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The Honorable Christiane Gigi Hyland, Board Member

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Hyland's picture 


Gigi Hyland was sworn in as a Board member of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) on November 18, 2005 for a six-year term, which expired August 2, 2011, although she continues to serve on the Board. Prior to joining the NCUA Board, Ms. Hyland's career spanned fourteen years serving the credit union community as an attorney and advocate.    

NeighborWorks® America

Board Member Hyland serves as the NCUA Board’s representative to the NeighborWorks® America Board of Directors. NeighborWorks® America is the country’s preeminent leader in affordable housing and community development working to create opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in safe, sustainable neighborhoods that are healthy places for families to grow.

For more information on NeighborWorks® America, please go to


Supplemental Capital White Paper, April 12, 2010

The White Paper reviews NCUA’s current authority, discusses research related to supplemental capital for credit unions, assesses the lessons learned from current forms of supplemental capital in credit unions, offers three possible models for supplemental capital and provides modeling and suggested statutory revisions.

Outreach Task Force Report, February 26, 2008

The mission of the Task Force was threefold: (1) evaluate and determine the appropriateness of three recommendations from the agency’s 2006 Member Service Assessment Pilot Program: A Study of Federal Credit Union Service; (2) assess the agency’s current role and efforts with respect to credit union service to their members; and (3) assess the recommendations made by the Government Accountability Office in its 2006 report (GAO-07-29). The report contains twelve recommendations for consideration by the NCUA Board in four areas: collection of membership profile and financial services data; senior executive compensation; the definition of low-income credit union; and outreach.