Depot 181.15.2
Bangor, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
Bangor, ME, Division (District Court) 21.21.1
Bangor, ME, fish hatchery 22.4.2
Bangor, ME, internal revenue collection district 58.5.19
Bangued, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bank Assessments, Committee on (FDIC) 34.2.2
bank deposit insurance 34.1
bank examiners 34.3.4, 101.4
bank failures 34.3.2
Bank Holiday (1933) 101.2
Bank of Chosen 131.3.4
Bank of Japan Unit (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Bank of Ryukyu 260.12.4
Bank of Taiwan 131.3.4
Bank of the United States
    claim against U.S. 217.3.10
    public debt 53.2.2, 53.2.6, 53.3.10
bank receivers 34.1, 34.3.2, 101.5.1, 101.5.2
Bank Supervision, Division of (FDIC) 34.3.4
Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank, Milwaukee 103.2.2
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act (1937) 16.5.1, 96.2.7
Banking Act (1933) 82.4; (1935) 82.3, 82.4
Banking and Business Section (FDIC) 34.3.2
Banking and Currency, Committee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.6
Banking and Currency, Committee on (Senate) 46.6
Banking and Foreign Exchange Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Banking and Related Programs Authorization Adjustment Act
     (1981) 429.9
Banking and Trading Corporation of Indonesia 234.7.2
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Committee on (Senate) 46.6
Banking Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
banknote companies 53.2.1
    district court records 21
    insolvent debtors 56.2.2
    Interstate Commerce Commission reorganization plans 134.2
    Securities and Exchange Commission case files 266.4
Bankruptcy Act (1898) 220.15.18, 266.2, 266.4
bankruptcy commissioners 56.3.3
Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, Commission on 220.15.18
Bankruptcy Proceedings, Special Committee to Investigate
    Receivership and (Senate) 46.22.2
banks and banking SEE ALSO depository banks; national banks
    accounts of foreign nationals 265.2.2
    agricultural loans 154.1, 154.3
    captured Confederate gold 365.9.3
    "closed bank cases" 60.3.1
        liquidation 234.7.3
    Comptroller of Currency 101.2, 101.4
    electronic funds transfers 220.17.4
    federal debt correspondence 217.3.7
    Federal Reserve 82.1
    Indian Affairs Land Division 75.7.5
    Mexican coin exchange 104.3.6
    National Currency Association members 53.2.6
    occupied Germany 260.4.10
    photographs 151.13
    Presidential commission 220.15.14
        deregulation 56.14.7
        FDIC 34
        Solicitor of Treasury 206.4
        Treasurer, U.S. 50.4
    Revolutionary War loans 360.2.3, 360.3.2
    RFC loans 56.14.4, 234.2.2
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.4
    seized Japanese records 131.3.4, 131.4.2
    taxes 58.3.3
    war industry loans 154.1
Banks' Expedition 393.4, 393.10
"Bankson's Journal" 360.3.5
    Air Force chaplains 341.9
    Army chaplains 247.2.1
bar associations 220.9.12
Bar Channel 77.10.35
Barach Report 38.2.2
Baracoa, Cuba 395.11.5
Baranof, AK 49.13.1
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
    U.S. prisoners 45.8.5
Barbary pirates 45.2.5
Barbary States
    U.S. relations
        Confederation Congress 360.2.2, 360.3.1
        expenses 53.2.2
Barber Asphalt Co. 253.6.3
Barber County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Barber's Point, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Barber's Point, HI, Naval Air Station 181.11.3
barbette carriages 156.9.19
Barcelona, Spain
    shipping 32.5.13
    OSS base 226.6
    War Trade Board 182.9.2
Barclay, Thomas 360.2.2
Bard, Ralph 80.3.1
barge transportation
    Inland Waterways Corporation 91.5
    labor mediation 13.11
    Nicaragua canal 77.5.3
    photographs 71.6, 145.4
Bari, Italy, base (OSS) 226.18
Barkas/Gardener research group 326.5.7
Barker, Bernard L. 460.4.1, 460.4.2
Barker, Joseph W. 80.3.2
Barksdale Field, LA 18.9.1
Bar-le-Duc, France 120.8.3
barley 4.2.3
barn construction (motion picture) 96.2.9
Barnard, E.C. 76.2.9
Barnard, George N. 111.10
Barnegat, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Barnett, Jackson 75.19.60
Barns, William 7.5.8
Barnstable, MA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Barnstable, MA, public health hospital 90.4.4, 90.5.1
Baronne Street Prison, New Orleans 393.4, 393.13.11
barogram charts 370.6
Barr, James F. 380.2
    architectural plans 77.2.5, 92.16
    construction 196.4
Barracks Board (Yards and Docks Bureau) 71.4
Barrancas, FL
    Army commands 393.2, 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
Barren River 77.10.26
Barrett, Edward W. 273.1
Barrett, St. John 60.8
barricades 72.4.2
Barriers and Passes (motion picture) 210.5
Barron Field, TX 18.9.1
Barrows, Arthur S. 340.4
Barry Statue Commission 42.12
Bartelt, Edward F. 56.2.3
Bartlesville Petroleum Research Center 70.12.6
Bartlett Experimental Forest, NY 95.10.3
Bartlett, Frederick P. 16.3.2
Barton County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Baruch, Bernard 51.4, 220.5.7
Bas Obispan-San Luis Cascade Reaches 185.8
Base Defense Section (Naval Operations) 38.7.3
Base Force (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
Base Maintenance Division (Naval Operations) 38.2.2, 38.7.3
Base Map Unit (Geological Survey) 57.4.9
Base Sections (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.8.1
baseball team (photograph) 391.8
Basewood (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.11
Basic Economy, Department of
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.9
Basic Magnesium, Inc., Project 269.11.4
Basic Materials Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.2
Basic Materials Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Basic News Division (OWI) 208.5.2
"Basic Preliminary Plan: Tripartite Control and
    Occupation of Germany" 333.4
basket willow research 95.7.1
Bassens, France 120.8.1
Bastogne 208.5.3
Bastrop County, TX 114.3.1
Bata Shoe Co. 60.14.3
Bataan Death March route (aerial photographs) 331.39.2
    U.S. trade commissioner 151.3
Batchelder, Richard N. 92.3.4
Batesville, AR
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
Batesville, AR, Division (Circuit Court) 21.5.2
Batesville, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.1
Bath, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Bath, ME, public health hospital 90.4.5
Bath, ME, soldiers' home 15.3
Bath, NY, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.16
bathymetric charts 37.3, 370.11
Baton Rouge, LA
    Army commands 393.7, 393.11.1
    rent control 252.4.5
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
Baton Rouge, LA, Barracks 393.7
Baton Rouge, LA, District of (Army) 393.2, 393.4, 393.5
Baton Rouge, LA, District Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3;
    (Price Administration) 188.15.7;
    (Public Roads) 30.5
Baton Rouge, LA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.20.2
Baton Rouge, LA, Division (District Court) 21.20.1
Baton Rouge, LA, Engineer Depot (Army) 77.16.2
Baton Rouge, LA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.18
Baton Rouge, LA, land office 49.9.13
Baton Rouge, LA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Batt Committee 234.5.9
Batt, William L. 179.4
Battalion Tracking Study 335.13
Battelle Institute 220.9.7
Battery Alexander MacKenzie, CZ 185.7, 185.8
Battery Barracks, NY 393.4, 393.7
Battery Garesche, VA 393.7
battery rationing 188.9.4
Battery Rodgers, VA 393.4, 393.7
Battle Creek, MI
    Army Quartermaster 92.7.1
    Civil Defense Staff College 397.2.10
    fallout shelter prototype 397.2.2
Battle Creek, TN, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
Battle Force (Naval Forces) 313.4.2, 313.4.3
Battle Force Engineer (Naval Forces) 313.4.2
The Battle Is in Our Hands
    (photographs from motion picture) 83.10
Battle Monument Association 404.15
Battle Monuments Board 117.2
Battle Mountain, NV, District Office
    (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
Battle Mountain, SD, Sanitarium 15.3
Battle of SEE specific place name
Battle of Midway (motion picture) 80.2.5
Battle of New Orleans Sesquicentennial Celebration Commission
Battle Order Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
    Army Engineers maps 77.2.3
    Civil War
        military parks 92.10
        photographs 64.6
    National Park Service records 79.10, 79.13.2, 79.13.3
        deed files 79.4.6
        maps 79.14
        photographs 79.17
    World War I
        guidebooks 117.4.3
        photographs 117.4.4
        temporary cemeteries 92.9.1
    World War II temporary cemeteries 92.9.2
Battleground National Cemetery 79.6.6
Battleship Cruiser Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Battleship Cruiser Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Battleship Division 1 313.5.3
Battleship Division 2 313.5.2, 313.5.3
Battleship Division 7 313.5.3
Battleship Squadron 1 313.5.8
    armor plating 74.6
    engineering plans 19.3.3
    naval operating forces 313.4.2, 313.4.3
    salvage 181.3.7
Battleships Division Two (Naval Forces) 313.4.2
Batzell, Elmer E. 253.2.4
Baudette, MN 36.3.1
Baughman, Stanley 3.6.3
bauxite 57.4.2, 70.9, 70.10.1, 70.11.3
    military records 242.10
    photographs 242.28
Bavaria, Land Commissioner for
    (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.2
Bavaria, Office of Military Government 260.7.1
Bavarian Foot Artillery 242.28
Baxter, James Phinney III 226.6
Bay City, MI, Division (Circuit Court) 21.24.3
Bay City, MI, Division (District Court) 21.24.2
Bay of Fundy 76.2.1, 76.2.3
Bay of Whales 126.8
Bay, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bayamo, Cuba 395.11.5
Bayberry (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Bayh, Birch E. 220.18.14
Bayhead, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Bayonne, France 120.8.1
Baytown, TX 41.5
Bazoilles, France 120.8.3
"BDM" Project 175.2
Beach Erosion Board (Army Engineers) 77.3.5, 77.6.7
Beach, Lansing H. 77.2.8
Beach Street Barracks, MA 393.4
    Army Engineers surveys 77.10.55
    erosion studies 77.6.7, 77.10.25
    photographs 79.17
    World War II landing zones
        maps 331.34, 332.2.3
        strategic studies 77.3.5, 169.8.2
Beales, Laverne 29.4.2
Beaman, E.O. 57.2.2
Beame, Abraham D. 220.9.14
Bean Division (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Bear (revenue cutter) 26.3.2, 75.27
Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica 307.5.2
Beardslee, Will G. 190.1
Beau Desert, France 120.8.1
Beaufort, District of (Army) 393.5
Beaufort Inlet and Harbor, NC 77.10.66
Beaufort, NC, Biological Laboratory 22.13.3
Beaufort, NC, District of (Army) 393.4
Beaufort, NC, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Beaufort, SC
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.11.1, 393.12, 393.14
    Civil War trade 366.6
    customs collection 36.3.1
    property survey maps 58.4.8
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Beaulieu, MN 75.19.17
Beaumarchais, P.A.C. de 360.2.2
Beaumont, TX
    customs collection 26.6.6, 36.3.1
    urban planning maps 187.5.5
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Beaumont, TX, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.39.4;
    (Circuit Court) 21.46.4;
    (District Court) 21.46.3
Beaune, France 120.3.5, 120.8.3
Beauregard, P.G.T. 109.9.3, 109.13.2
beautification 368.4
Beaver River 187.5.2
Beavertail, RI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Beck, Ludwig 226.12
Becker, George F. 57.3.1
Bedford, Clay 330.2.4
Bedford, PA, internment camp
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.4.2
bedload experiment stations 114.4.4
Bedload Section (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.4
Bedloe's Island, NY 90.4.37
Bee Culture, Division of 7.5.1
Beebe Plain, VT 76.2.1
Beebe, W.M. 27.4.5
"The Beech, Chestnut, and Oak Trees of the Southern States" 95.7.1
Beecher, John 228.4.3
Beecher, Norman 32.2.9
Beede, Kenneth C. 240.3.4
bees 7.5.1
beet sugar SEE sugar beets
beetles 95.7.7
Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study 419.2
Behaviorial Effects Task Group
    (Three Mile Island Commission) 220.18.16
Behind the Scenes in the Machine Age (motion picture) 86.3
Behind the Winning Punch (motion picture) 179.6
Beirut, Lebanon, Regional Service Center
    (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Belfast, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Belgian Congo
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.3, 84.4
Belgian Congo Section, Belgium and (Foreign Economic
    Administration) 169.10.3, 169.10.5
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.15
        coke industry 169.8.2
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        political subdivisions 407.10
        postwar frontiers 43.6.7
    State Department committees 353.5.6
    tariff practices 151.9.3
    U.S. military cemeteries (photographs) 92.8.2, 332.2.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.4.2
        OSS 226.18
    World War I
        armistice commission 120.14.6
        photographs 106.6, 117.4.4, 120.16, 165.21
    World War II
        aerial photographs 331.2.3
        civilian aid to Allies 332.2.2
        German occupation 242.7.9
        German propaganda films 28.2.2
        maps 332.2.3
        military government 338.9.3
        photographs 242.28, 243.3.3
        postwar civil affairs 331.15.2
        SHAEF mission 331.7
Belgium and Belgian Congo Section
     (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3, 169.10.5
Belgium-Luxembourg Division
     (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Belgrade Provisional Administration for Jewish Property 242.5.4
Belknap, William 93.1
Bell, Daniel W. 51.10.2
Bell, David E. 51.8.1, 273.1, 286.9
Bell, George L. 1.2
Bell, J.F. 4.4.1
Bell, O.C. 223.2
Bell Telephone
    Defense Test Day broadcast (sound recording) 334.15.1
    patent case 60.3.1
Bell, Ulric 208.6.5
Bell, William 77.5.2, 79.17, 106.6
Belle Fontaine Factory 75.3
Belle Fourche, SD, land office 49.9.23
Belle Isle, MI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.7
Belle Meade, NJ, General Depot (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Belle Plain, VA 393.8, 393.11.2
Belleville, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Bellinger, Louisa 79.17
Bellingham, WA 412.5.6
Bellingham, WA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.50.5
Bellingham, WA, Division (District Court) 21.50.4
Bellingham, WA, Plant Introduction Garden 54.3.17
Bellona, VA, Arsenal 156.9.3
Bellport, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Belmont, NV, land office 49.9.18
    German occupation 242.4.6
Beltsville, MD, Agricultural Research Center 16.8.5, 54.3.4,
    114.2.1, 310.2.1
Beltsville, MD, Horticultural Station 54.3.4
Ben Franklin Bridge 406.2.2
Ben Johnson League baseball team 391.8
Bena, MN, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.53
Bendetsen, Karl R. 335.4, 335.6
Bendix Brake Co. 313.4.3
Benedictine abbey, Montecassino 260.4.9
Benefits and Costs, Subcommittee on
    (Federal Interagency River Basin Committee) 315.2.2
Benicia, CA, Arsenal 156.9.4
Benicia, CA, Barracks 112.5.7, 393.7
Benicia, CA, land office 49.9.5
Beni-Sef, Algeria, Advanced Amphibious Training Base 181.5.1
Bennett, Hugh H. 114.2.1, 114.4.1
Bennett, James V. 60.17.8
Bennett, John B. 48.5.9
Bennett, William 419.1
Benson, AZ, Chinese immigration inspector 85.5.10
Benson, Ezra Taft 16.3.1
Benson, MN, land office 49.9.14
Bentley, Martin J. 75.12.1
Benton Barracks, MO 249.2.2, 249.5.1, 393.4, 393.7
Benton, Charles W. 220.28
Berg, Sherwood O. 220.14.10
Bergen, Edgar 47.4.2
Berger, John M. 75.19.73
Bergland, Robert 16.7.3
Bergman, Herbert John 60.3.4
Bering River coal fields 126.2
Bering Sea
    maps 22.4.1
    naval intelligence 38.4.9
    sealing 22.2
Bering Sea Claims Commission 76.6
Bering Sea Patrol 26.5.2, 26.5.7
Bering Sea Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.2
Berinsky, Burton 64.7
Berkeley, CA, Field Office (Agricultural Engineering) 8.5
Berkeley, CA, Outing Center (Indian Affairs) 75.21.2
Berkeley, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.12, 393.14
Berking, Max 228.3.1
Berlin Barter Center 260.6
Berlin blockade and airlift
    British, U.S. airlift reports 260.7.5
    Jessup-Malik talks 43.10.7
    military operations (photographs) 260.4.4
        Air Force 342.15
    Western military governors conferences 43.9.2, 260.10.7
Berlin, City Assembly of Greater 260.7.5
Berlin Command (Military Government for Germany) 260.6
Berlin Command/Brigade 338.7.5
Berlin Conference (1945) 333.4
Berlin Conference on West African Affairs 43.2.5
Berlin District (SHAEF) 331.12
Berlin Document Center 242.15
Berlin Element (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.4
Berlin, Germany
    photographs 47.4.2, 153.13.1
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Grain Corporation 5.4.2
        Military Mission 120.14.6
        naval attache 45.5.1
        War Crimes Counsel 238.4.8
    World War II
        aerial photographs 331.2.3
        city directory 331.3.3
        German surrender 218.4
        postwar Allied control 43.9.2, 260.8.5
Berlin Kupferstiche Kabinett 260.4.9
Berlin Sector, Office of Military Government 260.7.5
Berlin, Treaty of (1899) 284.1
Berman, Ronald S. 288.2.2
    harbor charts 80.7.2
    U.S. Army base commands 338.2.2
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Bermuda Conference 43.2.48
Bermuda Hundred, VA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.8, 393.12, 393.13.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
Bern, Switzerland
    OSS base 226.18
    U.S. War Refugee Board 220.5.11
Bernstein, Joan Zeldes 220.18.25
Bernstein, Lawson F. 293.4
Berthold, Victor M. 259.3
Bertillon records 65.3, 65.4
Besancon, France 120.8.3
The Best-Fed Baby (motion picture) 102.3
Best, Robert 60.3.4
Bethany Beach, DE, Aircraft Warning Site 77.10.44
Bethel Agency 75.19.2
Bethel, AK 49.13.1
Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. 32.4.3
Bethlehem Steel Corp. 32.3.4, 156.3.4, 156.13
Bethune, Mary McLeod 119.5.4, 119.5.5
Better Housing Division (Government Reports) 44.3.5
"A Better Way" (video recording) 16.7.3
bevatron experiments 326.5.7
Beverage Branch (Food and Drug Administration) 88.7
Beverage Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
beverage regulation 88.7
Beverages and Tobacco Division (War Food Administration) 136.9.2
Beverly, MA
    customs collection (Salem) 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Bevis, Howard L. 307.8.1
BG-1 aircraft 313.4.3
Biarritz, France 120.8.1
Bibb (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
bicentennial alliance programs 452.3.7
Bicentennial Arts Program (Interior Department) 48.16
Bicentennial celebration
    American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 452
    State Department participation 59.5.2
Bicentennial Ethnic-Racial Council 452.4.3
Bicentennial Information Media Program 452.3.5
Bicentennial Information Network 452.3.5
Bicentennial, Joint Committee on Arrangement for the
    Commemoration of the 128.3
Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, Commission on the 220.19
"Bicentennial U.S.A." exhibit 452.3.5
Bicycle Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.4
Bidault, Georges 43.10.17
Biddle, Eric H. 51.11.2
Biddle, Francis 25.3, 60.17.6
Bien Hoa, Vietnam, regional team (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2
Biennial Register 59.4.5
Biery, Donald 75.20.40
Big Bend District (Army) 393.5
Big Bend National Park, TX 79.7.2
Big Black, MS 393.7
Big Black River Bridge, MS 393.7
Big Black River Survey, AL 8.2.2
Big Creek, CA, watersheds 95.10.5
"Big Firm File" (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.2
Big Flats, NY, Civilian Public Service camp 114.8.2
Big Four Drainage District, IL 114.4.6
Big Four Foreign Ministers meeting 43.7.1
Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition 393.4, 393.10
"Big Inch" 253.6.4
Big Kinnakeet, NC, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Big Muddy River 187.5.4
Big Run 77.10.45
Big Sandy River 77.10.11, 77.10.21
Big Stone Gap, VA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.49.5
Big Stone Gap, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.4
Biggers, John D. 29.5.5
Bigham, Truman C. 198.3
Bikini Atoll
    Atomic Energy Commission photographs 326.5.1
    nuclear tests 77.11.1
        motion pictures 342.12
    ordnance photographs 74.7
Bikini Scientific Resurvey Group 374.5.1
Bill of Rights 11.2, 12.2.1
    facsimile exhibit posters 64.8
Billings, MT, Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.4
Billings, MT, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.11
Billings, MT, Division (District Court) 21.28.2
Billings, MT, field office (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2
Billings, MT, land office 49.9.16
Billings, MT, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Billings, MT, regional office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.1
Billings, Warren K. 10.2
    House of Representatives 233.2
    Senate 46.2
Biloxi, MS
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Biloxi, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.3
Binangonan, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bingham, William 360.2.2
Binghamton, NY, District Office (Price Administration) 188.12.3
biochemists 434.4.2
Biological and Behavioral Research, President's Commission for
    the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and 220.18.19
Biological, Behaviorial and Social Sciences,
    Assistant Director for 307.6
biological research
    Chesapeake Bay stations 22.4.3
    fisheries 22.3.1, 22.3.3, 22.4.3, 22.8.6, 22.12.3, 22.13.2
    human underwater habitation 255.12
    wildlife 22.8.2, 22.11.4, 22.11.5
Biological Research, Division of
    (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.13.3
Biological Survey, Bureau of
    Agriculture Department legal records 16.5.1
    correspondence 22.7
    divisions 22.6
    general records 22.5
    official's papers 75.21.1
    photographs 22.10
    regional office records 22.14.2
biological warfare
    Air Force Headquarters 341.10.6
    Chemical Warfare Service 175.4.8
    Korean war (motion pictures) 263.6
    military intelligence records 373.2
    research reports 330.11.3
    War Research Service 235.2.5
    weapons destruction 338.11.10
    fish, wildlife 22.5, 22.15.3, 22.17.1
    Soil Conservation Service 114.5.5
biology education 90.13
Biomedical Research Panel, President's 220.15.40
Biophysical Laboratory 54.3.5
Biorka Island, AK, LORAN Station 26.6.12
Bipartite Board (Germany) 260.9.1
Bipartite Control Office 260.9.2-260.9.4
Bipartite Control Office Library 260.9.3
Bipartite Control Office, Office of the U.S. Chairman 260.9.2
Bipartite Liaison Division
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Birch Cooley Day School 75.20.29
Birch Lake, AK 49.13.1
Birdman of Alcatraz 204.2
    conservation 22.1, 22.5, 22.6.1, 22.8.5,
        22.11.5-22.11.7, 22.15.5
    photographs 17.2.2, 22.3.4
    protection reserves (maps) 49.16
Birdseye, Claude H. 57.5
Birmingham, AL, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.1
Birmingham, AL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.3,
    188.14.6, 188.14.7
Birmingham, AL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.2.3
Birmingham, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.2
Birmingham, AL, Field Office
    (Justice Department, Land Division) 60.12.2
Birmingham, AL, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.4
Birmingham, AL, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Birmingham, AL, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War)
birth control
    Peace Corps activities (motion pictures) 490.4
birth records
    Army medical records 94.12.3
    Indians 75.16.5, 75.16.11, 75.19.3, 75.19.10, 75.19.16,
        75.19.17, 75.19.21, 75.19.30, 75.19.35-75.19.37,
        75.19.45, 75.19.49, 75.19.50, 75.19.54, 75.19.60,
        75.19.67, 75.19.73, 75.19.76, 75.19.88, 75.19.94,
        75.19.98, 75.19.104, 75.19.107, 75.19.111, 75.19.114,
        75.19.115, 75.19.126, 75.19.128, 75.19.129, 75.19.131,
        75.20.2, 75.20.33, 75.20.46, 75.23.3
    Military Academy 407.4.3
    U.S. citizens abroad 84.2, 84.3
Bisbee, AZ 174.5.2
Bishop Indian Subagency 75.19.6
Bishop, Joey 47.4.2
Bishop, Maurice 242.24
Bishops Point, HI, Section Base 181.7.1
Bismarck, Herbert von 242.14
Bismarck, ND
    park map 48.13
    signal operators 111.5.3
Bismarck, ND, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.19
Bismarck, ND, District (Territorial Court) 21.36.1
Bismarck, ND, District Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3;
    (Price Administration) 188.16.2, 188.16.6, 188.16.7;
    (Public Roads) 30.5
Bismarck, ND, Division (Circuit Court) 21.36.3
Bismarck, ND, Division (District Court) 21.36.2
Bismarck, ND, land office 49.9.20
bison (photographs) 79.17
Bittersweet (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1, 26.6.12
Bittman, William O. 460.5.2
bituminous coal
    consumer affairs 223
    Great Lakes shipping maps 219.8
    Interior Department division 222
    medical survey 245.6
    miners' travel time 220.5.10
    National Bituminous Coal Commission 150
    price controls 188.8.8
    wartime controls 245.3.2, 245.4.4
Bituminous Coal Act (1937) 222.1, 222.2, 222.4, 223.1,
    223.2, 245.4
Bituminous Coal and Coke, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.4.1
Bituminous Coal Code 222.7
Bituminous Coal Commission, U.S. 67.6
Bituminous Coal Conservation Act 223.2
Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel, Records of the
       Office of the (RG 223)
    administrative history 223.1
    motion pictures 223.3
    records 223.2
Bituminous Coal Division (Interior Department) 223.2
Bituminous Coal Division, Records of the (RG 222)
    administrative history 222.1
    Administrative Section 222.3
    cartographic records 222.9
    Compliance Section and Compliance Coordinator 222.4
    Legal Division 222.5
    Marketing Branch 222.6
    National Bituminous Coal Commission 222.2
    other units 222.8
    Records Section 222.7
Bituminous Coal Division
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.2
Bituminous Coal Labor Board 9.8.8, 150.3
Bituminous Distribution Division
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.4
Bituminous Road Materials, Subcommittee on
    (Highway Council) 67.5.8
Bizonal Financial Talks 43.10.2
Bizonal Supplies Committee 353.5.7
"Black Belt Survey" (Civil Rights Commission) 453.2.1
black employment
    CCC training (photographs) 35.3.2
    federal agencies 188.3.13
        HUD employees demonstration 207.7.2
        Presidential commission 220.9.5
        White House employees 130.3.4
        World War II (photographs) 208.5.2
    freedmen's labor contracts 105.5
    housing construction 196.5.6
    Labor Department division 174.4.3
    National Youth Administration projects 119.5.4
        motion pictures 119.5.2
    Navy 80.3.2
    urban unemployment survey 453.2.1
    vocational education 12.5.2
    World War II cable production 228.3.4
Black Hills, District of (Army) 393.5
Black Hills Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Black Hills issue 75.19.20
Black, Hugo L. 60.4.3
Black, J.W. 178.2.3
black lung disease 47.1
black market economies
    Price Administration 188.3.5
        sound recordings 188.7.4
    World War II control 331.22.1
Black Mountain Expeditionary Force 393.4, 393.10
Black Mountain Experimental Forest 95.10.5
Black River Harbor 77.10.6
Black River, WI 77.10.53
Black River, LA 77.10.35
Black Sea
    naval intelligence 38.4.9
Black Tom, NJ 76.9.1
Black Warrior-Tombigbee River 77.10.31
Black, William Murray 77.2.5
Blackburn, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Blackfeet Agency 75.19.3
Blackfeet Indians
    artworks (photographs) 435.2
    enrollment 75.7.5
"Blackfeet Industrial Survey" 75.19.3
Blackfeet Reservation 75.16.4
Blackfeet Tribal Fund 75.19.3
Blackfoot, ID, land office 49.9.8
Blackhawk (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Blackmer, Harry M. 60.17.5
blackout methods 171.9
blacks SEE ALSO black employment; freedmen; military personnel
        (blacks); slaves; headings beginning with Negro
    agriculture 56.5, 174.4.3
        photographs 145.2, 145.4
    Alston drawings 208.3.5
    census maps 29.3.6
    children (photographs) 47.4.2
    education 12.2.2, 12.2.3, 12.3.1
    housing 96.4.9
    land sale certificates 58.4.8
    music 69.5.3
    newspapers 69.4.3, 330.7.2
    Price Administration community services 188.7.5, 188.15.5
    public health
        radio program 90.14
        syphilis treatment 90.13
    small business 40.3.7
    theater 69.5.4
    University of Mississippi integration (motion pictures) 118.23
    urban population maps 195.3
    White House conference 220.26
    WPA projects 69.4.3, 69.5.3, 69.5.5
blacksmiths 75.19.88
Blackstone, VA 215.4
Blackthorn (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Blackwater, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Blackwell, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Blair, John M. 240.3.4
Blaisdell, Donald C. 16.3.2
Blaisdell, Thomas C. 187.3.5
Blake, George S. 405.2.1
Blakeley, AL, U.S. Forces 393.2, 393.11.1
Blakslee, James I. 28.6.1
Bland, Richard E. 220.15.25
Blank Forms, Standing Committee on (Treasury) 56.15.2
Blankenhorn, Herbert 43.10.25
blast meters (photographs) 77.22
Blaustein, Arthur I. 220.14.5
Blazer Committee 232.4
Blighted Areas and Slums, Committee on
    (Home Building Conference) 167.7
Blimp Headquarters Squadron 2 (Naval Forces) 313.5.8
blind persons
    census list of schools 29.2.3
    industrial employment (motion pictures) 12.4.4
    sensory devices 227.3.2
    Social Security programs 47.2
Blind, Technical Committee on Work with the Needy 220.5.1
Blindness Council, National Advisory Neurological Diseases and
Bliss, Tasker H. 120.14.7
blister rust 7.5.11, 75.16.6
Blister Rust Control, Office of 95.6.4
Block, Herbert 65.10
Block Island, RI, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Block Plan (Civilian Defense Office) 171.5.5
Blockade Division
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.8.3, 169.10.5
Blockading and Escort Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Blois, France 120.8.2
    Army program in Vietnam (sound recordings) 319.20.6
    military program 330.12.1, 330.12.2
Bloom, Sol 148.6
Bloomfield, MO 393.4, 393.7
Bloomfield Seminary 75.19.26
Blough, Roy 459.1
Blue Book (Military Academy) 404.4.1
Blue Hill Observatory 27.6.1, 370.6
Blue Plains Home for the Aged 351.2.3
Blue Ridge Mountains
    tree species 95.7.1
Bluebeard Castle Hotel 55.3.4
Blueberry Bulletin 54.3.6
Blueberry Project 54.3.6
"Bluebook Investigation" 460.3.1
Bluefield, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.3
Bluefield, WV, Office
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Blumenthal, W. Michael 364.3
    Army Engineers correspondence 77.2.2
    boating safety 26.5.14
    Coast Guard photographs 26.5.2
    international cup races 26.3.2
    mail route service 28.4.3
        Indian Affairs 75.29
        Navy Department 80.11
    small craft charts 370.11
    WPA construction 26.5.6
Boatwright, W.P. 156.7.19
Bode, I.T. 22.5
Bodie, CA, land office 49.9.5
body armor 156.7.15
Boeing Corp. 270.3.8
Boggs, S.W. 59.3.10
Bohlen, Charles 59.5.2
Boiler Explosions, Commission on 41.2.1, 41.2.2
Boise City, ID, internal revenue collection district 58.5.12
Boise, H.B. 120.16
Boise, ID
    flood, 1959 95.10.1
    penitentiary building plans 48.13
Boise, ID, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.2
Boise, ID, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.6
Boise, ID, Assay Office 104.5.1
Boise, ID, Barracks 393.7
Boise, ID, District of (Army) 393.5
Boise, ID, District Office (Geological Survey) 57.10.3;
    (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.3;
    (Price Administration) 188.17.3, 188.17.6, 188.17.7
Boise, ID, Division (Circuit Court) 21.14.3
Boise, ID, Division (District Court) 21.14.2
Boise, ID, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Boise, ID, Interagency Fire Center 49.15.2
Boise, ID, land office 49.9.8
Boise, ID, regional office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.1
Boletin Aereo 57.9
Bolivar, TN 393.7, 393.9, 393.12
    claims 76.4
    Paraguay arbitration 76.5
    rubber production (photographs) 234.5.9
    Spanish arbitration 76.5
    U.S. Army mission 334.3
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
boll weevil 7.5.7, 33.2.1
"Bolling Agreement" 153.9.6
Bolling Field, DC 18.9.1, 77.10.64
    AEF intelligence 120.3.2
    German relations 59.5.2, 130.2.6
Bomb, Pyrotechnic, and Warfare Section 156.7.16
bomb reconaissance schools 171.5.10
Bomb Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.12
Bombardiers, Sappers, and Miners, Company of 404.17
Bombardment Group (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Bombardment Squadrons (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Bomber Commands (Army Air Forces) 18.10
bombers 341.12.8
bombing missions SEE ALSO Hiroshima, Japan
    aerial tests (photographs) 38.4.16
    Allied Force HQ 331.26.1
    German targets
        aerial photographs 242.9.4
        maps 242.25
    Strategic Bombing Survey 243
    training films 18.11
bombs SEE ALSO nuclear weapons
    balloon bombs 77.11.4
    civilian defense (photographs) 171.9
    disposal 338.9.5
    equipment and programs 107.2.7
    motion pictures 342.12
    ordnance research, development 156.7.18
    photographs 156.10.1
Bomford, George 49.5
Bonaparte, IA 69.3.1
Bonds, Contracts, and Powers of Attorney, Division of
    (First Comptroller) 217.3.11
"Bondwagon" 56.13.1
Boney, Walter T. 255.2.1
U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard 45.8.4
Bonin Islands 38.3.2
Bonn, Germany
    U.S. astronaut visit 255.13
Bonnet Carre, LA, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Bonneville, OR, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
Bonneville Power Administration
    Columbia River motion picture 115.8
    industrial survey maps 48.13
Bonneville Power Administration, Records of the (RG 305)
    administrative history 305.1
    motion pictures 305.3
    records 305.2
    sound recordings 305.4
Bonneville power plant 187.5.9
Bonneville Project Act (1937) 305.1, 434.3
Bonnin, L.S. 75.19.10
Bonsall, Rebecca A. 56.3.1
Bonus Marchers 394.3.2
"Booby Traps" (sound recordings) 7.7
Book and Magazine Bureau (OWI) 208.3.9
Book Publication, Division of (Geological Survey) 57.8
Bookbinder, Hyman N. 220.10.1
bookbinding 149.3
Bookkeepers Division (Customs Commissioner) 217.5.1;
    (Second Auditor) 217.7.2;
    (Third Auditor) 217.8;
    (Fourth Auditor) 217.9.1
Bookkeeping and Warrants, Division of (Treasury) 56.2.1, 56.4
Booklet Division (OWI) 208.5.4
bookplates 260.4.9
Books Abroad, Advisory Committee on
    (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.3.3
booms (engineering plans) 77.10.49
Boone, IA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.15
Boonsboro, MD, CCC camp 114.8.1
Booth, James C. 104.4.4
Boothbay Harbor, ME
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Boothbay Harbor, ME, Biological Laboratory 22.13.3
Boothbay Harbor, ME, public health hospital 90.4.6, 90.4.41
Booz Report 38.2.2
Bora Bora 38.7.3
"Borax Building" 434.4.1
Bordeaux, France
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
Border, District of the (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Border Patrol, U.S. 85.2.1, 170.4
Borman, Frank 255.7.2, 255.13, 429.3
Borneo (maps) 151.11
Borongan, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bosch Group of Hesse 260.4.3
Boscombe Down, England 120.8.1
Boston and Charlestown, MA, District of
    (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.2
Boston, MA
    alien deportations 85.5.3
    Army commands 98.2.5, 338.2.2, 393.4
    harbor survey 23.2.2
    housing discrimination (sound recording) 453.2.1
    King assassination radio broadcasts (sound recording) 220.13.2
    photographs 66.4
    rent control 252.4.1
        customs collection 36.2.2, 36.3.1
        fishing vessel arrivals 22.14.1
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrivals 36.3.2, 85.3.1
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
Boston, MA, Area Office (Manhattan Project) 77.11.4
Boston, MA, Army Base 32.5.12
Boston, MA, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Boston, MA, Army Supply Base 92.7.1
Boston, MA, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
Boston, MA, branch office (Hydrographic Office) 37.3
Boston, MA, Coast Defense District (Naval Forces) 313.9.1
Boston, MA, Coast Guard Base 26.5.6
Boston, MA, Coast Guard District 26.6.1
Boston, MA, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.5;
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.1;
    (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2
Boston, MA, District Office     (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.4;
    (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.11.3; (Public Roads) 30.5;
    (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Boston, MA, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.4
Boston, MA, Draft Rendezvous (Army) 393.13.12
Boston, MA, field office (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.1
Boston, MA, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.1
Boston, MA, Finance Center (Army Comptroller) 319.7.6
Boston, MA, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Boston, MA, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Boston, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
Boston, MA, Litigation Office (Housing Expediter) 252.4.1
Boston, MA, Loan Agency
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Boston, MA, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Boston, MA, Naval District 181.2.1
Boston, MA, Navy Shore Patrol Headquarters 181.15.38
Boston, MA, Navy Yard
    photographs 19.12
    Preble's history 45.4.1
    records 181.3.1
    ship plans 45.6
    Ships Bureau letters 19.2
    Yards and Docks journals 71.2.5
Boston, MA, office
    (Federal Water Pollution Control Administration) 382.3;
    (Shipping Board Recruiting Service) 41.7;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Boston, MA, Ordnance District 156.12
Boston, MA, Quartermaster 92.3.5
Boston, MA, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Boston, MA, region (General Services Administration) 269.11.1
Boston, MA, Regional Board (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.1
Boston, MA, regional office
    (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.4.2;
    (Community Services Administration) 381.6.1;
    (Employment and Training Administration) 369.3.1;
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.1;
    (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.14.4, 22.15.1;
    (Price Administration) 188.11;
    (Property Management and Disposal Service) 291.3.1;
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.1
Boston, MA, supply base (Army) 77.3.1
Boston, MA, zone office
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.1
Boston Naval Shipyard News 181.3.1
Bosworth, Barry P. 429.9
botanical gardens 16.7.1, 42.3.5, 66.4
botanists 54.3.6
Botany, Division of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.6
botany library catalog 54.2
Bothell, WA, regional headquarters
    (Emergency Preparedness) 396.3.2
Bottineau, ND, project office
     (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.10
Boudinot, Elias 360.2.1
Bougainville 127.2.4, 127.9
Boulder Canyon Project 48.12.2
Boulder City, NV, experiment station (Mines Bureau) 70.12.5
Boulder City, NV, regional office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.1
Boulder, CO, experiment station (Mines Bureau) 70.12.2
Boulder Dam 48.5.14
Boulder Dam National Recreation Area 79.9.3
Boulton Mint 104.2.1
boundaries SEE ALSO state boundaries
    arbitration by U.S. 76.5
    bibliography 59.3.10
    inspection stations 36.2.3
    international commissions 43.11.4, 76.2, 76.3
        American Commission to Negotiate Peace 256.4
        Army Engineers 77.12.2
        postwar Europe 43.6.7
        Senate 46.23
        State Department Geographer 59.3.10
    New Spain-U.S. expedition 98.2.1
    Russian-American Company records 261.2
    treaty correspondence 59.4.4
Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations,
       Records of (RG 76)
    administrative history 76.1
    arbitrations, U.S. as arbitrator 76.5
    arbitrations, U.S. as party 76.6
    Canadian border commissions 76.2
    cartographic records 76.10
    Civil War claims, U.S. and Great Britain 76.8
    claims against Central Powers 76.9
    claims, U.S. as party 76.4
    Mexican Claims Commission 76.7
    southern border commissions 76.3
    still pictures 76.11
boundary markers and monuments
    Canadian border 76.2.1, 76.2.3, 76.2.4, 76.2.6
    Mexican border (photographs) 77.22
    southern border 76.3
"Boundary Tree" enterprises 75.19.7
boundary waters 76.2.1-76.2.8, 412.4.2
    Civil War military service 42.2.5, 110.3.3
        black servicemen 105.3.1, 105.4.2
        Confederate Quartermaster rolls 109.7.3
        Confederate Treasury claims 365.2.3
    claims 94.9.1
    Treasury accounts 217.7.3, 217.7.4, 217.8.7
        Army recruits 217.7.3
        slave ship captures 217.3.10
bounty agents 110.2
Bounty and Claims Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.9
bounty land claims 15.7.2, 15.7.4, 15.7.5
    Army Finance Chief 203.2
    Indian claims 75.7.4
    Interior Secretary 48.4.2
bounty land scrip and warrants
    General Land Office administration 49.3.2
        land offices 49.9.4, 49.9.12, 49.9.17, 49.9.23, 49.9.24
    relevant legislation 49.3.2
    Treasury records 53.2.2, 53.4.2
Bourges, France 120.8.2
Bourne, Stephen N. 32.4.1
Boutwell (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Bower, W.V. 67.7
Bower, Ward T. 22.4.1
Bowers, T.S. 108.3
Bowie, District of (Army) 393.5
Bowles, Chester 250.4.2
Bowling Green, KY
    Army commands 393.7, 393.11.1
Bowling Green, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.3
Bowling Green, KY, Hospital 109.8.4
Bowling Green, KY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.17
Bowman Act (1883) 123.4, 123.5
U.S.S. Boxer 75.21.11
Boxer Rebellion SEE ALSO China Relief Expedition
    photographs 111.10, 165.21
    U.S. Cavalry operations 391.3.2
    Dempsey fights (motion pictures) 21.50.4
Boy Scout camp (motion pictures) 22.19, 79.15
The Boy Who Couldn't Walk (motion picture) 220.7.7
Boyd, Robert O. 13.7
Boyen, Hermann von 242.10
boys clubs 33.6
Bozeman, MT, District (Territorial Court) 21.28.1
Bozeman, MT, land office 49.9.16
Bozeman, MT, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.6
Bracero Program 174.4.1
Bradford, William 78.6
Bradley, Omar N. 218.3
Brady, James T. 94.11
Brady, Mathew
    Civil War scenes, portraits 21.55, 90.15, 111.10
    Winfield Scott portrait 15.2.1
Bragdon, John Stewart 459.1
Bragg, Braxton 109.9.3
Bragg, Mark A. 449.8
Braille recipes 176.4.3
Braille Sports Foundation 220.17.12
brainwashing 112.7
Bramble (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.7
branch banks 101.2
branch mints 104
Branch Naval Intelligence Offices 38.6.3
Branch of Executive Headquarters, U.S. (China) 338.4.5
Branches and Customs, Bureau of (War Trade Board) 182.11
Brandeis, Louis
    bust (photograph) 21.55
Brandon, Rick 46.7
Brandt, Karl 459.1
Brandwen, Maxwell 248.3.1
Brandywine District (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Brandywine Shoal, DE, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.3
Brannan Plan 16.3.1
Brant Point, MA, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Brashear City, LA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.12
Brashear, LA
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Braucher, Robert 220.15.4
Braun, Eva 242.16, 242.26, 242.28
Braun, Wernher von 255.3, 255.4.3
Braunschweig-Bevern, Duke of 242.10
Braxton County, WV 83.8
Bray, William J. 240.3.1
    agriculture (photographs) 54.7
    airfields 333.3, 341.3.1
        site maps 234.5.3
    Argentine dispute arbitration 76.5
    civil works projects 77.2.3
    claims 76.4
    economic conditions 151.9.2
    economic development commission 43.11.29
    grain trade 103.4.1
    reciprocity treaties advisory committee 353.11.3
    river surveys 77.5.3
    rubber production 234.5.9
    State Department sound recordings 59.8
    strategic minerals 57.4.3
    telephone, telegraph communications 259.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
        Joint Military Commission 333.3
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.5.1
        military recreational facilities 215.3.3
        naval attaches, missions 38.6.1
        photographs of officials 229.14
Brazil Coffee-Wheat Department 103.4.1
Brazil Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.1
Brazilian Centennial International Exposition 43.12.13, 56.15.4
Brazos de Santiago, TX 36.3.1
Brazos River 412.5.3, 414.5
Brazos, TX, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Brazos, TX, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6, 393.14
bread 62.10.2
breakwaters 71.6
Brearley, David 360.4
Breathitt, Edward T. 220.14.16
Brecht, J.E. 75.25
Breckinridge, J.C. 109.9.3
Breech-Loading Rifles, Board on 74.5
Bremen, Land Commissioner for
    (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.1
Bremen, Office of Military Government 260.7.4
Bremerhaven, Germany 466.3.1
Bremerhaven, Germany, Liaison and Security Detachment
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.4
Bremerton, WA
    housing 252.4.7, 252.4.8
    naval installations 181.3.11, 181.8.10, 181.15.2
Brennan, Peter J. 174.3.1
Brent, Joseph L. 340.6
Bres, Edward S. 79.13.3
Bressman, Earl N. 16.3.2
Brest, France
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
    photographs of ports 19.3.1
    shipping 32.5.13
Breton Bay, MD 77.10.64
Bretton Woods Agreement Act (1945) 56.12.1
Bretton Woods Agreements 56.12.2
Bretton Woods Conference 43.3.7
Brewer Collection 351.4
Brewer, Henry W. 351.4
Brewster Aeronautical Corp. 266.5
Briar, John 194.2.2
    Donovan investigation 449.4
    Emergency Management Office investigations 214.3.3
Bridge Administration Division (Coast Guard) 26.5.13
Bridgeport, CT
    customs collection (Fairfield) 36.3.1
    port (photographs) 233.33
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Bridgeport, CT, internal revenue collection district 58.5.6
Bridgeport, CT, Ordnance District 156.12
Bridgeport, NE, CCC camp 114.8.1
    AEF maps 120.15
    Army Engineers records 77.2.2, 77.10.6, 77.10.45, 77.10.55
        engineering plans 77.2.3, 77.10.49, 77.10.56
    Delaware River tolls 406.2.2
    FWA projects 162.2.3
    Indian reservations 75.14.11, 75.19.45
        maps 75.19.98
    Land Management Bureau construction 49.14.2
    lithographs 92.17
    National Capital Planning Commission (maps) 328.3
    navigation permits 26.5.13, 26.6.10
    photographs 42.3.4, 64.6, 66.4, 69.10, 71.6, 142.10.2
    Potomac River 79.6.6
    World War II
        intelligence reports 226.6.2
        maps 331.2.3, 331.16.3, 332.2.3
Bridges, Harry R. 85.5.8
Bridgeton, NJ
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Bridwell, Lowell K. 406.2.2
Briesmeister, William A. 307.5.2
Briey, France 120.8.3
Brig. Gen. Edmund Kirby (mine planter) 391.2.6
Brigantine, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Briggs, Lyman J. 167.3.2, 167.4
Brimley, MI 22.15.3
Brindley Field, NY 18.9.1
Brinegar, Claude S. 406.6
"Bringing Information to the People" (video recording) 220.28
"Brinkerhoff File" 94.3, 94.10.5
Brinkley, David 64.14, 64.16
Bristol, PA 32.4.11
Bristol, VA 393.7
Bristol-Warren, RI
    customs collection 26.6.3, 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
British Administration Section
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.2
British Admiralty 15.4.5
British Air Packets 120.3.2
British-American Coordinating Committee 169.9.6
British-American Joint Patent Interchange Committee 43.11.17,
     60.7, 153.10.1
British Antarctic Expedition 307.5.2
British Army of the Rhine 120.11.3
British Assistant Chief of Staff 331.16.2
British Branch Radiation Laboratory 227.10.1
British Caribbean colonies 169.7.2
British Chiefs of Staff Committee for the War Cabinet 331.3.5
British Claims, Commission for Adjustment of 153.2.1, 153.9.7
British Colonies Section
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.2
British Columbia
    Alaska border area (photographs) 76.2.9
    coastal areas (photographs) 22.3.3
British Commonwealth
State Department committees 353.5.6
British Commonwealth Division
    (International Programs Bureau [Commerce]) 489.5.1
British Contraband Committee 182.3.1
British Empire and Middle East Branch
     (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9
British Empire Division, Assistant Administrator of the
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
British Expeditionary Forces 120.14.3, 163.2.4
British Guiana
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.3, 84.4
    Venezuela boundary arbitration 76.5
British Honduras
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
British Increment (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.2
British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee 332.2.3
British intelligence units 331.17.4
British land grants
    Florida 49.3.4
British maps 77.12.3, 120.15
British Nationals, Commission for Hearing and Determining Claims
     by 125.3.20
British naval ship plans 45.8.4
British North Borneo
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
British officers (photographs) 331.4.3
British patent claims 125.3.20
British Petroleum Mission 253.2.2
British Purchasing Mission 169.2
British Requirements Sub-Section (SHAEF) 331.4.2
British Royal Air Force Bomber and Fighter Commands in Europe
British-United States Zone (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33
British War Office 331.9.3
British West Indies
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.7.2
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
    U.S. Naval Air Facility 181.12.6
Brito, Nicaragua 185.4
Broadcast and Visual Activity, Pacific 338.8
Broadcast Bureau 173.10
Broadcast Corporation of Japan 331.43
Broadcast Facilities Division 173.10.2
Broadcast Network Survey 173.5
Broadcast Recording Unit
    (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.3.7
broadcasting SEE ALSO radio communications; television
      photographs 145.2, 145.4
Broadcasting Advisory Committee
    (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.3.3
Broadcasting, Associate Directorate for (Voice of America) 306.4
Broadcasting Division (Censorship Office) 216.2.3
broadcasting licenses 173.2
broadsides 156.16
Brobeck, William 326.5.7
Brode, Wallace Reed 167.3.2, 167.4
Broken Bow, NE, land office 49.9.17
Bromwell, Charles S. 42.3.1
Bronx, NY, Selective Service board 146.2.2
Bronx River 77.10.37
Bronze Network Division (OWI) 208.4.4
Brook Field, TX 18.9.1
Brooke, John R. 140.1, 199.2
Brookhart, Robert R. 220.17.5
Brookhaven, MS
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Brookhaven, MS, internal revenue collection district 58.5.24
Brookings Institution 60.17.1
Brooklin, ME 41.5
U.S.S. Brooklyn 313.9.3
Brooklyn, NY, Army Supply Base 92.7.1
Brooklyn, NY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.32
Brooklyn, NY, Naval Hospital 52.4.2, 52.6
Brooklyn, NY, Navy Yard 45.6, 181.3.5
Brooklyn Project 116.2
Brooks, Philip C. 64.2.4
Brooks, William A. 80.3.1
Brookville, IN, land office 49.9.10
Brsted project 75.16.5
Brothertown (Brotherton) Indians 49.3.2
Brown, Bruce K. 253.2.3
Brown, Carl 114.5.1
Brown, Charles A. 97.2
Brown, Dean 220.17.9
Brown, Edmund G. 220.14.7
Brown, Ethel G. (Mrs. Rollin) 220.22
Brown, G.H. 29.3.1
Brown gravity apparatus 23.4.2
Brown, J. Ross 56.3
Brown, Joseph 108.2
Brown, La Rue 60.4.5
brown market economies 188.3.5
Brown, Preston 207.7
Brown, Richard R. 119.5.5
Brown, Thompson S. 77.4.3
Brown, William Wallace 60.4.4
Brown, Winthrop G. 43.2.42
Brownell, Herbert 220.17.5
Brownell, Samuel M. 12.2.1
Browning Boarding School 75.19.31
Browns Head, ME 26.6.1
Brownsboro, AL
    Army commands 393.12
Brownsboro, AL, District of (Army) 393.4
Brownsville, AR 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
Brownsville, District of (Army) 393.5
Brownsville, TN 393.7
Brownsville, TX
    Army commands 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    naval shore establishment 45.6
    vessel documentation files 41.5
    weather observations 27.5.7
Brownsville, TX, Division (Circuit Court) 21.46.6;
    (Confederate District Court) 21.46.7;
    (District Court) 21.46.5
Brownsville, TX, Marine Inspection Office 26.6.6
Brownsville, TX, Marine Safety Office 26.6.6
Brownsville, TX, Plant Introduction Garden 54.3.17
Brownsville, TX, Vessel Documentation Branch 26.6.6
browntail moths 7.2
Bruce, David K.E. 226.7
Bruce, Louis R. 75.5.1
Bruceton, PA 70.5.1, 70.6
Brucker, Wilber M. 335.2
Brundage, F.H. 252.4.7
Brunei (maps) 151.11
Brunswick, GA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Brunswick, GA, Division (District Court) 21.12.6
Brunswick, ME, Naval Air Station 181.11.4
brushland improvement 95.9.4
Brussels Universal and International Exhibition
     (World's Fair, 1957-58) 43.12.16, 59.7
Bryan, William Jennings 59.3.1
Bryant, Thomas E. 220.18.1
Bryce Canyon National Park 79.17
Bryson City, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.4
Buchanan, Franklin 405.2
Buchanan, TN, Coast Guard Depot 26.6.2
Bucharest, Romania
    OSS base 226.18
Bucharest, Romania, Liaison Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.3
Buchen, Philip 460.12
Buchenwald concentration camp
    inmate indexes 338.7.2
    motion pictures 338.7.2
    photographs 153.13.1
Buck, Solon J. 64.2.1, 64.2.4
Buckingham, Catherinus P. 107.2.6
Buckthorn (Coast Guard Cutter) 26.6.7
Buddeke, Richard A. 330.2.5
Budget Advisory Committee (Army Staff) 319.25.2
Budget and Accounting Act (1921) 28.7, 217.3,
    217.6, 217.8-217.10, 411.1
Budget and Accounting, Task Force on
    (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7
Budget and Administrative Services Division
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.9
Budget and Audit Control Office
    (1949 Inaugural Committee) 274.3
Budget and Finance Branch (Army Staff) 319.5.2
Budget and Finance Branch (OSS) 226.16
Budget and Finance Committee (Panama Canal Co.) 185.8
Budget and Finance Division
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.1;
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.2;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.2.2
Budget and Finance, Office of
    (Agriculture Department) 16.8.2
Budget and Finance Section (Censorship Office) 216.2.3
Budget and Finance Section (Price Stabilization) 295.2.5
Budget and Finance Service (War Manpower Commission) 211.18.1
Budget and Fiscal Branch
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Cambodia) 334.5.2;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.5;
    (Provost Marshal General) 389.2.4
Budget and Fiscal Division
    (Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) 374.3.7;
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2;
    (Strategic Services Unit) 226.16;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4
Budget and Fiscal Section
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.1;
    (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.3;
    (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.2
Budget and Fiscal Unit
    (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.2
Budget and Legislative Planning Branch
    (War Department) 203.3
Budget and Management Branch
    (FAA regional office, Atlanta) 237.5.6
Budget and Management Division (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Budget and Management Division
    (National Production Authority) 277.2.3
Budget and Management, Office of
    (Commerce Department) 40.3.1
Budget and Planning Office
    (Price Administration) 188.3.5, 188.17.1
Budget and Planning, Office of (State Department) 59.3.2
Budget and Procurement Branch (OSS) 226.16
Budget and Reports, Office of (Navy Department) 80.5.2
Budget and Statistical Section
    (Provost Marshal General) 389.2.5
Budget Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Budget Branch
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4
Budget, Bureau of the
    Government Information Service 44.5.3
    Motor Transport Coordinator 42.10
    National Resources Planning Board 187.6
    Reconstruction Finance Corporation 234.2.1
    records 51.5, 51.8
Budget Committee (House of Representatives) 233.7
Budget, Committee on the (Senate) 46.7
Budget, Director of the (Air Force Headquarters) 341.8
Budget Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.5;
    (General Services Administration) 269.11.2;
    (Interior Secretary) 48.5.15;
    (Peace Corps) 490.3.1;
    (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4;
    (War Department Special Staff) 165.10
Budget Estimates Group (War Department Special Staff) 165.10
Budget Methods Branch (Budget Bureau) 51.8.4
Budget Office (Army Air Forces) 18.7.6;
    (Emergency Management Office) 214.3.2;
    (Weather Bureau) 27.5.2
Budget, Office of
(General Services Administration) 269.7
Budget Officer (Labor Department) 174.3.4
Budget Preparation Branch (Budget Bureau, OMB) 51.8.4, 51.9.12
Budget Preparation Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Budget Review, Deputy Assistant for
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.12
Budget Review Division (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.12
Budget Review, Office of (Budget Bureau) 51.8.4
Budget, U.S.
    joint Congressional committees 128.4
Budget Working Group (National Security Council) 353.5.12
Buell, Herbert L. 77.2.9
Buena Vista Hills, CA 60.17.5, 80.5.1
Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Public Information Committee representative 63.2.3
buffalo SEE bison
Buffalo Bill Historical Center 435.2.1
Buffalo Center, AK 49.13.1
Buffalo Creek 114.10.1
Buffalo Creek Flood Prevention Project 114.13.5
Buffalo Creek, NY 36.3.1
Buffalo Harbor, NY 76.2.4
Buffalo, NY
    customs collection 36.3.1
        airfield 111.8
        defense areas 187.5.2
        housing 187.5.2
    rent control 252.4.2
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Buffalo, NY, Aviation General Supply Depot and Acceptance Park
Buffalo, NY, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.6
Buffalo, NY, District (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.3
Buffalo, NY, District Office
     (Price Administration) 188.12.3, 188.12.6
Buffalo, NY, federal depository 39.5
Buffalo, NY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.32
Buffalo, NY, land office 49.9.27
Buffalo, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Buffalo, NY, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Buffalo, NY, office
    (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.3;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6;
    (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Buffalo, NY, State University 220.15.17
Buffalo, NY, Supervising District
    (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.9
Buffalo, NY, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Buffalo School Survey 12.3.3
bugle calls (sound recordings) 94.2.1
Bugle Notes (Military Academy) 404.4.5
Builders Iron Foundry 156.13
Building America's Health 220.7.16
Building and Construction Accounting Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.5.5
Building and Construction Price Division (Price Administration)
    188.8.5, 188.11.6, 188.12.6, 188.13.5, 188.14.6,
    188.15.6, 188.16.6, 188.17.7, 188.18.6
Building and Housing, Division of 167.7
building associations SEE savings and loan associations
Building Committee (Washington National Monument Society) 42.13.1
Building Construction Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Building Loan Section (Housing Corporation) 3.4.8
Building Management and Service, Division of
    (National Archives) 64.3
Building Materials and Construction Industries Division
    (Business and Defense Services Administration) 40.4
Building Materials and Equipment Distribution Section
     (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Building Materials and Structures Reports 167.3.4
Building Materials Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.5
building permits
    District of Columbia 351.4
    World War I construction 61.3.11
Building Research Division
    (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.3
Building Research Summary Reports 167.3.4
Buildings and Grounds, Officer in Charge of (Naval Academy)
Buildings, Committee on (Agriculture Department) 16.8.5
Bulama arbitration 76.5
Bulb Culture Investigations, Chief of 54.3.15
Bulfinch, Charles 48.4.12
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
    USIA exhibits 306.5.4
    World War II
        cultural resource protection (maps) 239.3
        Paris Peace Conference 43.5.6
        photographs 242.28
        postwar frontiers (maps) 43.6.7
        postwar government 331.19.2
Bulgarian-language captured records 242.22
Bull, Harold R. 331.3.5
Bullard, William H.G. 38.3.1
Bulletin of New Plant Immigrants 54.3.17
Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards 167.3.4
Bullitt, William C. 117.3.2
Bumpus, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Bundy, Harvey H. 77.11.1, 107.2.6
Bunker Control Committee
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Bunker Hill School of Aeronautics 270.2.1
Bunker, R.M. 94.1, 407.1
Bunkers and Ship Stores Section
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
buoys 26.6.3, 77.10.49
Burden, William A.M. 340.8
Bureau of Standards Act (1901) 167.2, 167.3
Burger, Warren 64.14
Burgess Spring Experimental Range 95.10.5
burglar alarms 340.9.6
burials SEE ALSO cemeteries
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.3
    American Battle Monuments Commission 117.3.3
    Army posts 94.12.5
    Battleground National Cemetery 79.6.6
    Civil War prisoners 109.14.2
        Andersonville 249.2
        Rock Island 156.9.14
    concentration camps 338.7.2
    Indians 75.19.36
    Fort Stanton hospital 90.4.17
    naval medical records 52.4.2
    Patton (photographs) 332.2.3
    Quartermaster General 92.8.1-92.8.5, 92.9.1
        Confederate grave markers 92.10.2
        removal of remains 92.8.1, 92.9.2
    World War II
        graves registration 338.9.3, 338.9.5
        gravestones (photographs) 111.10
    Yorktown National Cemetery 79.10.4
Burke, Charles H. 75.29
Burley, ID, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.3
    Burley, ID, Project Office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.2
Burlington, IA
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Burlington, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.3
Burlington, IA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.15
Burlington, IA, land office 49.9.11
Burlington, NJ
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Burlington, VT
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Burlington, VT, internal revenue collection district 58.5.45
Burlington, VT, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.37, 77.10.42
    State Department committees 353.5.6
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
    U.S. intelligence (maps) 165.4.1, 165.8.2
    World War II
        cultural resource protection (photographs) 239.4
        maps 332.3.1
        OSS activities 226.3.11, 226.18
Burma Road 38.7.3
Burmese Division (OWI) 208.6.2
Burnett, H.L. 153.2.4
Burns and Allen show (sound recordings) 171.4.8
Burns, Arnold L. 449.8
Burns, Arthur F. 459.1
Burns Colony Paiutes 75.19.122
Burns, James H. 220.5.9
Burns, OR, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.6
Burnside Barracks, IN 393.4, 393.7
Burnside's Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Burnt Coat Harbor, ME, 26.2.2
Burr, David 28.6.2
Burrill, Meredith F. 324.2
Burris, Homer L. 340.2
Burroughs, John 56.3
Burrows, Don S. 340.5
Burton, Harold H. 60.4.3
Burton Island (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Burton, John F., Jr. 220.15.26
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.4
bus transportation 133.3.2
bush fires 75.19.35
Bush, George
    administration commissions 220.20
        1989 Inaugural Committee 274.13
        video recording 128.5
Bush Mountains, Antarctica 307.5.2
Bush, Vannevar 227.2.1, 227.3.1, 374.2
Bushman, Francis X. 47.4.2
Business Administration Division (Employment Service) 183.3
Business Advisory Council (Commerce Department) 40.7.3
business advisory groups
    Small Business Administration 309.3
business and commerce SEE ALSO antitrust issues; employment and
        unemployment; international trade; retail trade
    black participation 174.4.3
    census records 29.4.3, 29.6.1, 29.8.3
    Civil War restrictions 56.5, 56.16, 366
    Commerce Department 40
    Federal Trade Commission 122
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151
    inaugural activities participation 274.9
    Indian arts and crafts 435.2.1
    Interstate Commerce Commission 134
    motor vehicle ownership 133.3.2
    National Resources Planning Board (maps) 187.5.9, 187.5.10
    NRA codes 9.3.2, 9.2.4
    photographs 151.13
    Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans 234.2.3
    Treasury accounts 217.2.1
    World War I trading investigations 182.8.3
    World War II
        communications control 216.2.2, 259.2
        essential activities 211.14
        postwar Japan 331.46.3, 331.51.2, 331.51.3
        price controls 188.3.9
Business and Defense Services Administration 40.4, 489.4
business censuses
    American-owned assets abroad 265.2.1, 265.2.2
Business, Censuses of 29.4.3, 29.6.1
Business Counseling Division (Small Business Office) 240.5
Business Department (Paris Exposition Commission) 43.12.10
Business Development, Office of
    (Small Business Administration) 309.4
Business Division (Census Bureau) 29.6.1
Business Economics, Office of 375.2
Business Economics, Office of (Foreign and Domestic
    Commerce Bureau) 151.2.1, 151.8
Business Enterprises in the Department of Defense,
    Subcommittee on (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.5
business law
    Alaska territorial court cases 21.3.4
    American Samoa 284.3.1
    Indian Territory incorporations 21.38.1
business leaders
    civil disorders 220.11.5
    postwar Japan (photographs) 331.47
business licenses
    DC police records 351.5
Business Machines, Equipment, and Supplies Section
    (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Business Management, Assistant Executive Director for
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.18
Business Management Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.1
Business Manager, Bureau of the (Fuel Administration) 67.3.9
Business Methods, Board on (Navy Department) 80.7.3
Business Methods, Committee on (Food and Drug Administration) 88.3
Business Organizations Staff
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Business Press Section (OWI) 208.3.5
business schools 12.2.2
Business Service Section (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.2
Business Services Division (Smaller War Plants Corporation)
business taxes
    Arizona U.S. Attorneys 118.4
    Bureau of Corporations reports 122.2
    corporation assessment lists 58.3.2
    defense preparedness 304.3.4, 304.6.1
    mineral development incentive 220.7.14
    shipping 32.2.5
    small defense plants 309.2
Business, Trade and Tourism, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
busing 453.2.2
Bussler, Louis T. 253.3.5
butadiene plants 234.5.7, 253.6.3, 253.7.5
Butadiene Producers Technical Committee 234.5.7
butane 188.8.8
butchery companies (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Butler's Expedition 393.10
Butte, MT
    civil service examiners 146.5.10
    powerline maps 187.5.9
Butte, MT, Division (Circuit Court) 21.28.3
Butte, MT, Division (District Court) 21.28.2
Butte, MT, War Price and Rationing Board 188.17.7
butterflies 7.5.8
button assays 104.5.4
buttons 22.3.2
Buttonwood 26.6.11
Butz, Earl 16.7.3
Buzzard's Bay, MA 74.6
Byoir, Carl 63.2.1
Byproducts of Space Research: Selected Examples 255.9
Byrd Antarctic expeditions 126.8, 307.5.2, 370.8.2
    photographs 26.5.2
Byrd, Richard E. 126.8, 178.12
Byrnes, James F. 43.7.2, 214.2
Byroade, Henry A. 338.4.6

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