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Family Health

Families with Special Needs: Caregiving Tips

Whether your family member with special needs is a child or an adult, combining personal, caregiving, and everyday needs can be challenging. Below are general caregiving tips and links to information on specific health topics to help you and those you care for stay safe and healthy.

Caregiving Tips

Be informed.

  • Take time to learn about your family member’s condition and special need requirements. 
  • Talk to health care providers and other health professionals that work with families with special needs.
  • Understand the needs of you and your family, and work together to make good choices about housing, schools, health services, and more.
  • Be aware of signs of mental or physical abuse. Notice how others care for the person with special needs.

Get support.

  • Seek help from family and friends when you need it.
  • Join a local or online support group. 
  • Expand your search for local and national groups that provide services, recreation, and information for families with special needs, and not just a specific issue.
  • Find out about local, state, federal, or other programs that may be available.

Be an advocate.

  • Ask questions, and know your rights.
  • Become familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and other state and national provisions. Know how and when to apply them to your situation.
  • Inform other caregivers of any special conditions or instructions.  Always remind dental or medical staff of this information each time you visit.   
  • Document the medical history of your family member with special needs, and keep this information current.
  • Make sure your employer understands your circumstances or limitations.  Arrange for flexible scheduling when needed.

Be empowering.

  • Focus on what you and your family member with special needscan do.
  • Recognize appropriate milestones to celebrate.  Look for memorable events and achievements to honor family members with special needs.

Take care of yourself.

  • Stay healthy for yourself and those you care for.
  • Work to maintain your personal interests, hobbies, and friendships.  Balance is key.
  • Set reasonable expectations about caregiving.  This may lower stress and make you a more effective caregiver.
  • Take a break. Short or long breaks can be helpful.

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Content Source: CDC Office of Women's Health
Page last modified: November 3, 2010
Page last reviewed: November 3, 2010