Meningococcal Disease:
Q&A with the Experts

Did you know that adolescents are at increased risk for contracting meningococcal disease, a rare and potentially fatal bacterial infection? Click on the below videos to hear health experts answer key questions about meningococcal disease and how it can be prevented.

For more information about meningococcal disease and the benefits of vaccination, please speak with your health care provider.

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A booster vaccination is now recommended for teens.

Click here to view the latest vaccination recommendations from CDC.
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This website is supported by unrestricted educational grants to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases from GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co., Inc., Novartis Vaccines, and sanofi pasteur. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases’ educational grant policy is that funders do not control program content. For more information, see site reflects US immunization policy and is intended for US residents.