A. Comparison of numbers of requests received:

53,992 in FY06 vs. 52,010 in FY05, a 3.8% increase

B. Comparison of number of requests processed:

54,925 in FY06 vs. 51,435 in FY05, a 6.8% increase

C. Comparison of median numbers of days requests were pending as of end of fiscal year:

Varied by component. See chart on page 16.

D. Other statistics significant to components:

845 requests for expedited processing received; 332 requests for expedited processing granted.

E. Other narrative statements describing component efforts to improve timeliness of FOIA performance and to make records available to the public (e.g., backlog-reduction efforts; specification of average number of hours per processed request; training activities; public availability of new categories of records):

See Section XII.

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