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Congratulations to all!

We are very proud of our most valued resource in our Division, our STAFF! The following are staff recognitions of various awards presented and achievements accomplished.

  • Dr. Ram D. Sriram was elected as a 2010 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for his contributions to engineering design automation. The AAAS Council made the selection of 2010 Fellows in November, and these individuals will be recognized for their contributions to science and technology at the Fellows Forum to be held on 20 February 2010 during the AAAS Annual Meeting in San Diego. The new Fellows will receive a certificate and a blue and gold rosette as a symbol of their distinguished accomplishments. AAAS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson, and professional association. In addition to organizing membership activities, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books and reports, and spearheads programs that raise the bar of understanding for science worldwide.
  • The International Council for Systems Engineering (INCOSE) will recognize the Model Driven System Design Working Group (MDSD WG) with a 2009 Working Group of the Year award for its "professional contributions, personal efforts, and over a decade of effort to bring ISO 10303-233 to fruition as the enabler for information exchange in an integrated Model Based Systems Engineering environment." This standard, informally known as AP233 provides a mechanism for model interchange among system modeling and other tools. The MDSD WG has championed this effort since 1998. NIST working group members include Peter Denno and Allison Barnard Feeney. Barnard Feeney also served as Editor of the ISO standard through its development process. INCOSE recognizes annually the efforts and achievements by Working Groups in support of INCOSE's mission. By focusing on the Working Groups, these awards are meant to specifically recognize team effort within a Working Group and similarly across multiple Working Group teams. INCOSE is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. The MDSD Working Group will receive the award at the INCOSE February 2010 meeting, "... on behalf of systems engineering professionals worldwide."
  • Dr. Milton Borsato, from the Federal University of Technology in Parana, southern Brazil, has been invited by Dr. Sriram, to join the team of NIST specialists that are currently working to propose an ontology that aligns sustainability terms with product life cycle management concepts. Dr. Borsato has been selected by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for an award under the Mutual Educational Exchange Program, and has been working with MEL’s Sustainable and Lifecycle Information-based Manufacturing (SLIM) Program team since December, and will be in Gaithersburg until the end of February 2010.
  • Frank Riddick and Tina Lee were awarded a “SIWzie” award for a paper that was submitted to the 2009 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop. The SIWzie award is given to recognize the best papers of the conference as judged by a conference review panel. The paper that received the award was entitled, “Representing Layout Information in the CMSD Specification.” A formal presentation of the award to Riddick and Lee will take place at the 2010 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop. The 2009 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop was held 21-25 September, 2009 in Orlando, FL.
  • 2009 Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Presented to Vijay Srinivasan, Chief of the Manufacturing Systems Integration Division at NIST. This award is to acknowledge Dr. Srinivasan's distinguished dual career in industrial research and academic teaching spanning over twenty-five years. Since 1983, he has been leading research and standards activities in the area of mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE at IBM. He has developed and implemented mathematically-based ASME and ISO standards on dimensioning, tolerancing, and related metrological practices. Since 1987, he has been an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University, where he has taught and trained hundreds of students in geometric modeling & computations, and integrated product development. He has published and presented extensively on these topics. [MEL Press Release]
  • 2009 Automotive Industry Action Group's Outstanding Achievement Award - Peter Denno, of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, has been selected to be one of the recipients of this year’s Automotive Industry Action Group's Outstanding Achievement Award for his substantial contribution to, and leadership of, the AIAG’s Materials Off-Shore Supply Chains (MOSS) project. The award is for Denno’s hard work, dedication and support of his fellow volunteers; and many cost-saving standards and guidelines --- used around the globe to help achieve a seamless, efficient and responsible supply chain --- without which would never have come to fruition. AIAG is a not-for-profit organization providing a forum where automotive retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers work collaboratively to drive cost and complexity from the supply chain via global standards development and harmonized business practices. The MOSS project is specifically designed to address grave deficiencies in the information currently used in long distance supply chains and the adverse impacts of these deficiencies on the flow of goods. Denno received his award at the Annual Awards Ceremony, October 9, 2009, at the Automotive Hall of Fame, Dearborn, MI.
  • Dr. Eswaran Subrahmanian, guest researcher in the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory was elected to be a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dr. Subrahmanian is being recognized for his distinguished contribution to design theory and methodology and its implications for design support systems and for bridging theory, practice and education in engineering design. The award was presented on February 14, 2009, in Chicago.
  • 2008 Automotive Industry Action Group's Outstanding Achievement Award - Peter Denno, of the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, has been selected to be one of the recipients of this year’s Automotive Industry Action Group's Outstanding Achievement Award for his substantial contribution to and leadership of the AIAG’s Materials Off-Shore Supply Chains (MOSS) project. The award is based on a body of work that has spanned a number of years, and represents an on-going commitment to establish a seamless, efficient, and responsible supply chain in support of the automotive industry. AIAG is a not-for-profit organization providing a forum where automotive retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers work collaboratively to drive cost and complexity from the supply chain via global standards development and harmonized business practices. The MOSS project is specifically designed to address grave deficiencies in the information currently used in long distance supply chains and the adverse impacts of these deficiencies on the flow of goods. Denno received his award at the Annual Awards Ceremony, September 8th, at the Detroit Institute of the Arts. [AIAG Press Release]
  • During the workshop on "Modeling and Simulation for Emergency Management and Health Care Systems" held in Boston, MA on July 24-25, Charles McLean received a plaque “in recognition of your tireless efforts to promote modeling and simulation and associated standards, and your initiative for integrated simulation of health care and the improvements it will bring.” The plaque was presented by Bill Waite, President of AEgis Technologies Group and Founder of the SimSummit Consortium.
  • 2007 Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Individual Achievement Award - Presented to NIST Guest Researchers Nenad Ivezic and Boonserm Kulvatunyou for their outstanding contributions to the automotive industry. Individual Achievement Award recipients were recognized for their exceptional commitment and dedication to produce industry guidelines and international standards to reduce rework, error, and costs throughout the automotive supply chain and help sustain the growth of the industry.  The Outstanding Achievement Award is a special recognition given to AIAG volunteers who make a distinguished and recognizable contribution to AIAG programs.  AIAG is a globally recognized organization of automotive suppliers and Original Equipment Manufactures (OEMs), focusing on issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain.  Headquartered in the metro Detroit area, its more than 1,500 member companies include North American, European, and Asia-Pacific OEMs and suppliers to the automotive industry. For more information on AIAG, see http://www.aiag.org/.
  • 2007 Societ y of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Kuo K. Wang Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award - Presented to Boonserm Kulvatunyou. This award is presented annually to honor manufacturing engineers, age 35 or younger, for their contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry throughout the early stages of their careers. Established by the Society in 1979, the intent of this award is to increase recognition for young manufacturing engineers who are often overshadowed in award selections due to nominations of more seasoned engineers with longer service to the profession and/or more significant achievements. [SME Press Release]
  • 2007 Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Presented to Ram D. Sriram. This award is to acknowledge Dr. Sriram’s exceptional technical leadership in the area of both development and application of new information technologies to the field of engineering; and his  pioneering work in the applications of artificial intelligence techniques to engineering design automation, particularly for civil and mechanical engineering applications. Sriram’s Distributed and Integrated Collaborative Engineering Environment (DICE) project at MIT (1986-1994) was one of the first attempts in developing a set of tools and techniques for a computer-supported collaborative engineering environment. His recent technical leadership on interoperability standards is resulting in helping the manufacturing industry achieve considerable reduction in interoperability costs.
  • 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC) to be presented to Steven Fenves. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors living individuals who have "made a difference" in AISC and the structural steel industry's success. The award provides special recognition to individuals who have provided outstanding service over a sustained period of years to AISC and to the structural steel design/construction/academic community.  The Jury of Educator Awards selected Professor Fenves. The award will be presented during the annual North American Steel Construction Conference in New Orleans , Louisiana , on Wednesday, April 18, 2007. 2007 International Awards & Recognition Committee of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award - Presented to Dr. Boonserm Kulvatunyou, an industrial engineer with the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory in the Manufacturing Systems Integration Division. Dr. Kulvatunyou builds testing tools to support collaborative efforts in interoperability testing and evaluation with industry and government partners.The SME Kuo K. Wang Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award is conferred to an engineer, age 35 or younger, who has made exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry throughout the early stages of his/her career. Kulvatunyou is one of 13 recipients who will receive the award in 2007. The 2007 award is named in honor of Dr. Wang for his lifelong contributions to manufacturing and long-time support of SME.
  • 2006 NIST Bronze Medal Award - Presented to Conrad Bock. Successfully integrating a range of industry agendas, Mr. Bock led the Object Management Group standardization of process modeling in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), and secured endorsement by the International Council of Systems Engineering. Executing NIST's mission to advance standards and technology, his innovative efforts significantly broadened the applicability of UML beyond object-oriented software to the domains of workflow, business modeling, and systems engineering in the service of diverse customer base. The Bronze Medal Award is the highest honorary recognition given by the Institute. The award is given for significant performance characterized by outstanding or significant contributions that have increased the efficiency and effectiveness of NIST. [photo]
  • 2006 International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Outstanding Service Award - Presented to Conrad Bock, for his contribution to the development of the Systems Engineering Modeling Language (SysML) which has recently been adopted as an international standard by the Object Management Group. The INCOSE award recognizes individuals who have given significant and extended effort on behalf of INCOSE and systems engineering in publications, professional liaison, and advocacy. INCOSE is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. Its vision is to advance the state of the art and practice of systems engineering in industry, academia, and government by promoting interdisciplinary, scaleable approaches to produce technologically appropriate solutions that meet societal needs.
  • 2006 American National Standards Institute Meritorious Service Award by the Board of Directors Awards Committee - Presented to Ed Barkmeyer in recognition of his many contributions to the ANSI Federation and the voluntary standardization community. Barkmeyer is one among eight Meritorious Service awards being presented at ANSI headquarters, NY this fall. He is being recognized has one who achieved many successes in developing and harmonizing standards in the field of information technology and integrating manufacturing and engineering information systems across numerous enterprises. More information regarding other award recipients and the annual recognition, please click here.
  • 2006 Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Individual Achievement Award - Presented to NIST Guest Researcher Nenad Ivezic and NIST employee John Horst for their outstanding contributions to the automotive industry. The award ceremony was held at the 20th annual AIAG Outstanding Achievement Awards Dinner at the Troy Marriott in Troy , Michigan . Individual Achievement Award recipients were recognized for their exceptional commitment and dedication to produce industry guidelines and international standards to reduce rework, error, and costs throughout the automotive supply chain and help sustain the growth of the industry.  The Outstanding Achievement Award is a special recognition given to AIAG volunteers who make a distinguished and recognizable contribution to AIAG programs.  AIAG is a globally recognized organization of automotive suppliers and Original Equipment Manufactures (OEMs), focusing on issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain.  Headquartered in the metro Detroit area, its more than 1,500 member companies include North American, European, and Asia-Pacific OEMs and suppliers to the automotive industry. For more information on AIAG, see http://www.aiag.org/. [AIAG Press Release]
  • 2006 PDES, Inc. Bryan K. Martin Technical Excellence Award - Presented to Allison Barnard Feeney. The Bryan K. Martin Technical Excellence Award honors individuals who have made outstanding technical contributions to PDES, Inc. Ms. Allison Barnard Feeney' technical efforts and leadership in developing the STEP modular architecture guidelines, AP210, AP233, AP203 edition 2, and her focus on creating a module development infrastructure make her an outstanding candidate for this year’s award. These specifications and the STEP Module Repository infrastructure are significant technical accomplishments that are providing new capabilities and cost savings to PDES, Inc. members.[PDES, Inc. Press Release, 03/2006]
  • 2005 DoC Silver Medal Award - Presented to Simon Frechette, Allison Barnard Feeney, and Joshua Lubell. The Silver Medal is the second highest honor awarded by the department. It is bestowed for “exceptional performance characterized by noteworthy or superlative contributions that have a direct and lasting impact within the Department. The award was presented for sustained leadership in developing and deploying STEP AP203 Edt. 2, A New Standard for Computer-Aided Design Interoperability. [photo]
  • 2005 NIST Bronze Medal Award - Presented to Joshua Lubell, KC Morris, and Puja Goyal (Boonserm Kulvatunyou, a guest researcher here at NIST, also contributed.) The Bronze Medal Award is the highest honorary recognition given by the Institute. The award is given for significant performance characterized by outstanding or significant contributions that have increased the efficiency and effectiveness of NIST. The award was presented for building XML schemas to support multi-party collaboration work processes for the life cycle of facilities equipment. [photo]
  • 2005 Steven J. Fenves Award for Systems Research - Presented to Dr. Eswaran Subrahmanian, a guest researcher here at NIST in the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, Manufacturing Systems Integration Division; working on the Manufacturing Interoperability and Manufacturing Metrology and Standards for the Health Care Enterprise Programs.  He is sharing this award with Susan Finger, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University . This award is presented each year to one or more individuals within Carnegie Mellon who have made significant contributions to systems research in areas relevant to the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems.
  • 2003 PDES, Inc. Brad Rigdon Technical Management Award - Presented to Simon Frechette. The PDES, Inc. Executive Board established the Brad Rigdon Technical Management Award in June 1996, in honor of Brad Rigdon, President and Chairman of the PDES, Inc. Simon Frechette received this award for oustanding technical managment on the PDES, Inc. STEP-on-the-Web project. [photo] [PDES, Inc. Press Release, 09/2003]
  • 2002 PDES, Inc. Bryan K. Martin Technical Excellence Award - Presented to Joshua Lubell. The PDES, Inc. Executive Board established the Bryan K. Martin Technical Excellence Award in memory of Bryan K. Martin’s exceptional record of strong leadership and tireless work to achieve PDES, Inc. goals.  The Board presents this award annually to a PDES, Inc. technical resource who has demonstrated superior technical contributions to the program. Joshua Lubell recieved this award for technical work and leadership he provided to develop the STEP Modules Repository and the EXPRESS-to-XML mapping technologies. [photo] [PDES, Inc. Press Release, 03/2002]