Trademarks > Trademark Acceptable Identification of Goods & Services
U.S. Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual (ID Manual)
[Reflects Nice Agreement 10th Ed.]

The ID Manual contains a listing of acceptable identifications of goods and services. Any entry you choose must accurately describe your goods and/or services. A failure to correctly list the goods/services with which you use your mark, or intend to use your mark, may prevent you from registering your mark.

Need more information on how to identify your good/services? Watch the Trademark Information "how-to" video on "Goods and Services." Or need more information on the difference between use and intent to use? Watch the "Filing Basis" video.

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Trademark ID Manual Field Codes
Code & Name Examples
[IC] Class Code Ex: "001"[IC]
[GS] Goods or Services (G/S) Ex: G[GS]
[ED] Effective Date Ex: "20010601"[ED]
[DE] Descriptions Ex: computer[DE]
[ST] Status (A, M, D) Ex: A[ST]
[NT] Note Ex: deleted[NT]
[TL] Trilateral Ex: T[TL]