

DOE Office of Science


Welcome to the CNMSUG

The formation of CNMSUG was initiated in 2005 when the CNMS management started to identify several users as the Charter Members of the Users Executive Committee (UEC). These Charter Members were responsible for preparing the charter of the CNMSUG, and coordinating the election of the first UEC. Four Charter Members were appointed in 2006 including Haiping Cheng (University of Florida), S. Michael Kilbey, II (Acting Chair; Clemson University), and Yoke Khin Yap (Michigan Technological University). Under the leadership of Michael Kilbey and Tony E. Haynes (CNMS user coordinator), a proposed Charter was prepared by the Charter Members. The purpose of this Charter was to establish the initial bylaws, structure and procedures for CNMSUG.

The CNMSUG was officially founded on September 7, 2007 when its Charter was unanimously approved by the voting users. According to the Charter, all lead principal investigators on approved CNMS user projects and all badged CNMS users become CNMSUG members for three years from the initiation of their CNMS project. The stated purpose of the CNMSUG is:

“to provide a formal and direct channel for the exchange of information and advice between the management of the CNMS and the investigators who perform experimental and computational nanoscience-focused research at the CNMS. The CNMSUG will also serve as an advocacy group for the experimental and computational nanoscience-focused research activities at the CNMS.”

The User Executive Committee is an elected body of members that conducts the regular business of the CNMSUG. The UEC is expected to make recommendations to CNMS management on matters affecting the user community and to participate in planning the annual user meeting. Users are encouraged to contact any member of the UEC listed below to make suggestions for enhancing the benefits the research community receives from CNMS.

CNMS 2013 User Executive Committee
(term of service ends in December of the indicated year)

Chair, by succession from Vice-Chair: Tony Hmelo (Vanderbilt University) - 2013

Vice-Chair: Vivek Prabhu (NIST) - 2014

Secretary: Milan Buncick (AEgis Technologies Group) - 2013

At-Large Members:

  Nina Balke (ORNL/CNMS) - 2014

  Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb (Georgia Tech) - 2013

  Michael Hickner (Penn State) - 2013
  Marian (Molly) Kennedy (Clemson U.) - 2014

  Megan Robertson (U. Houston) - 2014

  Ichiro Takeuchi (U. Maryland) - 2013

  Rafael Verduzco (Rice U.) - 2014

Past Chair, ex officio member: Martyn McLachlan (Imperial College, London) - 2013



Updated Thursday, 31-Jan-2013 14:17:07 EST