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HUD   >   State Information   >   Iowa   >   STATES   >   Help With Your Utility Bills: Iowa
Help With Your Utility Bills: Iowa

If you need help paying your utility bills, contact one of these organizations.

 -   Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program - federal grant program established to help reduce the heating and cooling costs for low-income persons through improving the energy efficiency of their homes  
 -   Iowa Low-income Energy Assistance Program - program to assist qualifying households with the payment of a portion of their residential winter heating costs
 -   Iowa Division of Community Action Agencies  - through the "RECare" program of Iowa's Rural Electric Cooperatives, distribute funds to help the elderly and other low-income families pay for winter heating bills
 -   Operation "Round Up" - program by several local power companies provides energy assistance funds to local nonprofit organizations and individuals in need:
 -   Nishnabotna Valley Rural Electric Cooperative
 -   Northwest Rural Electric Cooperative
 -   "Black Hills Cares" - program by Aquila, Inc. provides funds for utility bills or repairs to vital heating or cooling equipment
 -   "I CARE" - program by Mid-American Energy Company assists needy individuals with their heating bills
 -   Make your home more energy efficient